Nov 15, 2006

Nuclear American and Israeli danger

It's spreading nowadays in the world the phrase; 'Iranian nuclear danger'. But regarding to the policy of 'Putting facts in their right places' so I must talk here about the REAL danger which America and Israel represent against the world.

If we looked intensely and deeply and compared the situation of America and Israel from a side, and Iran from the other side we'll find out clearly that America and Israel are representing the real danger on the world this time more than any other country, whether from nuclear side or other sides. And following is why;

Iran said clearly to the world that it aims at owning PEACEFUL nuclear technology,not nuclear bombs, so that solves the problem from the first. And we must notice that many and many states around the world own this kind of peaceful technology and there is not a problem about that.

If some said that not every thing which is said is the fact, so why we believe Israel when it claims that it seek peace however it's daily killing innocent children, daily demolish civil buildings and hospitals, it destroy Palestinian agriculture and cut trees, it don't own the land of Palestine, lately refused a peace conference,..etc, however all these crimes are clearly against peace process.

On the other hand, if we assumed that Iran really seeks the nuclear weapon so there is no problem at all too; for many reasons;

*If Iran owned this weapon so it follows Islamic religion which prevents killing innocents, and prevents using Total destruction weapons which kill every body and destroy every thing. By another way, it won't use it, but it will be achieving the policy of 'Balance of terror' which means that I own a powerful weapon and you own the same weapon so I can't attack you,and you can't attack me. And it's achieved between many states like; Russia and America, Pakistan and India..etc.
As for Israel it really have nuclear bombs but it don't have this protocol which prevents killing innocents, but in contrary their Bible order killing innocents. And on earth they daily kill children,women,old women and men, demolish their homes, cause terror for safe people..etc.
And also America own it and completely support the terrorist state of Israel whether politically,by money or by weapons, in killing innocent sleeping children.

*Israel owns this kind of destructive weapons, and there is no problem at all, We didn't hear any refusal or condemn, or even any mention of Israeli weapons in the CT(Council of Terror), However Israel really use internationally banned weapons, kill innocents ,don't respect any kind of law whether International law or even Human law, and Iran didn't do any of these crimes.
*America is the ONLY state which used nuclear bombs against civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki killing 237,062 of innocent Japanese, and already own this weapon nowadays, and there is no problem also and the West didn't mention a thing about these bombs.

May some say that both of them didn't sign on the International convention of banning the spread of nuclear weapons,so they have the right to own them. So, the reply for this will be in three points;
-Since when Israel and America are respecting International law?!!!!!
America don't respect Geneve convention which prevents dealing with prisoners by force, and delete the humanity of kidnapped citizens who belong to other states in Guantanamo.
America don't respect the 7th article of UN pact which obligates states not to interpose in cases of other states,and obviously consider itself the boss of the world.
Israel and America don't respect the 51th article of UN pact which gives the right to states to defend itself, and don't admit this right to Palestinians and Lebanese.
Israel don't respect the 3rd article of UN pact which obligates states to solve their problems peacefully by the way which don't threaten International Peace,Safety and Justice, and it attacked Lebanon with no reason, and try to solve the conflict in Palestine by force,killing and destruction.
Israel don't respect the 4th article in UN pact which obligates not to break borders between states and not to use force in their international relationships, and it attacked Lebanon and broke its political independence(and still)..
Israel don't respect the UN rule which prevents attacking civilians in war times, and DIRECTLY attack civil Lebanese and Palestinians.
Israel don't respect the UN rule which prevents attacking civil targets in war times, and DIRECTLY attack homes, Electrical stations, Water stations, Bridges, Roads..etc.
So, if they signed it, there will not be a difference and will keep Total destruction weapons.

-Human law don't need any conventions or negotiations, but only those who want peace for the world respect Human law, and using these weapons is clearly against Human law. And America already has used it, and Israel use Internationally banned weapons whether in last war between Lebanese and Israel, or daily against civil Palestinians.

-Why they refuse the signing if they really seek peace as they claim?!!!!!!!

And on the other hand, America is a biased state against other states, and want to be the ONLY magnate in the whole world. And it support Israel in its crimes.

So, I ask the question again;
Which is more dangerous; Israel which steal the land of Palestine, daily kill children, demolish their homes, use force in all its relationships, own and use Internationally banned weapons, don't respect Human and International law,
and America which killed thousands in Japan, support killing innocents, own and used atomic bombs, is biased against justice and peace, and is a real liar by changing the fact that Israel is a real terrorist killing innocents by claiming that it defend itself, and changing the right of Self-Defense and Resistance of Palestinians,Iraqis and Lebanese and calling it Terrorism.
Or Iran which seek development for itself and modern technology, and didn't commit any of these crimes?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nov 12, 2006

The solution of the problem

Screams come from my depth.

A scream of refusal for what Israel is doing since 1948!!!
A scream of amazement for the international silence against killing children and women, old women and demolishing their homes!!!
A scream of hatred towards American administration which give the complete support and permission for killing sleep children in their homes!!!
A scream against international bias against Muslims!!!

Many questions come to my mind daily;
Why the world refuse attacking invaders by Muslim resistant in Palestine,Iraq and Lebanon and call it TERRORISM, and completely accept killing innocent children in Palestine and Lebanon and demolishing their homes, their infrastructure and call it SELF-DEFENCE?!!!!!!

Why America support Israel in killing children in Lebanon and Palestine and say about it: "Israel have the right to defend itself", and refuse the right of Palestinians and Lebanese to kill those who attack them and say about them: "They're terrorists"?!!!!!!!

To defend your country,your kids,your homes, have you to take the permission?!!!!!!!

The solution for this daily killing, daily demolished homes, terror which Palestinians suffer from..etc is one thing,

This thing is putting facts in its right place. Yes, If we knew facts all these problems will be solved. So,let us put the facts in the right place;

If we get back 100 years ago in this area between Jordan,Syria,Lebanon and Egypt,what will we find?!!!!!
We'll find a state called 'Palestine'.
Ok,Let us go forward 50 years,what will we find in the same area?!!!!!
We'll find a state called 'Israel' and there is no 'Palestine'!!!!!!!


That what I meant by putting facts in their right place. The origin in this area is 'Palestine',and just Palestinians who have the right to own the authority on their land,and if any group came trying to rob this authority from them,so they have the right to DEFEND their own land. Right?!!!!

The fact is that groups of Zionists came to Palestine -by the support of England- aiming at stealing the authority from Palestinians, and establish their own state and delete Palestine. This what really happened and what the history tell us.

So,the question now is;
Is passing time delete the right of Palestinians to defend their land against Zionists however any justifying they gain, and however any support by International law, and however any silence form the world?!!!!!!!!!

No. With no doubt,the right to defend your country isn't deleted by any thing, and there is no power or force in whole the world which can stop any body to defend every span of his land,and to sacrifice his soul to purify his state from enemies.

And this what Palestinians are doing since the declaration of this state on their land, since this time;they're defending their land,their children,their women,their old women,their old men,their homes,themselves.

So,there are questions which must be asked here;
What deleted the right of Palestinians to defend themselves?!!!!
What changed the 'Right of Self-defence' to 'A terrorism which must be fought'?!!!!!
Why Palestinians are called 'TERRORISTS' when they defend themselves however they are the owners of the land?!!!!!
Why Israelis are called 'HEROS DEFENDING THEMSELVES' when they kill owners of the land who try to defend their own land, however Israelis are the invaders,true killers and who want to steal an admitted right?!!!!!!

So,the solution will be in a simple sentence;
"Get back the right to his owner"
Is this a hard thing?!!!!!
Is this solution need long and many negotiations?!!!!!

That proves that we're living in a world with many abuse like; Bias, States terrorism, Support of CRIEM by LAW REPRESENTERS, Facts changing, Misguiding of Western peoples ...etc.

Nov 9, 2006

Here is the picturer of the youngest TERRORIST killed by Israeli war machine.



Israeli crimes (Part II)

Another carnage is added to the list of barbaric and terrorist massacre of Israeli war machine against "TERRORIST armless KIDS, WOMEN AND OLD WOMEN".
What happened?!!!!!!!!!!!
Yesterday in the dawn time, kids and their mothers and their grandmothers were in their homes sleeping. But Israeli army attacked them in their homes when they were asleep. And the outcome was 18 killed,among those 18 were 7 of children,and 4 women and injures were more than 40.
Now,what should we do?!!!!!!! What should Muslims do against this blind terrorism against armless children and women and old women?!!!!!!!!!
The world had the ENOUGH POWER and the KIND HEART to CONDEMN this carnage;
EU expressed his 'DEEP SHOCK'.   And Italy said that it's a MASSACRE.    And France condemned the RANDOM RAIDS.
What a powerful reactions against killing innocents and armless children!!!!!!!!  
IF they were Israeli children,the world will shout; "Israel have the right to DEFEND itself, Israelis now have the right to KILL TERRORISTS to set stability, Israel have the right to demolish homes and mosques SEARCHING FOR TERRORISTS."  And the support will reach in the next day to Israel in the image of SMART missiles and rockets.  But when itself kill children,demolish their homes,frighten safe people the world just CONDEMN!!!!!!!
As for American re-action;which is considered the boss of the world,and the most democratic,just and kind state in the world, What was it?!!!!!!!!   It was sorry for that,and advised sides to STAY CALM.   Huh,what this mean?!!!!!!
Do that mean that Palestinians can't DEFEND themselves?!!!!!!!!! Do that mean that Palestinians must freeze themselves towards the blood of their armless kids and women?!!!!!!! Do that mean that Palestinians have to stop without a RE-ACTION towards massacres committed against innocents?!!!!!!!!
I bet that this what American management meant.
Any way, this advice is just useful in one case.  When Palestinians defend themselves they can't defend themselves against Israeli kids.

Nov 6, 2006

The funny judge!!!

Yesterday was the judge of the court against Saddam to be hanged.
I won't say that it's a Just judge,but I'll say that's Funny.  Yes,you read it rightly,
'The judge against Saddam is too FUNNY'
Sure,you're asking Why?!!!
No amazement at all about my view towards this judge,but the amazement must be towards another fact.  I'm talking here about the fact that; 
American government is crying that it set democracy by removing this DICTATOR,KILLER,TYRANT called Saddam as he killed 184 innocent,and was following the policy of the one magnate against his people,and oppressed his people for many years,Right?!!!!!  Isn't this what Americans are justifying their coming to Iraq by?!!!!! Yes,that's right. That's right that this is what happened,and that's right also that Americans justified their coming by these facts.   
But,on the other side,since the American invade to Iraq; 560,000 of Iraqi innocent souls have been killed...And also America is following the policy of the one magnate against the whole world...And oppressed many peoples across the world starting by Japanese people passing by Palestinian people and lately Lebanese people,in addition to oppressing other peoples indirectly.
So,let us have a small compare between the two tyrants;
*184 vs 560,000      Oh,sorry I mean;  184 vs 560,000
*(One magnate policy against a people) vs (One magnate policy against the whole world )
*(Oppressing one people) vs (Oppressing many peoples around the world)
So,I think that if really America seeks justice it would judge on 'those who were responsible of American invade to Iraq' by 3043 hanging judge!!!!!
On the other side,America is very happy by this judge because of its justice,right?!!  So,Isn't it a justice to judge against Israeli criminals in Lebanese war and in Palestinians daily killing to be hanged?!!!! Will America go there to remove the Tyrant Olmert and his government and send them to a court for their crimes against Human and international law?!!!!!!!!      The answer is known,and the reason is one of two;  One is that we're living in a forest where the law is beside and for the sake of FORCE (Israel,America) and against weak (Iraq,Southern Korea..etc).   And the other possibility is that Israel is out of law because of American support.   Which one is the reason?!!! May be both of them.
And another funny thing,is that the time of the judge came during Israeli invasion in Bait Hanon (48 innocents killed, More than 220 injuries, Destruction of civil homes, 40,000 of innocent Palestinians are under breakout, Leak of food, Leak of water).   So it shows clearly and with no doubt,the bias which exists these days in the world. And shows also the false peace which Israel invites to.
So,don't you support me that it's funny?!!!!!

Oct 30, 2006

Israeli crimes (Part I)

Do Israel really want Peace?!!!!!!!
This question is very important. No,it's not just very important,But it's the basic issue in Islamic-Israeli conflict.
Don't wonder that I mentioned 'Islamic-Israeli conflict'  as it's truly against Muslims not only Arabs,not only Palestinians,not only Lebanese,not only Egyptians,not only Syrians....etc.
In this series I'll try to talk about Israeli murders and crimes commited against Muslim children,women,old men and old women and armless.
Yesterday was the 50th memory for one of the Israelis.It's Kafr Qasem massacre.
It was 5 PM o'clock, and the orders were:  "Don't let any moving thing alive"  One of the soldiers asked his boss: "What about those who are returning from their work and don't know about this order"  The answer was:  "May Allah pity them!!!"  One of the officers asked:"And what about injured people?!!!!"  The boss replied: "There won't be injuries!!".
And the buskin started......
The first one to be killed, Was he a soldier holding his weapon defending his village against those criminals?!!!!  Was he an officer in a war?!!!!  Was he a brave man who decided to sacrifice himself to defend his village?!!!!!!!!!      NO.  First victims were four workers returning from their work on their bikes,when they approached they dismounted and walked beside their bikes by a non-suspicious way.  The order was "Don't let any moving thing alive", and the bullets were from about 10-15 M, two of them have been killed,and the third has been injured in his arm and rod and the bike falled on him and he watched the rest of the massacre, as for the fourth;he droped himself on the earth acting death,and then crawled to nearby trees and waited till the dawn, but they didn't left him and bullets have been directed towards him again and he acted death again,then he hided among a school of goats,which its two shepherd have been killed,and finally could escaped to the village.
Some minutes passed after this accident,and many other people of the village arrived, but orders were so clear...and they perfectly did the job....
And the outcome of this massacre was, 48 killed from children,women,old women,old men and men. And injures were the double number of killed.  And ALL OF THEM WERE ARMLESS.
We must notice from the way of killing of those villagers that the target wasn't to keep their safety,whether to protect these invaders themselves againt the DANGER COMING FROM THOSE ARMLESS, and also the target wasn't to punish those poor villagers for a crime they committed without court trial.  But the target was so clear; it was; "SATISFYING KILLING LUST"
And who have another target for killing those armless innocents who have been killed on their land,can mention it.
For honesty;I must mention that not all patrols in other villages did the same crime,but they were flexible enough to let OWNERS OF THE LAND TO ENTER THEIR VILLAGES SAFELY without shooting them.
Also for honesty;I must mention that criminals who committed this massacre have been sent to court.
And for more honesty; we must know that they have been punished SEVERELY, and there weren't one dispatch between all judges. By another word;48 innocents have been killed without killing one of those who murdered them. 
So merciful, So just, So peaceful, right?!!!!!
For more information; Click here.

Oct 14, 2006

American crisis in Iraq

Your real image has been revealed in Iraq. Always you claimed that you're dimocracy and mercy inviters but your image is now so clear. And you claimed that you came to search for nuclear weapons,however you came to invade Iraq and steal its oil.

Note: Not me who drew this cartoon,but it has been sent on my e-mail,and I had a small change in it.

Advantages and disadavntages of American existence in Iraq

It's a must to say a right word now after more than 3 years for American army on Iraqi lands.We aren't here to analyse,but just to tell facts.
If we started by disadvantages,we can speak till the morning;
*'After American soldiers came, authority gone.'
We can say it like that;and it's completely right,Iraqi authority has been destroyed after the coming of 'DEMOCRACY HOLDERS BY WEAPONS' ,and 'A country without any kind of authority is on it's way to a complete destruction .'  Didn't Americans know about this fact before removing Saddam?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*'After American soldiers came, sectarian turbulence started.'
The relation here is no doubt right; America came so the turbulence started. And if we searched in history we'll find that Sunna and Shi'a lived for hundreds of years together in peace,love and cooperation and without this horrible turbulence even when Saddam was the ruler, but if we looked after 3 years after the coming of  'LOVE HOLDERS BY WEAPONS' we can see daily bombings,daily killings,daily destruction,daily new orphans and widows,daily depression in a new home......etc ALL after the coming of those soldiers.  And if you don't believe you can see before and after American army coming to Iraq.
*'After American soldiers came, 500,000 of Iraqis have been killed.'
Sure,you know about this information, but it still early for the TWO NUMBERS. I mean here the number of Japanese civilians killed by American two nuclear bombs which was 155,000,and the second is the number of those innocents killed by similar people to Americans which is called Rapiers who killed 800,000.   Are those considered by some people 'MERCY HOLDERS'?!!!!!!!!!
As for advantages,here you're ALL advantages you can extract from the deep analyse to the existence of American army and weapons on Iraqi lands..

Sep 18, 2006

Pope crisis

Sure,you know about what Pope Benedict XVI said about Islam,
In Germany he was lecturing about Mind and Religion and that they can't be separated and their necessity for true speech between religions, and he quoted a speech between a Byzantine emperor and a Persian Muslim literate,and the Pope said here:'And the emperor talked about Jihad -Holy war- and the emperor said -and here I'm quoting what he said- :'Show me a new thing which Mohammad came by,and here you won't find except all what is evil and non-humanical like his orders to spread Islam by sword edge '.And he repeated twice that he is quoting what the emperor said, but he didn't reveal clearly if he accept or refuse it. Then he continued explaining in details why spreading the belief by violence is against mind.
Sure,Muslims got angry because of these words and its vague intention.
The Vatican hurried to present an apology,and the next day the Pope himself apologized FOR the angry reaction towards his words,and for the misunderstanding of them.
I won't talk about any of his words but the problem here is that who said them are the biggest head for Catholics,and he is the religious leader for them,and he is called 'Holiness'..all these must make him very careful towards his words and must choose them very well.
On the other hand what means that he was just quoting these words and that they don't represent his point of view?!!!!!!
It's out of logic to say that, because when a man quote words,so this is for one of two reasons; because they are representing his point of view, or to show another point of view which he reject. And the problem here is that he didn't rejected the emperor's words, or proofed that Islam didn't spread by sword but by its best teachings.
And if he wanted to talk about Islam.. 
Why he didn't say that all Muslims admit freedom of religion,and that Islam don't force others to convert it?!!!!!!!
Why he didn't say that Qur'an says: "Let there be no compulsion in religion..."?!!!!!!!!
Why he didn't mention the reply of the Muslim Persian?!!!!!!!!
Why he didn't say that Islam came by what Christianity and Judaism didn't came by like mixing between spiritually and materialism,between light of mind and light of revelation,balance between individual and society,between rights and duties,inviting to cooperation among nations and peoples,give woman her dignity as a human,female,wife,mother,sister,daughter and a member in society..etc?!!!!!!!!!
Why he didn't say that Islam didn't make victory by sword but made victory against sword which has been raised against it since its first announcement?!!!!!!
Why he didn't say that Qur'an says: "Invite (all) to the Way of thy Lord with wisdom and beautiful preaching; and argue with them in ways that are best and most gracious..... "?!!!!!!
And,if he was talking about violence;
Why he didn't talked about Crusade wars (1096:1291) which were under name of the Cross and which caused many kills and a lot of destruction for Islamic state and was a great example of terrorism and barbarism?!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why he didn't quote Bushi words: "This crusade, this war on terrorism is going to take a while"?!!!!!!!!
Why he didn't talked about crimes of Christian Americans in Iraq and Afghanistan?!!!!!!!!!
Why he didn't talk about Christians who forced non-Christians in Al-Andalus to convert Christianity?!!!!!!!!!
Why he didn't quoted texts from Old Testament like: "..thou shalt smite every male thereof with the edge of the sword .." Deuteronomy Chapter 20:(10-13),or "..Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him  Numbers Chapter 31:(17,18)or "..thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth , 17 but thou shalt utterly destroy them.." Deuteronomy Chapter 20:(16,17) ?!!!!!!!
Why he didn't talked about Jewish crimes against Muslims in Palestine and Lebanon?!!!!!!!!!!!
Why he didn't talk about what Christian Europeans do against owners of American lands?!!!!!!!
So,I think that if he really wanted a start point for his speech about mind and faith,and how violence affect the relation between them,he could quote a text from Old Testament, not to quote words which represent a fake about peace religion.
On the other hand,if we compared Islamic and Christian belief; we'll see that Christianity says: 'Believe then have knowledge', 'Believe blindly' and 'Go blind and follow me' and this is clear from the belief of Trinity and making Prophet Jesus as a  God .
But if we looked at Islamic teachings we'll find out that having knowledge comes before faith,and that thinking fruits faith,and will find verses like: "Behold! in the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the alternation of night and day,- there are indeed Signs for men of understanding,- *  Men who celebrate the praises of Allah, standing, sitting, and lying down on their sides, and contemplate the (wonders of) creation in the heavens and the earth, (With the thought): "Our Lord! not for naught Hast Thou created (all) this! Glory to Thee! Give us salvation from the penalty of the Fire "
And if we believed that these words don't represent his opinion,so Is it a good thing to repeat the revile after the bad man says it?!!!!!!!!!!!
It's like: 'What he said was too bad,but I'm repeating it'
Islam teaches us not to revile anybody,as Qur'an says: " Revile not ye those whom they call upon besides Allah..."
So,I say to him,if you opened an issue,clarify it as a whole,especially when it's sensitive,and will hurt others feelings.

Sep 12, 2006

What are you judging?!!!

 There was in a past era of the history a wise man,he had a lot of good ethics,he was honest and always helping people and feel sympathy towards weak,he never tell lie,he never steal,he never drink,he never harlot,he never hurt others,he never oppress another person..generally he was a good man who reaches the level of idealism.
This man always ordered his sons to follow him,and to be good ethiced like him,many of his sons followed him.
 Years passed and the man died and the descendants still ordering their sons to follow the great grandfather teachings,many descendants followed the right teachings of their grandfather,but some of them were thinking that they were following his teachings,but they were so far away from them,they were telling lie,hurting others,stealing money of others,and oppressing others,...
 People from other families saw those bad descendants,and thought that those are representing teachings of this grandfather,and that also this grandfather is bad.
They hurried without thinking,and made a wrong judgement,and judged teachings of this man through bad deeds of his sons,however if they get back to documents of this grandfather they will find that he is a good man and have great teachings.
 This story is the same with Islam;
The man is Prophet Mohammad,his descendants are Muslims and people from other families are Non-Muslims.
Prophet Mohammad came with the message of Islam which is inviting to peace,love,cooperation,kindness among all people,his message was ordering not to hurt others,not to steal,drink,harlot,oppress,and this message is organizing all aspects of life from the private life of a Muslim,passing by his relations with others whether Muslims or Non-Muslim which is built on justice and kindness,and also is organizing the worship way,and many other aspects,and finally is organizing the Islamic state economically,politically,socially..etc.
And it was and still the best protocol of life for a neutral person,but in recent ages some persons or groups committed under name of Islam some deeds like bombing themselves killing innocents and some things like that which are very far from Islamic teachings and its origin.
 Non-Muslim in non-Islamic countries saw those people who are killing innocents under name of Islam and hurried and made a judgement on whole Islamic religion and said that it's a religion of terrorism.They didn't give themselves the opportunity to read teachings of Islam,and read Qur'an,and teachings of prophet Mohammad(PBUH).
As for some others who read some verses Qur'an and some teachings of Prophet Mohammad they also hurried,they truly read them,but they didn't give themselves the opportunity to understand what they are reading,and why this verse or this teaching has been mentioned,and its intended meaning,they didn't read when Muslims perform the order in it and when they don't perform it,and how it's performed,and also they didn't read about sayings of Foqaha'(Muslim scholars)about these verses not justifying it but explaining them.
So a last word; Judging a religion,philosophy or thinking isn't an easy thing,but to judge a thing you must and have to be very neutral , you must judge it through its teachings not through acts of its followers because you're then judging acts of its followers not it.
And I insist in this point;you must look at what you're judging, if you're judging Islam so look at its teachings taken from Qur'an and Sunnah, but if you're going to judge deeds of Muslims so look at deeds of good Muslims same like you look at deeds of bad Muslims.

Sep 11, 2006

9\11 -


This was my first reaction towards violent attacks against World Trade Centers(WTC).

BUT..When I though about it;
How many little boy lost his mother?!!!!
How many little girl lost her father?!!!
How many wife lost her husband?!!!!
How many husband lost his wife?!!!
How many family lost its son or daughter?!!!!
How many sons became orphans?!!!
How many wives became widows?!!!!
I said to myself that those poor men and women who have been killed in these horrible attacks aren't soldiers fighting in a battleground against innocents,nor they are the enemy..they were just employes on their offices or innocent citizens need some kind of advantage,
Whatever they believe in,
Whatever their nationalities were,
Whatever their politicians is helping a terrorist state...
Whatever their politicians and army committed against innocents in other states,
Whatever they were Muslims,Christians,Jewish,Buddhist or even have no religion or philosophy,
Just because they're human so they have the admitted right to live safely.
On humanical level,these attacks are barbaric,savage,terrible,horrible,awful,violent and must affect any who have a heart.
And those criminals who commit these attacks are no doubt savages,barbarous and don't have a mind nor a heart,and I'm sure that their punishment will be severe.

As for political level,these attacks are very useful and so good,SURE for American and Israeli dirty and sordid targets.
That's because after these attacks they created the word TERRORISM to fight against and to be a peg for any illogical dirty crimes against humanity like Israeli crimes in Palestine and Lebanon,American crimes against humanity in Iraq,Afghanistan and Guantanamo..
Also they were the lightest of WAR AGAINST ISLAM which started hidden under the name of WAR AGAINST TERRORISM..
Add to this that the wave of hatred against every what is Islamic started after these attacks,and also the wave of defacing Islam.
And for these reasons I won't wonder if I knew that Americans and Israelis have the biggest hand in these attacks.
A last thing I want to add;It's why my first reaction was the happiness?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's not because I love disasters for others,but because I hate American policy in our Islamic lands,so I did the wrong and though that every what is American is bad,and that American people is like its politicians,but after I thought I reached the truth that Not because the government of a people is bad so that means that the people governed by this bad government is bad,but in contrary,it may be very good.
On the other hand,I mustn't be happy for disasters which happen for others.

Sep 6, 2006

Said America

In a speech for this bush,he described AhamadiNegad as a TYRANT,and compared it by Al-Qaida.

Ha Ha Haaaaaaaaaa

So,let us have a little compare between what Iran did,and what Israel did..

Iran wanted to develop itself and use a new source of energy.    That just what it did.

As for Israel;it killed more than 1000 of Lebanese babies,children,old men,women,civilians.It demolished many and many of habitation apartments.It destroyed more than 60 bridges,roads,hospitals,Electrical stations,Water stations..etc.It is occupying another state since 1948.It's daily killing Palestinian children and youths.Add to these crimes against humanity that it used internationally banned weapons,and didn't respect 1701 resolution,or international law.
On the other hand,Israel really has atomic bombs,and Iran don't have but in contrary the religious leader in it said that Islam banes using this kind of wide destructive weapons.

So to sum up;a state which didn't do any thing and there is not a drop of blood which it caused to leak,and another state which has a history stained by blood of thousands of children,babies,women and is built on bodies of owners of the land.And the first is accused by terrorism.

So if I have the right to ask a question;
How are you describing who kill children and women and demolish their homes Mr.Bush?!!!!!!
Let me guess the answer;
"If he is doing these crimes under Islam name so he is fascist,radical,barbarian,terrorist,violent,..etc.
But if it was Israel it's defending itself."
 Said America.

This is clearly a double-standard measure against every what is Islamic,and against every state seeks development.And blind bias towards the terrorist Israel.And the most important thing is that it's a big proof on the forthcoming ending of current American government.

Aug 31, 2006

Steve & Olaf

 You should know about their story,a group call itself 'Kata'eb Al-Gihad Al-Moqadas' kidnapped those poor journalists and asked America to free all Muslims in its prisons in 72 hours,and the two jouranlists have been forced to say that they are Muslims,Steve became Khaled and Olaf became Ya3kob.Huh.  How silly!!!!!
Yes,it's so silly for many reasons;
Silly becasue they kidnapped two and asked to free many Muslims.
Silly becasue they kidnapped press elements which are helping them and are spreading crimes of Israel to the world.
Silly because they forced them to say that they convert Islam.
Silly because it was so clear in the video that they weren't converting Islam and it wasn't by their heart.
Islam isn't reached by guns and bombs or even by forcing,but it must enter your heart after the full conviction that it's the right path,and Islam says clearly that :"Let there be no compulsion in religion.." 2:256
As for this group I have three messages for you:
*You don't understand Islam at all,which verse ordered you to force others to convert Islam?!!!!.
*Couldn't you notice that they weren't converting Islam,but just reading what you have written for them?!!
*Don't you know that they are helping you?!!!!!! And with this stupid kidnapping process you are frighting other journalists to come to Palestine and spread Israeli crimes against your children and women..etc.
As for Steve and Olaf I have one message:
I respected you for two reasons;
*The first thing is that after releasing you,you announced that you aren't Muslims,but you just did that to be released.There is no body who can force you to change what you believe in.
*The second reason is that you have a noble task in Palestine and you're doing it as better as you can,and there is no difference between you and a resistan holding his gun against terrorist Israelis and any kind of terrorism against innocents.

Aug 27, 2006

The advantage of being an Arab in America

A funny joke express so well the risk of being an Arab in America.
An old Arab lived close to New York City for more than 40 years.One day, he decided that he would love to plant potatoes and herbs in his garden,but he knew he was alone and too old and weak. His son was in college in Paris, so the old man sent him an e-mail explaining the problem:"Beloved son, I am very sad, because I can't plant potatoes in my garden.I am sure, if only you were here, that you would help me and dig up the garden for me. I love you, your father."The following day, the old man received a response e-mail from his son:"Beloved father, please don't touch the garden. That is where I have hidden 'the THING.' I love you, too, Ahmed."At 4pm the FBI and the Rangers visited the house of the old man and took the whole garden apart, searching every inch. But they couldn't find anything. Disappointed, they left the house.The next day, the old man received another e-mail from his son:"Beloved father, I hope the garden is dug up by now and you can plant your potatoes. That is all I could do for you from here. Your loving son, Ahmed".
Sure it didn't happen,but I'm sure that real stories like it happen daily.(a War aginst terrorism)huh

Note: The joke isn't by me, but I just copied and posted it from another blog.

Aug 21, 2006

Why an Israeli kills?!!!!!

It's an important question,which must be asked,
Why Israelis kill Palestinian children,old men,old women,women and men?!!
 After I thought for some time I found a general reason why Israelis kill all those innocents and a reason for every one of them..
 Israelis kill all of them because they are Jewish and who read corrupted Torah(Old Testament) will find out terroristic texts.And I think that Jewish since their coming to Palestine have been very FAITHFUL and follow their corrupted Torah very well.
I'm not biased at all,but you can read Torah and you'll find texts like:
"..10 When thou drawest nigh unto a city to fight against it, then proclaim peace unto it. 11 And it shall be, if it make thee answer of peace, and open unto thee, then it shall be, that all the people that are found therein shall become tributary unto thee, and shall serve thee. 12 And if it will make no peace with thee, but will make war against thee, then thou shalt besiege it. 13 And when the LORD thy God delivereth it into thy hand, thou shalt smite every male thereof with the edge of the sword .."  Deuteronomy Chapter 20:(10-13) 
Also read this:"..17 Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. 18 But all the women children, that have not known man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves..." Numbers Chapter 31:(17,18)
And also you can find:"..16 Howbeit of the cities of these peoples, that the LORD thy God giveth thee for an inheritance, thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth , 17 but thou shalt utterly destroy them.." Deuteronomy Chapter 20:(16,17)

 So we mustn't wonder at all from what Israelis are doing in their relations with Palestine and Lebanon.Just Blind force,Violence and Blood which rules these relations. Kill,rape,burn,demolish,destroy,lie and the dictionary is full are words which Israelis teach their children and themselves perform against Muslim children and women.
 As for private reasons;

Kill a children because he's growing up,and will be TERRORIST(Resistant) in the future,so let us prevent him from being TERRORIST and kill him now.
On the other hand a faithful Jewish kill children but don't break limits,Torah orders you JUST to kill male children as for female you can rape them but to kill female, NO WAY,be FAITHFUL.
Kill an old man or an old woman because he\she will narrate your story to his\her descendants(who you've killed) and how you came to their lands, and will LIE on them saying that you steal their lands and that they must resist against you,and this is bad for you,so kill them.
Kill a woman becsue she will bear children,who'll be TERRORISTS in the future,so why don't we prevent she from bearing those MURDERS and kill her now?!!!!!!
Kill men because they're your biggest problem,they're threating safety of our poor citizens,because they're still thinking that we stole their lands,whenever they still alive they will still bothering you,so use your only solution for your problems, Kill them to release yourselves.

Aug 20, 2006


However it's a game,but it represents two things:
*It represents how the world hate this American semi-man
*It also represents his reality and his forthcoming end.
Click here to play it

Aug 19, 2006

Thank you ......

I'd like to send some thanks for some sides;

Firstly I'd like to thank Israel that it proved for the world that Jewish since their birth don't respect any kind of law,conventions or resolutions and that they are a people which is a trouble maker..
   *They didn't respect the convention betweeen prophet Mohammad and them in Al-Madina and tried to kill him PBUH.
   *They tried to make a war between Muslims in Al-Madina.
      *They incited infidels to make a war against Muslims in the era of the prophet and it was Al-Ahzab foray.

They broke the convention between prophet Mohammad and them and helped infidels in their wars against Muslims.
   *In England they were trouble makers, and for that reason England decided to fire them away of it and they established a national homeland for them in Palestine. 
   *They broke human law which obligates in wars not to kill children,women and civilians or to destroy their homes.
   *They broke international law which obligates a state in war time not to destroy habitation apartments,hospitals and civil institutions.
   *They broke international law when they kidnapped Palestinian and Lebanese civilians.
   *They broke international law and Geneve convention so and very clearly when they kidnapped more than 60 of Palestinian ministers,surrogatres and leaders in the government.
   *They broke international law when Israeli army entered Lebenese lands.
   *They are breaking international law by their daily attacks against Palestinians.
   *They broke 1701 resolution when they attacked Lebanon again after few days from accepting it from both sides.

Then I'd like to a provide a big thank for who represent international law in the world specially Terror Council and Straied Nations for some favors..
   *By your silence towards all these Israeli crimes and your fighting against Iran,Iraq,Northern Korea however they didn't do a real thing in contrary of Israel which commit many crimes and broke your law which you represnt,by this you're assuring for any free man that you're just an American establishments built to set its authority on the world and to achieve Israeli targets on Islamic lands and that you're so biased to Israel and don't follow the policy of neutralization which is required for any law representer.
   *A real favor you did and I really and truly thank you for it;I mean that you didn't condemn what Israel did on Lebanese lands from killing children,destroying their homes,destroying hospitals,destroying Lebanese infrastructure ..etc and restricted the issue on those couple of captured soldiers;whether you put the responsibility of this destruction on Israel nor you call what Israel did in Lebanon even a 'BAD' thing.Also Israel kidnapped 64 Palestinian ministers,surrogatres and leaders from the government,demolished official buildings of the Palestinian government,daily is killing Palestinian children and civilians,daily is attacking by fighters civil targets,re-occupation of Gaza..etc all becasue of a soldier captured and also you didn't hit Israel on its hands saying to it : "IT WAS BAD,DON"T REPEAT IT",so all this means that when Palestinians declare open war against Israel you won't keep silence but becasue of this little equation(Capturing 3 soldiers VS killing 1084 of civilians,destroyinging about160 bridges,displacing fifth of Lebanese people,destroying hospitals,destroying more than 7000 of hapitation units in Lebanon and kidnapping more than 60 of politicians,demolishing buildings of the government,killing civilians,attacking civil targets in Palestine )So if I made this equation,I can reach that you'll support Resistance in Palestine and Lebanon instead of keeping silence.

Also "Thank you America that you revealed your real face for any man who have a mind"

Aug 14, 2006


A cheat which I and majority of Muslims expected.It came in a white cloth,but it's more black than a night with no moon or stars.And here you're some notes about 1701 resolution and why it's a dirty and bloody resolution which is added to the black list and why CS is just a constitute used to achieve dirty aims of Israel and its underling America.....
First lie is "..since Hizbollah's attack on Israel on 12 July 2006, which has already caused hundreds of deaths .."
From the way of this phrase,you have the impression that Hizbollah is the one who killed children in Qana,killed women and old men,desmolised civil apartments,destroyed Lebanese infrastructure which has been built in 50 years..etc.And this is a clear lie,because Hizbollah's operation was in Israel  against Israeli army not in Lebanon against Lebanese civilians, and also if we looked at the issue that it's a re-action from Israel,also it still a lie,because this re-action wasn't appropriate with Hizbollah's operation, and also if we put in consideration that Israel is a stupid and blind-powerful state which uses its weapons without any discrimination between civil and military,Israel still the one who started this war.
Also do you know what means that CS put the responsibility of all this destruction on Hizbollah?!!!!
That means that Lebanon can't ask a piaster from Israel to re-build what it had destroyed!!!!!And also can't ask for a judge against Israeli officers as War Criminals.
On the other hand,Israel have the right to ask Lebanon to re-build for it what Hizbollah's missiles have done in Israel!!!
Second cheat is "..the unconditional release of the abducted Israeli soldiers.."
WOW!!!   And what about the kidnapped Lebanese in Israeli prisons?!!!!!!!!!!!
Third is "Mindful of the sensitivity of the issue of prisoners and encouraging the efforts aimed at urgently settling the issue of the Lebanese prisoners detained in Israel"
In any law,the word 'Prisoner' refers to the person which is set in prison of the state which he belongs to,because of a crime he committed.    But those poor Lebanese whether they were Israelis,nor those children and women committed a crime or those men except resisting Israeli occupation to Lebanese lands. So it's a clear changing of facts.
And on the other hand,this article didn't put an actual solution for the problem of those kidnapped Lebanese(which is the original issue), but just said that it's a good thing and merciful from Israel to condescend and let those children get back to their mothers.
Fourth is "..deploy a Lebanese armed force of 15,000 troops in south Lebanon as the Israeli army withdraws behind the .."
So that's the right of the Israeli army to still on Lebanese lands!!!!!! For that reason,Israeli army won't let Lebanese lands till Lebanese army comes.
Fifth cheat is "Calls for a full cessation of hostilities based upon, in particular, the immediate cessation by Hezbollah of all attacks and the immediate cessation by Israel of all offensive military operations"
So why Hizbollah have to stop all its attacks of any kind and under any name,but Israel have to stop just its offensive military operations?!!!!!!!!!!
That means so simply,that Israel has the right in the future to attack Lebanon under the lie called 'Self-defence'.
Sixth is "Monitor the cessation of hostilities"
Sorry,but I'd like to ask what do they mean by 'Hostilities'?!!!!!!!
It's a flexible word,which can be understood by many meanings. I think that if they said "Monitor the cessation of all military works from both sides", will be more clear. But they just want to open a way for Israel in the future to do what it want.
Sure there is more lies and more cheats but I didn't notice them....

Aug 11, 2006


  America see that what Israel is doing now in Lebanon is a CHANGE process for the Middle East,but when you have a look at Israeli deeds you'll find is that it's just killing children,women,old men,injured & demolishing homes of civilians & destroying infrastructure of Lebanese state(Water stations, Electricity stations,roads,bridges,Communication towers..etc) & attacking hospitals & occupying additional Lebanese lands & displacing fifth of Lebanese people away from their homes & increasing number of widows and orphans & attacking UN places & preventing food and medical supplies to reach injured & attacking displaced peoplerefusing to stop fire...etc   and generally breaking human and international law.
 In fact I don't wonder that American politicians see that it's the appropriate way to change.It's simply because FORCE has always been the way which Americans follow to change...
It's since its fatal dawn on the world and it's using FORCE to change...
  • Aren't Europeans who were the first seed of American people who exterminated(by FORCE) a whole people who owns lands of America to CHANGE it to a homeland for them?!!!!!!!
  • Aren't American people who slaved(by FORCE) a lot and a lot of free Africans to work in their farms and to CHANGE America to a productive state?!!!!!
  • Isn't it America who is the only state which used the atomic bomb(which is FORCE) to end WWII and to CHANGE its results for its side killing 120,000 of Japanese including 95% of civilians, and after years another 60,000 was killed affected by its atomic rays?!!!!!!!
  • Isn't it America which have one way to set democracy and to CHANGE in other states(Iraq,Afghanistan,..etc) which is FORCE?!!!!!!!!
  • Isn't it America who refuse to order its Israel to stop killing children and demolishing their homes because Israel is CHANGING in Middle East?!!!!!!

So we can get one American rule from these facts.......

"To change, you have to use force"
So,If this is American way to change?!!!!!! So,I hope from all my heart that America be CHANGED so soon....And it will be better if this CHANGING PROCESS started by the American president and its government and all who loves this CHANGING way for other peoples.......

Aug 9, 2006

How civilized!!!!

"To change, you have to destroy
To develop, you have to kill children
To go forward, you have to demolish habitation apartments
To have your own stability, you have to displace hundred thousands away from their homes
To be safe, you have to frighten others
To be beautiful, you have to deface others
To raise your state, you have to destroy other states
To keep your citizens safe, you have the right to delete other states citizens right in safety
To reach pEaCe, you can kill,demolish,steal,burn..etc
To prevail the world, you have to steal others rights and lands
To reach your aim, you have the right to use any way whether legal or not
To be happy, you have to cause sadness for others"
     America and Israel said.
"To change, you have to build yourself then your society by good ethics and hard working
To develop, you have to be merciful
To go forward, you have to build factories and farmes
To have your own stability, you have to live with others in Peace and Love
To be safe, you have to hope safety for others
To be beautiful, you have to present others beauty
To raise your state, you have to live in peace beside your neighbours
To keep your citizens safe, you have to keep other states citizens safe too
To reach Peace, you have to be peaceful
To prevail the world, you have to give every one his right
To reach your aim, you have to use just legal way
To be happy, you have to share this happiness with others"
    Islamic religion said.
And I say: "No compare between that false CiViLiZaTiOn and this great civilization"

Aug 1, 2006


Yesterday I was in a very bad mood,my morale state reached its lowest level.More than a hundered of civilians killed,about half Million of civilians have been displaced from their homes,food and medeicne can't reach to injures and people under raids.And a thing which affected me so much,on Al-Jazeera channel a civilian from a Lebanese country under raids was saying: "We'll keep immovable,but we just need 6 hours to buy food and medicine!!" They can't even go out their homes to buy food for their hungry children!!!
I didn't bear to keep watching TV,there is no thing new,just the continuos killing and demolishing.
Many thougths and questions came to my mind....Why this is happening?!!! Why the world is watching the killing and displacing of civilians silently?!!! Why there is not a real action to stop Israel from attacking civil targets?!!! Why Israel isn't afraid from a punishment?!!! Why and why and why......?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I kept thinking amazed from this situation in Lebanon and Palestine.I was amazed from the Israeli way in solving a problem,I was amazed that the world is silent and watching without a severe action to stop Israel,I was amazed that I saw Palestinian people punished by the whole world becuse it choosed its government but when Israel attack civilians No body talk about a punishment,......I was really amazed.
After a long thinking I reached the truth.The truth which explain all these facts and its secrets.
The fact is that we're living in a wide 'Forest' called 'World'. In this forest,the law which judge is 'The law of Force'.If you have a stolen right,you can't get back it till you use Force.Under this law you may be safe in your home and suddenly a stronger neighbour may come and fire you and kill your children and wife and if you went to the court,the judger will say:'He's stronger,the right is for him'.In this forest you must be always afraid,because whether the justice is with you nor your neighbour who has one aim which is;Stealing your right.In this forest just force which can solve problems.In this forest there is No peace and No safety,just there is Fear.
When I reached that this world is a forest,I knew why there is a double-standard measure,if the country was weak;it must be punished severly whether it did wrong or not,but if the state has powers and force you can't get close whether it did wrong or even removed a state away from the earth.

Jul 30, 2006


And the carnage repeated...
The first carnage was in 18 April 1996,
The story is that about 800 of poor civilians escaped from the savage and barbaric attacks against them called "Operation Grapes of Wrath" and ran away to the UNIFIL compound thinking that Israeli army won't attack them there,and thinking that if they didn't respect the Law Humanity which prevents killing innocents so they may respect the International Law,but barbaric nations don't respect any kind of law,so they didn't left them safe,and made heavy attacks against them in the compound and killed 106 of civilians including majority of children and women,and a lot of injures,and because of these heavy attacks 18 of killed were buried with no name.
Elements of CS gathered to CONDEMN these barbaric,terroristic,savage and brutish attacks against innocent civilians,but the most merciful and the most just state named USA used its Vito to prevent this CONDEMN.
Click here for more information
And now,In 30 July 2006,in the same place,
The story repeated,poor civilians escaped from Israeli attacks on their homes in neighbour villages to Qana in a three superposes civil building,but the most terroristic state and the heart looser army attacked this building and killed 55 civilian including a big majority of babies,children,old men and women.
And the most silly thing,Israel said:"Hizbollah is the responsible" 
May be Hizbollah elements were in fighters which attacked those children?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Who knows?!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The most important thing in this story is that it's not written in books or narrated to little children,neither those little children saw it,nor lived it,BUT...........they died through it.

Jul 29, 2006

Do Israel want Peace?!!!!

  After three weeks since Hizbollah captured the 2 soldiers,and since Israel started its barbaric attacks against Lebanon; we must stop and have an overall view at the situation in Lebanon.
My analyze will depend on a main question:
Do Israel want Real Peace?!!!!!!!!!
Sure,absolutely and with no doubt Israel don't want Peace by its real meaning which includes condition of Un-war,safety for the area and the most important getting back rights.
And reasons why Israel refuse Peace and that it seeks just war and unsettlement in the area are:
  • The reason why Hizbollah captured the soldiers from the first was making a peaceful exchange process by Lebanese citizens kidnapped in Israeli prisons, and that Israel didn't release all prisoners in exchange process year 2003,and it said so clearly that it was the reason,and showed the complete readiness to make this process .And on the Israeli side they refused the peaceful exchange process pegging that Hizbollah is a group of terrorists ,However same Israel did more than one exchanging process before with same Hizbollah in years 1996,1998 and 2004. Click here for more information about history of exchanging prisoners between Hizbollah and Israel.
  • When Israel started to revenge for capturing its soldiers,it started by attacking children and civil targets not Hizbollah soldiers,whcih its called in International Law 'War crimes'. (I'm killing terrorist children,and destroying your infrastructure)
  • Israel prevented food and medical supplies to reach people under crisis.(I won't let you eat or cure your injured brothers)
  • Israeli fighters attacked displaced people.(Wherever you go,I'll still attacking you.You -civilians- can't escape form me)
  • Israel attacked UN residency.(I don't care for any Law representers)
  • Israel refused to give 72 hours for Lebaneses to cure themselves and remove bodies.(Don't dream that I'll give you safety)
  • Israel broke the 33rd of UN pact which says that problems are solved firstly by negotiations (which Hizbollah invited to from the first) ,mediation (which Hizbollah also invited to from the first) or peaceful ways..etc,and in the same time invited for the application of 1559 UN decree(I don't care for International Law,It's set to be performed on others not on me)
  • Honest underling of Israel called America said:'It's not the appropriate time to stop fire'. (It's not the time to stop savage Israel from killing children and destroying Lebanon)
So I let you judge,
 *Do you think that who kill children,women and civilians intently and don't offer an apologize seeks peace?!!!!!!
 *Do you think that who don't respect International Law seeks stability for the area?!!!!!!
 *Do you think that who have a double-standard measure seeks justice?!!!!!!
 *Do you think that who understand 'Peace' as the full surrender from the other side and delivering his admitted right to it seeks real peace?!!!!!!
 *Do you think that who don't accept to give a time for the other side to cure his civilians seeks safety for others?!!!!!!
 *Do you think that who target civil targets seeks peace?!!!!!
 *Do you think that who revenge for capturing 2 soldiers by destroying a whole state seeks peace?!!!!!!
 *Do you think that who attack displaced people seeks safety and peace for them?!!!!!
 *Do you think that who have an underling who says 'Keep killing children and destroying what Lebanon built in 50 years ,and here you're my weapons'  really seeks peace?!!!!!!
 *Do you think that who call 'Resistance' -> 'Terrorism' seeks peace?!!!!!!
I can't lie on myself after all these facts and claim that Israel seeks peace...
My reply for all these questions in three words:
Israel seeks War
So what should Muslims do with this enemy which seeks war?!!!!!!!
Islam teaches us always to seek peace and order us to be peaceful with all people,but who understand Peace as the condition of Un-War is so wrong,because this condition of Un-War is in the same time is Un-Peace which is called 'Truce',and it include that rights haven't been taken yet and justice haven't been set yet.
But peace in Islam means getting back rights beside safety for the world which is built on exchanged trust.
And Islam admit also the right of self-defence; who attack you aiming at stealing your right,you've the right to resist him till you get back your right,BUT Islam put here a great and important rule in self-defence,it's :
"Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for Allah loveth not transgressors. " 2:190
It means that you truly have the right to defend yourselves,but not the right to kill children,women,oldmen,priests and who don't fight you or to cut a tree or to kill an animal,and generally it means not to break limits of war in Islam.
May some after all that say that Peace must prevail,and two wrongs don't make right,children lives are more important than any other thing.....etc.
So I reply them;
Will the thief get back the stolen thing so easily?!!!!!!!!!!
Sure NO,He stole it and he knew that it's wrong to steal things of others but he stole it,and he didn't steal it to get it back but to own it.
So let us look at Israel,it know so well that killing civilians is a crime ,breaking borders of neighbour states is another crime and that kidnapping citizens of another state is also a crime,So will it so easily apologize for those crimes and release Lebaneses kidnapped citizens?!!!!!!!!
Sure NO.
OK,We'll assume that it'll apologize for those killed children and share in rebuilding destroyed infrastructure in Lebanon and release Lebanese citizens kidnapped in its prisons,Then there is another point;Israel don't respect International Law and think that it's set to be performed on others not on it,
So do you still think that p ę@ Ċe will be the solution?!!!!!!!
However all these previous facts,if Israel showed that it really want Real peace,So Muslims then are ordered to be peaceful with it
" But if the enemy incline towards peace, do thou (also) incline towards peace, and trust in Allah.... " 8:61
,and Hizbollah repeated its offer to make the peaceful exchange process.

The most silly play

They prevented us to sleep and dream....They burnt the mosque and killed doves..........
After all this oppression they are saying 'Peace'....
They killed my father and slaied my mother and left me sink in my blood......O my mother come and hug me,let me sleep on your heart................
After they killed our happiness,they're saying 'Peace' which will treat our injures.......
This is a part of an Islamic song in Arabic...
  After three weeks from terroristic Israeli attacks against immovable Lebanon,more than 400 civilians are killed,many babies,children and women have been killed,internationally banned weapons have been used against civilians,about 700000 of civilian have been displaced from their homes,displaced people have been attacked,displaced people belongings have been destroyed,many injures,a lot of habitation apartments have been demolished,a lot of bridges have been destroyed,a lot of roads have been cut,Water and Electricity stations have been damaged,Communication towers have been destroyed,Israeli army entered Lebanese lands...... and still.
  After all these crimes against humanity,after breaking of iNtErNaTiOnAl lAw (if there were really international law),and ignoring of children screams,after showing the world real terrorism.....after all this,Israel and its honest underling America will say : "We want want pEaCe and sTaBiLiTy in the area"
So what Muslims should do in this case,and by this CHARMING offer?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Should we accept so simply this FALSE PEACE?!!!!!! Should we so simply forget all killed children,and destroyed homes?!!!! Should we forget that these attacks throwed Lebanon 50 years back?!!!!!!!!! Should we forget all crimes committed against us?!!!!!!!!!! Should we forget all displaced civilians?!!!!!! And the main issue;Should we forget so simply and so easily the 10000 kidnapped citizen in Israeli prisons?!!!!!!!!!!!
How a silly play if we accepted this peace!!!!!!
  As being Muslim I refuse this false Peace,I refuse to forget my brothers killed by hands of terrorists,I refuse to forget our sons killed by hands of heart-losers,I refuse to forget destroying our homes by hands of savages,I refuse to surrender to those who don't have a correct life protocol.
  Allah orders us clearly in Qur'an:
"Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into (the hearts of) the enemies, of Allah and your enemies, and others besides, whom ye may not know, but whom Allah doth know. Whatever ye shall spend in the cause of Allah, shall be repaid unto you, and ye shall not be treated unjustly. * But if the enemy incline towards peace, do thou (also) incline towards peace, and trust in Allah. for He is One that heareth and knoweth (all things). " 8:61,62
Allah orders us to be ready by weapons to defend ourselves against enemies, to be always powerful and to be ready if the enemy attacked because when we have the most modern weapons;not an intelligent enemy can think about attacking who have these weapons,and this is called newly 'Balance of terror';you don't attack me and I don't attack you.
When we have this power and just in this case we can speak about peace,Peace which give every side its right,Peace which really solve the problems,Not Peace which just give the powerful force a stolen right from the weak side ,Not Peace which delete real rights,Not Peace which delete right of children killed and homes destroyed.
So Islam says that Peace isn't surrender,but it's a way to set justice and safety among nations.And difference between Peace and Surrender is clear specially when surrender is to a nation with corrupted protocol of life.
Islam is taken from the arabic word 'Salam' which means 'Peace',and the greeting of Islamic religion is 'Asalamo Alykom' which means 'Peace be with you'.
  If this is what Islamic religion says,So what the world want?!!!!!What International Law need?!!!!!!!!!
The world want from Muslims to surrender,International Law says that Hizbollah give back the soldiers and Israel after that may think about kidnapped civilians whether to kill them or to let them go,they want from Muslims to forget all these killed civilians and destroyed infrastructure,they want from Muslims to be PEACEFUL=HUMBLE ,they want from Muslims not to resist against enemies,they want from Muslims to forget their stolen lands,They want to reply a silly play which they call 'pEaCe'.
This is pEaCe of CiViLiZeD and mErCiFuL world.And that is Peace of Islamic religion.

Jul 23, 2006

Green light..

Kill their women and children,frighten their children,burn their civilians,demolish their homes,destroy their roads,prevent food and medical supplies...etc.AND I'M WITH YOU BY MY WEAPONS.
I didn't expect one day that this will happen.I were completely surprised.I asked myself:How this could happen?!!
I'm talking about the American decision to support Israel politically and by weapons in attacking civilians in Lebanon.
No surprise at all from the governmental decision,
*Which state occupied Iraq to steal its Oil,made it a country  with no authority and a country which has daily killing,rapping,destruction..etc?!!
*Which state occupied a whole country searching for a group of killers?!!!!
*Which state was supporting Israel by weapons in 73 war?!!!!!
*Which state call 'Terrorism' of its friends 'Self-defence',and 'Resistance' of who don't agree with its policy built on horror 'Terrorism'?!!!!
*Which state have a double standard measure?!!!!
*Which state have two solutions for any problem in another country;A collective punishment or War?!!!!
*Which country consider any inside problem in another independent state,a problem threatening its safety and give itself the right to declare war against this state?!!!!
*Which state declared the Crusade War against Islamic world?!!!!!
And the history is black...
Because of all this,I didn't wonder from the American governmental decision to support Israel.It wasn't new beside its black history supporting Terrorism and Wars..
But the thing which I really wondered from was the decision which came form the American people itself.I was always thinking that the American people is a kind and peace-loving people,which may hold a lot of demonstrations to be beside peace against war.Wasn't it the people which was completely against Bush's terroristic policy in solving the false Iraqi problem through War way?!!!!!!!!!!
Looks like that the American people is not a perfect people,it just aims at its own benefit,for that reason it was against war in Iraq,because its sons are killed by the hands of resistance.
The American people is saying so simply to the Israeli army:'Here you're my weapons,and keep on your way killing Lebanese children and preventing them from food and medicine' .
And is saying to the Lebanese people:'We're paying taxes to kill you and displace your children away from their homes'.
This don't delete that there is from Americans who were peace-loving enough and shared in some demonstrations out of America and refused the terroristic Israeli attacks on civilian Lebanese.