Jan 30, 2009

What Israelis believe in!!

These are the images of what Israeli soldiers wrote on the walls of a home in Gaza..

hmmmm.. Do Israeli people really want peace?!!! 

Jan 9, 2009


To supporters of Israel,

Please don't bother yourself trying to find some thing to justify the bloodshed in Palestine - Gaza. Israel is just defending itself. They are achieving success against the source of terrorism. They are working for peace.
216 children>> No, they will grow up to be 'TERRORISTS'
89 women>> Not at all, they are wives, sisters or mothers of sisters. They will bear children who will grow up to be 'TERRORISTS'
Few medical crew members>> They are giving help to the 'TERRORISTS'
Tens of destroyed homes>> They are where 'TERRORISTS' live.

Congratulations for you ... 'TERRORISTS ARE GONE, PEACE IS COMING'


To All Free Men and Women of This World,

Another failure for International organizations, another evidence of how policy can affect humanity. Council of Security is incapable of stopping the killing of
 hundreds of civilians, obvious violation of international resolutions and conventions and KILLING OF PEACE. The killer is equaled to the killed and the occupier is equaled to the resistant.

216 children are killed, 89 women are killed, more than 1500 of children are injured and more. All that is not enough yet for International organizations to move, to condemn the killer, the killer keeps equal to the killed.

We must ask now; WHAT IS TERRORISM?
Is it killing children? Is it using banned weapons? Is it bombing homes of civilians? Is it using weapons causing cutting of arms and legs of civilians? Is it cutting life principles from thousands of civilians? Is it, is it, is it?!!!!!!!!!!
No body is brave enough to answer. But I'm brave, YES. That's exactly terrorism. If individuals practice that, then that's it's individual terrorism, if groups practice that then it's group terrorism and if states practice that THEN IT'S STATE'S TERRORISM.

Terrorism is not resisting to live, but terrorism is killing life. Terrorism is not protecting children, but terrorism is killing them. Terrorism is not fighting to protect your land, terrorism instead is occupying lands. Terrorism is not trying to share life with others, instead terrorism is trying to live alone.

In 14 days there are;
-776 Muslim Palestinian are killed (half are civilians, 216 child, 89 woman)
-3150 Palestinian are injured (half are children, severe injuries; cutting of arms or legs, breaking skulls, etc)
-12 ambulances were targeted by Israeli air fighters missiles
-6 of medical crew members were killed -2 schools were targeted -14 mosques were targeted by Israeli air fighters missiles
-People's Assembly in Gaza was targeted
-The Islamic University was targeted
-Medical crews are incapable of providing help to the injured because of being targeted by Israeli air fighters -Israel strike today after the prayer of Friday (All Muslims pray today in the mosques, which means more civil victims)
-Olmert declared that they won't apply the 1860 UN resolution which invites to a ceasefire

All that, and Israel is claiming that they are; "Defending themselves", "Not targeting civilians"!!!!!

I wonder; if they do target civilians, would the number of children that have been killed would be different?!!!