Dec 18, 2007

When freedom equals reviles!!

I received on my blog a comment of an American blogger. The comment was; I am curious. What's the punishment in your religion to name a pig after your greatest Prophet.
It was an invitation for me to check his post My Turn - Pig Muhammad

First of all let us have some words about 'Freedom of expression'. Ways of expression are many; by words, by criticizing, by arguing, by reviling, by directing accusations, by acts, etc. I believe the absolute freedom (of any thing) is a destruction, there must be limits of every freedom. The absolute freedom which I mean here is the freedom to do any thing without considering any thing including rights of others. It's said that; 'Your freedom ends where freedom of others begins'. So what I'm talking about here is that freedom is not assaulting others by acts or words, is not hurting others in their emotions, is not insulting beliefs of others, is not reviling. Freedom is not throwing a stone on the glass of the window, but instead freedom is facing the other side. Freedom of expression is; 'I think you're bad, and here you're my evidences'. Freedom is; 'There is some thing wrong, let's argue about it.'. Freedom of expression is not; 'You're ****. Good bye!!' There is a big difference between both of these ways. The second will lead into hatred and crash. The first will lead into understanding, filling the gaps, and reaching the truth. No doubt that understanding will lead to love and cooperation. And no doubt that there is huge difference between both ways of 'expression'. We never can make them equal.

After clarifying how I see freedom of expression. It may be important to tell in few words the story of the 'teddy bear'.
A British teacher called Julian Jebons works in a Sudanese school, she asked a student to bring a teddy bear, when they voted to the name of the bear the 23 student voted to the name; 'Muhammad' which is the name of the most famous student in the class (and sure is the name of the Prophet Muhammad), and she agreed. She has been accused of insulting Islamic religion by Sudanese authorities.

The question which must be asked here is; What is the fault this teacher did?!!
With a simple analyze of what happened we can reach following points; 1)the kids were the ones who choose the name, 2)the name of Muhammad is the name of the famous student, 3)those kids are Muslims and are supposed to love the prophet of Islam Muhammad, in addition 4)this teacher is a British non-Muslim. Following these points we can reach one fact; Mrs.Jebons did no thing wrong.
As being British and non-Muslim she is supposed not to know that it's not accepted in Islamic culture to name things by names of human. On the other hand; the kids may have choose the name of their friend not the prophet, and even if they choose the name of the prophet this means that they love him not want to insult him, they must be only guided that even if we love some thing we mustn't use names of human specifically when they are prophets to name things. I think that she must be released at once.

A last word about freedom of speech. If we restricted freedom of speech in reviles and insulting then there is some wrong in our way of thinking. If we expressed our freedom of speech by reviles, then we are far away from civilization. Again I say it; freedom of speech leads into understanding and love not to crash and hatred. So I'm inviting the American guy to be free enough and share me a calm discussion, where he will show me the reasons why he hates my prophet Muhammad, and I'll show my reasons why I think he is the best man ever. That's the way of civilized peoples. And I'm sure that we will reach understanding and love together.

Nov 30, 2007

Solving problems (P.1)

Diplomatics are gathering in Annapolis to negotiate about Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Why don't we be positive?!! If they didn't invite us, why don't we invite ourselves?!! Why don't we have our own negotiations?!!
If we're going to solve this conflict. If we're going to reach the ultimate and the final solution; what are main points which can't be forgotten? What are points which can be condescended? What law which will be in force?
I don't know how to start it. It's too hard, it's not a simple case, and I'm sure that you know that very well, I'm sure that it's the most complicated issue in the Middle East and may be in the world, no body could solve it, many tired along its history but no one could, instead every time any body tries to solve it become more complicated.
Firstly I must tell my motive to write this post.
'When it's morning in your half of the Earth, it's night in the other half'. That's why I'm writing that. I believe that specifically in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict there is misleading and misguidance (darkness) in the West about its truth, they can't see it rightly. A side of the problem can be seen but other important sides are completely hidden. On the other side of the world; in the East we can see the full image. Away from reasons of that misguidance and why it has occurred, I think that it's important to reveal the full facts and to let the other side be enlightened. That's why I'm writing this post; I just feel that what I see as admitted facts like the sun are the like the darkness for the West. I want to scream; 'Palestinians are the oppressed side not Jews who occupied their land'.
To solve a problem we have firstly to know the history of it, the true history not selective history. I mean that the start of the conflict history is not; 'Palestinians are attacking continually Israelis', but the real start is; 'Jews occupied lands of Palestinians and declared their Jewish state on this occupied land in 1948 by the approval (not only silence) of the 'civilized' world'.
After that we have to remember back worthy and eternal stories of struggle of peoples of the earth; how they fought for their freedom, how they offered bloods of their sons for dignity, how they refused to live under occupation, how they refused to live under oppression.  My own people struggled to kick out British and French occupation, they offered their sons to free Sinai in 1973 war. People of Algeria presented  6.5 Millions of their sons since 1830 to 1962 to free their lands. Even Americans fought in bloody wars to have their independence and many were killed and finally they became independent of British authority.  And history is full of many other stories of peoples who fought against occupation, fought to defend their lands, fought to defend their lives, fought for their dignity, fought for freedom. All of us remember story of his own land and feel honor to belong to a people who had the dignity to fight for his freedom and who refused to give one inch of their land to the occupier by any price.
Next step after knowing how Jews occupied Palestinian land and declared their own state on it, and remembering stories of honor of peoples is asking ourselves; What made Palestinians terrorists?!!!
We have to find an answer for this question. History tells us how Jews occupied Palestinian land,  how they established their Jewish state 'Israel' on Palestinian land,  how they killed the young and the old, man and woman, baby and youth, boy and girl,  how they burnt green trees and beautiful homes,  how they destroyed,  how they committed inhuman crimes,  how they committed many massacres against Palestinian people,  how they killed villagers and students. These aren't poem. History proves all that. May be some don't believe me about this history, may some don't know about how Israel has been established in 1948 on the land which has been occupied by Zionists. Historical references are available every where, they can check them.
If this is history so; why we blame Palestinian people to fight against who did all that?!! Why we give ourselves the right of self-defence but blame them to defend their stolen land and defend their lives and lives of their sons?!!
Instead of encouraging Palestinian land in his noble war against occupation and oppression; we stand in the side of the occupier, we named Palestinians who fight to free their land and to kick out the invaders as 'terrorists'. So shameful!!
These are what I see as the most important principles if we are going to solve the Palestinian-Zionistic conflict. In a week I'll provide my perspective of the down-to-earth plan of solving the conflict.
Note: As a positive 'peaceful' sign of the Israeli entity during the 'Peace' conference there were air raids on Palestine causing killings and injuries!! We got the message.

Nov 3, 2007

I'm terrorist (P. 2)

"I'm the terrorist?!! How I'm the terroist when you've taken my land?!!"
One of the things which I really don't understand till now, and really don't find any justification for is the double measure policy which the western governments and in some times their peoples practice against Islamic and Arabian issues.
If a Palestinian youth attacked Israeli soldiers he is a terrorist, but if an Israeli soldier killed a Palestinian child it's a must that there will be some justification; by fault, self-defence, being near of 'the bad guys' which Israel fight against, have a school bag on the back which is suspected to contain 'weapons', bla bla bla.
However a Palestinian was in his homeland when he has been invaded by Zionists and what he is doing is to be called 'Self-defence'. On the other hand; what is called Self-defence from Israelis is not to be justified at all because Israelis are the ones who started it, the ones who came to the land of the innocents and invaded, killed, stole and raped.
I wonder when I see the one who is defending his land is called a terrorist, and the one who invaded the same land is called 'Self-defender'.
I really swear by Allah that I can't got it.
Zionists came to Palestine from every part of the world?!! True.
They established their own unlimited state with no borders?!! True.
Where?!! On Palestinian land.
Palestinians accepted that?!!! mmmm
Let us see; Palestinians are the ones who lived on that land for hundreds of years, fathers, grandfathers, grand fathers of the grandfathers on the same land, so we must be interested in their point of view about the important question; Do you agree to live under a state, where you'll live as second-class citizens, your homes will be taken, your trees will be cut, your farms will be burnt, your kids will be killed , your mothers will be killed, your sisters will be raped, your brothers will be killed, your fathers will be killed or kidnapped (you may have the choice) and 'WE' may 'give' you a part of 'YOUR' land ?!!! That's so simply what Israelis aske.. oh sorry; I mean what Israelis did with the Palestinian people. 
I ask another question for the Palestinian people; third of your land, or the whole of it?!!! Do you accept to condescend of one inch of your land?!!
A Stop here please; If we asked any member of any people that question; if we asked an Afghani, Canadian, Chinese, American, Iraqi, Egyptian, Australian, Somalian, English, Tunisian, Saudi, Brazilian, Chilean what would be his answer?!! Will he say; Yes, but give me one Million Dollars?!! Will he ask for one Milliard?!! It's just one inch. Or he will say; take my soul, then take this inch?!!
Here my dear visitors is the problem. A western won't accept to give one inch of his land, but he is so amazed that a Palestinian sacrifice his life for his land freedom, he is so amazed that a Palestinian sacrifice his life to throw the ones who invaded his land away, amazed that Palestinians and Arabs and Muslims don't accept an Israeli state on Palestinian land. A western is amazed that a Palestinian fight against Israelis, but don't have a problem to see a Palestinian youth or old women be killed by Israelis soldiers and settlers, don't have a problem to see an Israeli soldier killing a child emotionlessly, don't have a problem to see a Palestinian home be destroyed or a tree be cut, don't have a problem to admit the legality of Israeli state however knowing about its bloody history, however knowing about the fact that Israel has been established on the land of another people without a permission from them. A western will call a Palestinian 'a terrorist' when he sacrifice life for his freedom, and will call an Israeli soldier killing a child, using banned weapons, attacking civilians as a 'the one who was defending himself' but he just exaggerate some. By God; who started it?!!!
The story in brief is;
Zionists came to Palestinian land.
Zionists declared their own state on Palestinian land.
Zionists killed, destroyed, cut, burnt, raped, assault, discriminated.
Palestinians refused to accept that and decided to resist forever.
Zionists were named as 'Self-defenders'
Palestinians were named as 'Terrorists'
These events are completely true, but where is the logic in this story?!!
No way we can say; 'Hamas is killing Israelis' before we say; 'Israel invaded, stole, destroyed, killed, raped, burnt, broke laws, used banned weapons'. When Mr.A kill Mr.B we must discuss how Mr.B scratched Mr.A's arm during killing him, right?!! Palestinians didn't go to the land of Israelis and started killing them, but Israelis did that and stole the land of Palestinians.
There is no thing more to be said but one fact, the fact that Palestinian people did not give up fighting and resisting against Israelis since this invader state has been established on his own land till now, they never put down the weapon. So there is no justification for any thing from Israelis. Occupation will never be legal.
After every thing; I'll still the one who is guilty. I'll be always the terrorist, not the one who attacked me firstly. He is defending himself, I'm terrorist.
Note: not all Westerns are the same, but there is many who support Palestinian people and know that resistence is their right against Israeli state.

Oct 25, 2007

I'm terrorist (P. I)

Finally; I decided to talk, I decided to tell the truth. To confess..

Before, I was denying that I'm terrorist, denying that Muslims and Arabs are terrorists. But denying is no longer useful. Truth is so clear, too obvious.

I say it loudly; I'M TERRORIST

I'm the one who must be put behind the bars, I beg you to judge me.

Punish me please.


That's true that they are the ones who came to my land where I lived for hundreds of years, but I still the terrorist.

That's true that they are the ones who stole my land, but I still the terrorist.

That's true that they are the ones who came by their tanks and guns, but I still the terrorist.

That's true that they killed my mother, but I still the terrorist.

That's true that they killed my sister, but I still the terrorist.

That's true that they kidnapped my brother, but I still the terrorist.

That's true they tortured my father, but I still the terrorist.

That's true that they declared their OWN state on my OWN land, but I still the terrorist.

That's true that they demolished my own home, but I still the terrorist.

That's true that they attack safe people, farmers, women, babies, kids and old women, but I still the terrorist.

That's true that they are the ones who used cluster bombs and banned weapons, but I still the terrorist.

That's true that hundreds thousands of Muslims were killed by them, but I still the terrorist.

That's true that they are the ones who committed Sabra & Shatila , Qana 1996 , Qana 2006, Deir Yassin and Kafr Qasim , but only me still the terrorist.

That's true that they are the ones who daily kill civilians and children, but only me still the terrorist.
"I'm not against peace. Peace against me."
to be continued..

Oct 15, 2007

For the sake of environment

You love forests, trees, flowers, green plants?!!
You love singing birds, beautiful animals, lakes of water, green grass?!!!
So, you're one of those who love nature.
Then let me say to you that I'm so sorry for you. Sorry that you're going to lose all these beautiful things very soon. Green trees, colorful flowers, singing birds, clean air and clean water are going to be in few years things of the past. May be sons of today will say to their grandsons; "Dear, in our childhood there were a thing called trees in our countries, I may show it to you on TV"
It's not a joke, not an assumption. It's just the truth, the bitter truth.
Man cut trees, kill animals, destroy their natural home, pump harmful gases to air, pour poisons and chemicals in rivers, create radiations, drop his wastes in seas, waste his resources in wars, manufacture new viruses, use harmful chemicals in soil, pollute his drinking water, bury nuclear wastes under ground in developing countries causing earthquakes and risky diseases, use unsafe genes in his food, .. and more more.
What is he doing?!! He's just killing nature, killing his home, he is just SUICIDING.
I invented a law which I strongly believe in; 'Whenever there is man, there is destruction'
A call for every human, every responsible man, every company, every factory, every organization, every government;
Stop polluting our environment
You must have some role in that;
As an ordinary man; through your rubbish in its right place.
As a mother; teach your children how to love their environment.
As a citizen; vote for those who will care for nature, demonstrate for environment.
As a law man; set legislations to stop polluting environment.
As a factory owner; get rid of your factory wastes the right pro-nature way.
As a member in the government; work for the sake of environment.
As an organization; make studies, advice governments, inform people how to care for their environment.
If every body knew his role, did it. The world will be clean.

Oct 13, 2007

Blogging for the Environment

Bloggers around the world are going to blog about one topic in 15th of October, they're going to talk about 'Environment'. Check that

It's a great idea, very creative, very effective. I intent to participate in that. If you were a blogger participate, if you weren't ckeck participated blogs.

Don't forget, October 15.

Happy Eed

Happy Eed for every Muslim.
Today is the first day of Eed Al-Fitr (Breakfast feast). It comes after the fasting of the month of Ramadan. All Muslims around the world celebrate it and express their joyment in it. Some prefer to be in gardens, some prefer to be in trade centers, some other prefer to travel to other cities, others may like to make picnics. But two things are very special in this feast. First is the gatherings of families; all families in the feast exchange visitations. Second is the prayer of the feast; it's a very special prayer, and what really distinguish it is that big numbers of Muslims in every city or village gather in one big place to pray this prayer.
As for me I'm going to pray the prayer of the feast in 6:00 AM, then I'll have the breakfast with the family, aunts and uncels, then I may visit our relatives after that in close cities, and I may meet my friend in the evening. In the 2nd day I'm going to travel to the country to gather with the rest of the family. In the 3rd day I may travel to Cairo. May be after that I travel to Alexandria.
Any way; Happy Eed for all Muslims around the world, and may Allah make all our days happier and happier, and remove the pains of every one the world, and may Allah help our brothers in Iraq and Palestine, and feed the poor children in Africa, and make our world more peaceful and more clean.

Oct 4, 2007

To be a Dhimmi.. Oppression or Justice?!!

Today I'm going to talk Dhimmis in Islamic state.  What rights are given to them by Islam?!! Are they free to practice their religious duties?!! Are they free to criticize and argue?!! Why they pay the Jizyah?!! Can they be rulers in the society?!! What Muslims really did with Dhimmis?!!! ... and more other.
A good starting point would be defining 'Dhimmi'. In the famous book of Al-Sayyed Sabeq; 'Feqh Al-Sunna' 'Dhimma' means troth and intergrity. 'Dhimmi' refers to any non-Muslim living under the authority of Islamic state.
Islamic religion gives them various rights; and some of the most important rights are the following;
*They are free to practice their religious rituals; not a church or temple can be demolished, not a cross can be broken, not a Muslim who marry from a Dhimmi woman has the right to prevent her from going to her temple or church.
*Muslims have no right to force any of them to leave their religion to Islam, as Allah said clearly in 2nd Surah verse 256; " Let there be no compulsion in religion..." and ".. wilt thou then compel mankind, against their will, to believe! " 10:99
*They are free to eat pork or drink wine whenever it's allowed in their religion.
*They can organize their marriage, divorce, spending, family issues .. etc freely and as they like without restrictions or limits.
*They are allowed to argue and discuss freely in the limits of logic as Allah said; " And dispute ye not with the People of the Book, except with means better (than mere disputation), unless it be with those of them who inflict wrong (and injury): but say, "We believe in the revelation which has come down to us and in that which came down to you; Our Allah and your Allah is one; and it is to Him we bow (in Islam)." " 29:46
*It's allowed to exchange visits with them, and to visit their ill, to present gifts to them, buy and sell, .... etc.
*Poor and weak Dhimmis have a part in Bait Al-Mall (Islamic house of money) as a stipend.
*They have the right to be in charge of all state employment -except those who have the religious character like Imams, Caliphs, Army leaders and Judgers- whenever they are better in these employments other than others.
*Muslims are obliged to protect them from any kind of aggression.
*Muslims aren't allowed to insult or hurt them.
It's important too to mention few main principles in dealing with Dhimmis:
*" Allah forbids you not, with regard to those who fight you not for (your) Faith nor drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them: for Allah loveth those who are just. " Qur'an 60:8
*"Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said that they enjoy the same rights and carry the same responsibilities as Muslims themselves.
*The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said; "He who hurts a dhimmi hurts me, and he who hurts me annoys Allah"
After this theoretic speech we must see what Muslims really did and how they deal with Dhimmis.
*There is a famous story when the son of the Muslim ruler in Egypt whipped a Coptic Christian when the Coptic's horse beated his horse saying to him; 'Are you beating me when I'm son of the ruler?!!', so this Coptic travelled to Al-Madina in Saudi Arabia where the Caliph exists more than 1000 Km far from Egypt. When he narrated what happened to Umar Ibn Al-Khattab the Caliph he at once sent to the Muslim ruler ordering him to come with his son. When they arrived he gave the Coptic a whip and told him to hit the son of the ruler, after whipping him he said to him then to whip the ruler himself, but he refused. Then Umar the Caliph said; 'When did you enslave the people when they were born free?!!'
Beside what the Caliph did and beside his great word, there is an important lesson. This Coptic travelled more than 1000 Km which may take weeks in his time to go to the Muslim Caliph, Why?!!! That's obvious that he was sure that he will take his right.
*When Umar Ibn Al-Khattab entered Jerusalem, he was invited to pray in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre but he refused saying that Muslims after him may say 'Umar prayed here' and build a mosque instead of the church. And until now the church still in its place.
And what about the Jizyah?!!!
Yes, one may ask that question. If Muslims think that they deal kindly and justly with non-Muslims, so why they take the Jizyah from them.
First; one must know that there is no taxes in Islam. Instead; capable Muslims pay the Zakat yearly as 2.5% of their money to Bait Al-Mal, and Dhimmis pay the Jizyah as a sum of money specified in Shari'a. It's not taken from all Dhimmis, but there is many exceptions like; old men, women, kids, lunatic, poor, blind, monastics, .. and every one who can't pay it.
Second; we must realize that in this point; Dhimmis may be better than Muslims. All capable Muslims must pay the Zakat including Imams, Scholars, woman, .. and rich men, in the time when Dhimmis have many exceptions.
Third; the purpose of the Jizyah is that Muslims defend them and protect them in case of any war or to provide them the basic needs when they will need it due to the age or illness etc, so it's not a kind of discrimination according to the faith, but instead a contribution from all members of society for the good of society.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This post is ONLY a presentation about Dhimmis, BUT it's not all the thing, there are other details which can't be said all here. So for more information you can check Islamic websites..
Strongly recommended links:
... or ask directly a Muslim scholar in this link ( Ask the scholar) and he will answer you...

Sep 12, 2007


Tomorrow is the first day of Ramadan month according to Islamic calendar. All Muslims around the world fast in it, they stop eating from the dawn to sunset, they all start the fasting in the same time and break the fast in the same time. It teaches many lessons like; patience, sharing the poor his feeling in hunger, obeying God, opening a new page with Allah in every thing, unity ... etc

Muslims in that month do many special thing. They prepare small bags containing a sandwich and juice and dates and give fasting people walking in the street to break their fast, they also invite each other to breakfast together, they read Qur'an, they pray all the five prayers in mosques, they pray the long Taraweeh prayer after the Isha' prayer, they also pray the Tahajjod prayer before the dawn, they donate their money for the poor and orphans, women exchange food which they prepare ... they generally do many charity specially in that month. However they do that in other months, but they do it the best in that month.

All Muslims love that month as a month for worshipping, repenting, charity and strengthening social ties.

Sep 11, 2007

Why an innocent be killed?!!

 Throughout history there were Millions and Millions who have been killed. In the East and the West, the North and the South. Many of them were involved in wars as soldiers and officers or condottiere, but much more of them were innocents, they weren't involved at all in these bloody wars; they were babies, children, women, old men , old women and civilians. Even in un-wars time many innocents have been killed so savagely without any guilt, their only guilt may be to go down the street, to go to their work, to travel using a plane, to go to their schools or to make their shopping.
All religions, philosophies and logics refuse killing innocents; Judaism, Christianity and Islam all refuse that very strongly, human law and all societies customs refuse that too. Bible said so clearly; "You shall not murder" , Qur'an also said obviously; ".. take not life, which Allah hath made sacred, except by way of justice and law .. "
 There were many of justifications for killing those Millions of babies and civilians. Mongols killed Millions in their way from the East to the West including one Million of Muslims only in Baghdad without any justification but their barbarism and satisfying their killing lust, Crusaders killed 70.000 of Muslims only in Jerusalem because of the extremist belief in the cross, more than 50 Millions of civilians were killed in the two World Wars however not involving in in any of them without reasonable justification including killing more than 230.000 of Japanese civilian barbarically using atomic bombs for the first time in human history with the justification of stopping killing, 1230 of civilians have been killed also in Israeli war against Lebanon 2006.
In addition to these wars there are many other killings of innocents in un-war times like the 3000 civilians have been killed in 11th of September attacks in New York with the justification of American foreign policy and using Qur'an, 209 civilians in India 2006, 190 of civilians in Madrid 2004, 62 of tourists in Luxor 1996, 50 civilians in London 2005, 26 civilians in Riyadh 2003, 22 of civilians in Philippines 2000,  3 tourists in Cairo 2005 ... and many many other.
Also there is daily killing of children, civilians and women in Palestine by Israeli army. In addition to that there are famous massacres like Deir Yassen 1948 massacre when 254 of villagers were killed, more than 3500 of unarmed children and old women in Sabra and Shatila 1982, 106 of civilians in Qana 1996, about 55 of children and women in Qana 2006, 49 of civilians in Kafr Qasim 1956 and many other which have been committed by Israelis without any justification for killing those children and unarmed old men and civilians.
In Iraq also after the American invasion there are more than 500.000 of civilians which have been killed and continuing.
 50.000.000, 230.000, 1.000.000, 50, 70.000, 3000, 1230, 62, 26, 3500, 49, 106, 209 are just emotionless numbers, but when they refer to the number of killed persons of innocents then they are horrible numbers, even if it was the number 1, it still horrible when he or she are innocent civilian or a little kid regardless of religion or nationality of the killed person. They refer to the fact that there are Millions and Millions which have been killed without any reason. They didn't contribute in any war.  Why?!!!!  That's the only question which must be answered for those killers. Why a little girl going to her school carrying her bag on her back would be killed?!! Why a mother thinking about her children would be killed?!! Why a youth dreaming of his future would be killed?!! Why an employee in his office would be killed?!! Why a villager working in his farm would be killed?!! Why a child hanging his mother fearing from war around him would be killed?!! Why an old man carrying his granddaughter would be killed?!!!
 Those who killed under Islam name like 11th of September attacks justified their killings of those 3.000 innocent civilians through the American foreign policy and also used Islamic texts from Qur'an and Hadith to justify this and other crimes. Those who used the two Atomic bombs against Hiroshima and Nagasaki justified their killings of those 230.000 civilians by claiming that this killing will stop more killings. Israelis justifies many of their massacres through the claim that they are self-defence. In the fact, All of them are killers, all of these justifications are useless. They can't work with a correct mind.
On the one hand; a person can't defend himself by killing unarmed civilians, no body can defend himself by killing and terrifying children and old women. Also; all international conventions, international treaties and international and human law neutralize civilians in war times.
 On the other hand; no body can use Qur'an and Hadith rightly to justify killing innocent civilians. 
The ban of killing innocents and showing man's value was in Qur'an very clear and obvious; ".. take not life, which Allah hath made sacred, except by way of justice and law .. " 6:151 and; ".. if any one slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole people: and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people. .. " 5:32. Qur'an always clarifies that; " O mankind! We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other .." 49:13 it's an invitation for equity and cooperation among people not for crash, fight and wars among nations. It shows in another verse the rule in dealing with non-Muslims; " Allah forbids you not, with regard to those who fight you not for (your) Faith nor drive you out of your homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them: for Allah loveth those who are just. " 60:8 It clarified that we should deal with non-Muslims kindly and justly when they don't fight against us. Even in war times, Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) ordered Mojahedeen in the cause of Allah that they must not kill a child, woman, old woman, old man, injured, priest or cut a tree. And Qur'an showed to us how to deal with a war prisoner; " And they feed, for the love of Allah, the indigent, the orphan, and the captive,- " 76:8
And even if American foreign policy is imperial and cause many destruction in other countries and don't appeal to those killers; their citizens aren't guilty for that, Islam teaches us that in war times civilians are safe. An employee in his office isn't guilty or responsible for his foreign affairs ministry policy, a citizen going to finish his papers isn't guilty for his government crimes. No way, a body can use Qur'an and Hadith to justify killing innocents of civilians. Islamic religion is blameless of killing innocent civilians. No way, a body can justify killing innocent civilians.
Even if they believe that Mojaheden will enter paradise then they must realize that this isn't Jihad. Jihad is a magnificent duty to purify the earth from evil, to spread the good, to fight against killers, to defend people and land. Not to kill an employee, not to terrify a child, not to destroy habitation and business places. Attacking innocent civilians and little kids is the dirty way of cowards. If you're going to fight against your enemy; attack his soldiers, attack a soldier in his tank coming to invade your land, attack a soldier pointing his gun towards your children and innocents. Paradise isn't for you. Paradise is for the one who help the poor, paradise is for who say a good word, paradise is for who love others, paradise is for a one who use the most kind ways to argue with others, paradise is for the one who respect others beliefs, paradise is for the one who work hard for the sake of humanity, paradise is for a scientist in his laboratory, paradise is for a doctor in his hospital, paradise is for a soldier dieing when defending his country against invader armies, paradise is for a lawyer defending weak men against oppression, paradise is for a politician working for the good of his citizens, paradise is for the one who plant a tree, paradise is for the one who is kind with an animal, paradise is for the one who build a factory.
 I invite every man and woman believing in the One God to pray. To pray for the families of victims ... 3000 victims killed in 11th of September attacks, 3500 victims killed in Sabra and Shatila, 230.000 victims killed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Iraqi victims been killed daily, Ahmed Yassin, Dorra and Hajjo. We must pray all for them and for every family of an innocent have been killed that they have patience for the horrible loss of them.
Today there were an obvious example showing this logic; Palestinian resistance attacked Zikmi military base by rockets causing the injuries of 67 soldiers , and the reply of Israelis was raiding a camp of civilians injuring 3 Palestinian children North of Gaza by Israelis. The first one was against soldiers, and the second one was against children and civilians. Are they equal?!!

Sep 7, 2007


I'm preparing for special posts on 11th and 12th of this month.
Wait for them!!!

Aug 28, 2007

Why don't we discuss?!!

'..explosive strapes..', '..Qaida..', '..terrorism..', '..Islamofascism..', '..Holy War ..'

'..the grim bloodshed demanded by the Kill-Culture of Islam. You choose Offensive Jihad, Suicidal Bombs, 'Honor Killing' of your young girls, Chopping off heads & hands in Allah's name! ..'

'Qur'an is both a religious text and a text of genocidal madness, ..'

'Hatred of 5 Million Jews, or 5 Billion non-believer (Infidel) ..'

'Qur'an calls Muslims to fight all 'athiests', polytheists, all who don't follow the prohibitions set forth by Muhammad, People of the Book..'

'... Mohammed commanded slaughtering all non-Muslims ..'

'Do you believe in your women having equal rights Under The Law, or not?'
and more ...

These are few words said by my blog guests and on the web which express how the image of Islam is so corrupted and so defaced in the West and how Westerns see Islamic religion. If you hear the word 'Islam' what will be the first thoughts which will come to your mind as a Western?!!!

Terrorism?!! 9-11?!! Bin Laben?!! Qaeda?!! Jihad?!! Dhimmi?!! Suicide bombers?!! Hijacking planes?!! Exploding stations?!! Fundamentalis?!!

Am I right?!!

Actually this makes me very sad, very disappointed. Not only because I'm Muslim and this is the image of my religion in minds of those who don't know it, but also as a human to see a religion be defaced and be fought this way. Islam isn't killing innocents, Islam isn't straping an explosive strap and bombing yourself in a bus station, Islam isn't creating a group to frighten safe people, Islam isn't cutting 'infidels' heads, Islam isn't Bin Laden, Islam isn't Qaeda, Islam isn't Zawahri, Islam isn't 9-11, Islam isn't terrorism, Islam isn't killing innocents, kids, women, oldmen and injured, Islam isn't how to hate those who don't follow it, Islam isn't 'Holy war', Islam isn't how to restrict women, Islam isn't how to delete any other belief. Islam isn't only Jihad, Islam isn't only Dhimmis rights, Islam isn't only Hijab and Niqab.

Islam is a complete system for all the life. Islam is how to love others whether Muslims or non-Muslims, Islam is how to help others, Islam is how to make charity, Islam is how to equal between man and woman, Islam is how to respect the old, Islam is how to be merciful to the little, Islam is how to be kind to animals, Islam is how to have best ethics in every thing (policy, dealings, war), Islam is how to respect others beliefs, Islam is how to be moderate in every thing, Islam is how to value woman as a mother, daughter, wife, sister and grandmother, Islam is how to work hard for the best of the world. In a word; Islam is a peace, love and moderation message.

Every Muslim knows these facts, but there is many of non-Muslims who don't know these facts, in contrary they think and believe strongly in the opposite. It's a real problem. A problem to misguide and mislead millions of Westerns and make them have a completely corrupted image about Islamic religion. And it must be sloved, this solution is very important because of many reasons; one of them is that there is an international Islamophobia which makes millions frightened from Islam and Muslims and may hate them. Another reason is that Muslims represents about 1.4 billion people and this is an enough reason to know about the reality of 20% of world's population's belief. Also political and economical cooperation and love among societies and peoples can't come when there is a corrupted image about one community of these various communities. In addition; a lie musn't last for a long time.

This solution will come when there is open-minded people from both sides; Muslims and Westerns, who are ready to talk, ready to listen to the other side, ready to understand, ready to build, ready to find common places, ready to coexist, who are moderate, who really knows the necessity of this speech, who believe in the importance of cooperation among nations in this age.

So, I'm inviting here for a speech, a speech built on understanding and listening, a speech which aims at reaching the truth, a speech which aims at understanding each other and meeting in one common area. Which don't start from; 'You are accused, then defend yourself', but starts from; 'I don't know about your belief, then tell me'. Who will accept?!!

Aug 9, 2007

Shame innocent killers

Dear, I'm going to kill you.
Why, I'm just a 3 months baby?!!
To prevernt more killings.
That's so simply their justification for dropping the Fat boy and the Little boy on Nagasaki and Hiroshema (Those boys aren't funny little cute kids, they are nuclear bombs which melt you if you were 3 miles away from the explosion) killing more than 230000 of innocents. Add to that number the effect of radiation on thousands and thousands which will affect next and next generations.

I really wonder of that logic, to kill to prevent kill!!! That logic reminds me of the logic of Nazis; 'German people is superior than other peoples, so there is no problem to kill any other body' That's why they killed savagely terrible numbers of innocent Jews for no reason but being non-Germans.

I believe that any one who kills innocents will find some justification, any justification, whether logical or not. Qaeda will say Qur'an ordered us, Crusades will say for the sake of the cross, Israel will say self-defence ... Americans also had a justification, and it was to prevent more killings.

I think that that kind of justification shows how human's value really worths for them. No thing. It's really terrible to kill thousands and thousands of kids, women and civilians to stop a war!!! What kind of heart accepts that!!!

If I were Harry Truman, I would do any other thing but killing innocents. I would drop bombs on Japanese army even if they vanished, but not innocents and civilians!! Or may I settle the war by declaring my surrender, my defeat worths no thing if lives of innocents interrupted.

This silly justification is refuted. If it was true that the only reason for killing those innocents was to prevent killing more innocents (!!!) then why didn't America payed for Japan the costs of the destruction caused by those bombs?!!! Didn't kind-hearted Americans knew that Atomic bombs will cause radiation sickness for other thousands and will last for generations?!!!! That's a thing which they should have consider before bombing all those innocents, if they were human being having a human's heart.

Away from any thing, let's hope patience for every family of every innocent killed by a savage barbaric killer, whether he was Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Buddist, Iraqi, English, Japane.

Jul 22, 2007

Civilians or soldiers?!!

You should have heared about what Taliban may have committed of killing two German hostages, and the threat of killing other 23 South Korean.
That's true that their states may be invaders of your lands, but what is the crime of their citizens?!!!!!
Civilians are out of that game, when they came to your states they didn't come on the backs of tanks, they didn't come by air fighters hitting your homes, they didn't point a gun towards your children, then their is not any justification to threat their safety on your lands.
If Qur'an ordered us about war prisoners of soldiers that " And they feed, for the love of Allah, the indigent, the orphan, and the captive,- " 76:8 so what about civilians, what about women, what about children?!!!  Islam don't order to frighten a child, or threaten an innocent woman.
Don't claim always that you are the ones who represent Islam, Muslims don't kill innocents and civilians, or even frighten kids. BUT when their lands are stolen and their innocents are killed and their children are tortured, then they turn into lions against those who commit that, and fight against every soldier who come to their lands on a tank or in an air fighter aiming at stealing their land, or every soldier who point a gun towards their children, women and their civilians.

Jul 20, 2007

I learnt from Omra ..

It was a great nice spiritual trip to Mecca!!
I learnt various lessons and meanings from this Omra than the one before.
Omra is a thing similar to pilgrimage, but is different in some things. It consists of 4 main things which must be done; Ihram, Tawaf, Sa3e and Halk or Taqseer. Ihram starts by wearing two white towels and praying two Rak'a (chapter of the pray) in specific places, after Ihram some things are forbidden like hunting, wearing clothes, ..etc. After that we go to Mecca to make the Tawaf which is going around the Ka'ba seven time. After that we go to Safa and Marwa mountains to make the Sa3e which is walking between them seven times; this is the same thing that Hagar (mother of Ishmael) did thouthands of years ago when Prophet Abraham left them in the desert alone, and water and food ended and Ishmael started crying, so she went to the Safa and Marwa mountains and ran between them searching for any water, she did that seven times, in the last time a flood of water came under the feets of her son which is known now as Zamzam well. After that to finish the Omra women cut a short piece of their hair, and men shorten their hair or shave all the hair.
Wearing two pieces of towels reminded me of death and how we all are going to leave life with no thing, and made me feel humility and broke arrogancy, and made me feel equity among all people whether you're rich or poor, Eastern or Western, Northern or Southern, African or European, ALL wear the same wear.
I learnt from shaving my hair the meaning of sacrifice; if I sacrifice my beautiful face for few weeks for God's sake, so why don't I sacrifice my money for the poor, my time to teach a word or to correct a concept?!!
As for the Sa3e it learnt me the greatest lessons; during walking between the two mountains (700 Metres) I get tired, however it's air-conditioned in the whole distance and there is no sun, I remembered then the great mother Hagar and how she ran in the same place under the hot sun and on hot sands, just to find water for her sun, I really liked her kind mother's heart.
When I imagine the full story of Hagar started by her runnuing across the desert ending by Zamzam water I have a great lesson; 'You must be positive and work and do all your best and every thing you can do, and then results will come much more better than you hope'.  She ran between the two mountains and climbed them seven times hoping to find some water around the area, and the result was a well of water under her sons feets which will still flooding for thouthands of years and irrigates millions and millions of people.
I hope to make it again.

Jun 28, 2007

An image about trinity

I don't want to create a discussion with Christians, nor I mean to insult their beliefs. But just I found this image on the Wikipedia and I have a simple comment on it.

If we made it like a math process, then;

If God= Son
and God= Father
then Son = Father

If God = Son
and God = Holy spirit
then Son = Holy spirit

If God= Father
And God = Holy spirit
then Father = Holy spirit

And we can extract from all these conclusion one conclusion that;
God = Father = Son = Holy spirit

I wonder then that Son is Father and in the same time they both are God and Holy spirit.

So the question is; Is the problem about the image or the belief itself?!!!

Again I repeat it, I don't mean to insult.

Jun 23, 2007

Aggressor or Defender (Rational talk)

Whether you were North American or South America, whether you were from England or Zimbabwe, whether you were Christian or don't follow a religion, whether you believe in peace or war. Please try to read following words, try to read them neutrally, try to separate yourself from international current situation, and finally tell me what do you think..

Let's imagine that Muslims were a poor people who suffered for many many years, this people always tried to live as one people under one state ruled by an Islamic government but in vain, they always lived torn in various states, finally Muslim leaders gathered in conferences and argued about the place where they will have their state, they though about Mali, Australia, Brazil but they didn't accepted all these suggestions, finally they approved on America to be the place where they will declare their future state.

India (the invader of American lands) promised Muslims to establish a national Muslim community on American lands (exactly in Kansas) and promised not to affect civil and religious rights of non-Muslims groups residing in America.

A group of rich Muslims traveled to America, they started to buy wide plots of American lands and resided in it, they only allowed Muslims to work in these plots, after that those rich Muslims started to bring flocks and flocks of Muslims from all the world to these lands by all their belongings and children and families to reside permanently on these lands, Muslim leaders instituted a semi-government ruling Muslims who lives on these plots.

American people started to feel the danger of those Muslims on their nationalism and they decided to raise up a revolution and strikes against those Muslims and against establishing a Muslim national community on their American lands, India decided to go to UN to solve the problem, UN decided to make a partition of the American lands between Americans and Muslims by giving a half of American lands for the Muslims and the other half for Americans, American people refused this solution, India declared the end of its invade of American lands, Muslims declared their own Islamic state in Kansas intending to declare it on the whole American lands in the future, and they had their chair in UN organization. American people refused this state declared on their own lands. They decided to fight against this state.

Tens of years passed,

and American people continued to fight against this state, and still till this moment,

and Muslims continued to expand their state, and still till this moment.

Muslims still killing American babies, women, old men and youth, and still demolishing their homes, and followed the policy of discrimination between Muslims and non-Muslims (if you were a Muslim every thing is ok, if you aren't no thing will go properly)

and Ameircans still fighting and providing men and women calling them martyrs.


So what do you think?!!!!

Do you think that India have the right to promise Muslims to establish a national community on American lands?!!!

Do you think that UN is right to divide the American lands among Americans and Muslims?!!!

Do you think that in the way of solving the problem; states should argue about what is the parts we will give to Americans and what is the parts we will give to Muslims of American lands?!!!

Do you think that UN members should gather to argue about ways to stop American threat against this Islamic state?!!!

Do you think that the case which must be argued is 'Are Muslims having their complete rights in this state?' ?!!!

Do you think that the thing which must be firstly discussed is 'How will we make two states together, an American one and another Islamic, on American lands?' ?!!!

Should we support Muslims to still have their state, and condemn Americans to fight against this Islamic state?!!!!

Or should we support Americans to fight against this Islamic state till they have their independence and get back every inch of their American lands, and condemn Muslims for every thing they do in this state?!!!!

May 27, 2007

All the same, or not?!!

All kill..

All destroy..

All use weapons..

All have some kind of justification..

So, the question is; Are they all the same?!!!

Apr 22, 2007

ALL are terrorists!!!!

South Korean people is a terrorist people!!!

Why not?!!!!
'One' of this people killed 32 innocents, he
shooted them randomly, he didn't care for their families, their children, oh, he
suicied also. What a barbaric ... 'people'!!!!!

No, it's not only the Korean people which consists of killers and
terrorists; their constitution also invites for killing innocents and

What is this stupid conclusion, right?!!! That's right that he is a killer to do that, but this don't mean that his people or even his family are bad guys, but this is only one, and the bad deed of 'one' don't mean that all the 'group' which he belongs to are bad. This don't mean that the background which he came from invites to badness.

So, why when some of those who kill and destroy and attack innocents and children under Islam name, and claim that they are Muslims do that; the world shout then that ALL Muslims are terrorists?!!!! That's not only what the world acuse Muslims of, the world accuse Islamic resources that they invite for killing innocents and enemizing the world?!!!!!!

We must be fair and just when we judge others, we must judge by our own minds and have our own points of views not the views which our politians and media wants us to have.

By the way, what was his religion?!!!!
Osama Bin Laden is a Muslim, Zawahri is a Muslim, Zarqawia was a Muslim, .... were Muslims. So what about the religion of Cho Seung-Hui?!!!!

Sorry for all victims' families, Sorry for South Korean people to be accused of being terrorist.

Apr 2, 2007

'Against law'

EU considers the problem of British sailors 'against international law'.
'Arresting' 15 sailors from an army is against law!!!!!
What about killing civilians in Lebanon?!!!!
What about using internationally banned weapons against armless kids?!!!!
What about random killing practiced against Palestinian civilians?!!!!
What about declaration of a state on another independent state?!!!!!
What about Sabra and Shatila?!!!!!
What about Qana 1996?!!!!
What about Qana 2006?!!!!
What about Kafr Qasim?!!!!!
What about Deir Yassen ?!!!!
What about killing Eman Hajjo (4 months)?!!!!
What about killing Mohammad Al-Dorra (12 years)?!!!!!
What about targeting bridges, roads, hospitals, water stations, civil habitation buildings ...?!!!!
Wasn't all that against international law?!!!!!   We aren't talking here about 'arresting' 'soldiers', but we're talking about 'killing ' 'civilians'.

Mar 28, 2007

Yes, Israel has a right to exist

My American guest asked me; if I believe that Israeli nation has the right to exist or not.  Yes, Israeli nation has the right to exist.




Amazed?!!!!!    Any way this amazement will vanish when you read my explanation..


Every people and every nation has the complete right to live freely and peacefully without harming others. That's the way I believe.


So, if we considered the Israeli nation which existed for long centuries before my birth, your birth and before the birth of all people on earth now, is a nation like any other nation, taking into consideration the lawful fact that the difference between nation and people or state is the element of authority, and asked ourselves if they have the right to exist or not, then, we can reply by another question; Are Israelis(Jews) human beings or not?!!


Now, my respond is clear; Jews who are sons of Israel(Jacob) are human beings, and only for that fact they have the complete right to live and exist. As a result; this Israeli nation has the right to exist.


BUT if were going to talk about Israeli state which has been declared in 1948, so, it's completely different. I won't say directly what I think about the right of Israeli state to exist, but firstly there are more important views than mine to Israeli state and its right to exist..


In the preamble of UN charter; you can read this as a general obligation on UN peoples;  ' practice tolerance and live together in peace with one another as good neighbours ..',  You can also read following in the  2nd article of UN charter;  'All Members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, ...'


So, what can we extract from these texts?!!!  Every people is obligated to live together in peace with its neighbours, and to be good neighbours!!!  Let me think for a moment;  Live in peace!! Good neighbours!!      As a good neighbour I help my neighbours in their troubles, share them in their happiness and sadness, exchange advice, greet them, visit them when they become ill, not to spy on them, ..etc. And if I'm not going to do all that, then the least thing which I have to do is that not to harm them and to steal their belongings, right?!!

So, how a people can be a good neighbour?!!!  Help other peoples in their troubles, share their happiness and sadness, exchange knowledge, not to spy on it.. . Yes, that's right. And if this people isn't going to do any of that, then the least thing to do is not to harm other peoples and not to steal what these peoples own.  It's an ethical obligation before being an obligation out of law.


As for the 2nd article it sets an obligation on states not to use any kind of force or even threat of using it in their relations together against  territorial integrity or political independence of any other state!!!  The obligation is so clear!!!  No state can use force against territorial integrity or political independence of other states to achieve any of its purposes.


Regarding to these texts, the declaration of the state  Israel is against international law!!!!!


Israeli people wasn't the good neighbour to Palestinian people, in contrary it stole its land without having a reasonable reason that justifies stealing Palestinian lands from their people and random killing.  On the other hand, Israel clearly used force against integrity of Palestinian land (Declaration of a state on another state represents the most grave threat to integrity of this state!!!)

As for the 2nd part of the article '..political independence..'  Israel deleted and destroyed political independence of Palestine. Actually; after there were an independent state called 'Palestine ', this state has been deleted!!!!  And another state has been declared instead on this state!!!


Yes, Jews(Israelis) had a purpose which was their unity on one land under one state, after oppression committed against them during WWII, and even before that for long centuries. They gathered and discussed about the good area that will be their state, one of the choices was Uganda but they refused it. Then Balfour Declaration has been made to establish national home for Jews in Palestine !!!!!!! And 1948 came by the birth of this state on Palestinian lands,, 'Israel'. A nd since then there is continues extension for the sake of Israeli state against Palestinian land.

The right of Jews to unit must be respected and even to be supported, but if this right opposed with rights of other peoples living in peace, independently and under an established and situated authority, then, the right of this people must be respected firstly.


If we're going to talk about humanical law, then we'll fill thousands of long papers.

Israel daily break the humanical rule which obligates not to attack children and babies. Israel daily break the huanical law which obligates not to attack women and old men. Israel daily break humanical rule which obligates not to attack armless people. Israel daily break the humanical rule which obligates not to attack civilians. Israel daily break the humanical law which obligates not to target civil homes and destroy habitation apartments.


So, what can be a good solution?!!!!

I recommend a solution. Why don't Israelis declare their own state on a land where there is no people and where there is no independent state?!!!  Do you know where this kind of land can be found?!!! No people, No independent state?!!!! .....  Antarctica.

Illogical, right?!!!!

So, is it logical to accept killing and killing and killing of babies like Eman Hajjo (4 months old) in 5-1-2001, Sarah (1.5 years old) in 1-10-2001, children like Mohammad Al-Dorra (12 years) 30-9-2001, old men like ( Ahmad Yaseen) and civilians (don't need here any example as the world knows the daily and continues random killing) ?!!!!  Is it logical to accept daily destructive of civil homes and targeting civil targets?!!!!  Is it logical to accept creating more and more orphans and more and more widows every day passes in Palestine?!!!   Is it logical to accept displacing people from their homes?!!!  Is it logical to accept frightening safe people?!!!


So, if the first solution is illogical, and the second is illogical at all too, what is the solution then?!!!!


51st article of UN charter gave us the solution; 'Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations..'

So, it's the right of Palestinian people to defend himself and his land the same like the right of self-defence which any people have and can practice against invaders. And this resistance must last till the Palestinian state which existed before 1948 be declared, and violence be rejected, and real peace prevails, and rights be got back to their owners, and war criminals be provided to international neutral courts.


I believe that, any solutions to the Palestinian issue won't do any thing, because all will be temporary and won't last. So,there must be a permanent solution which depends firstly on respecting international law and punishing criminals and getting back rights to their owners.  And without that; you'll see a hundred Qana, and a hundred Deir Yassen, and the problem won't be solved. If the group of the four requires; rejecting violence, respecting previous deals, confession by Israel and ending resistance, so I think that they aren't targeting the good solution, but the good solution must depends on following basics;

  • Israeli state is against international law; preamble of UN charter, 2nd article of UN charter.
  • Israeli state is an invader land.
  • Israeli daily deeds against armless Palestinian people is against humanical and international law.
  • The right of Jews to unit must not harm others rights.
  • Self-defence against killing innocents and stealing lands represents an admitted and legal right.
  • If it's not good to decrease Israeli state, so was it good to delete Palestinian state?!!

Was my view rational?!!



All visitors of this blog are welcomed to discuss this issue, but please;

1.       Reviles aren't welcomed at all, only objective discussion.

2.       Circular and philosophical discussions aren't welcomed, but direct points are recommended.