Aug 11, 2006


  America see that what Israel is doing now in Lebanon is a CHANGE process for the Middle East,but when you have a look at Israeli deeds you'll find is that it's just killing children,women,old men,injured & demolishing homes of civilians & destroying infrastructure of Lebanese state(Water stations, Electricity stations,roads,bridges,Communication towers..etc) & attacking hospitals & occupying additional Lebanese lands & displacing fifth of Lebanese people away from their homes & increasing number of widows and orphans & attacking UN places & preventing food and medical supplies to reach injured & attacking displaced peoplerefusing to stop fire...etc   and generally breaking human and international law.
 In fact I don't wonder that American politicians see that it's the appropriate way to change.It's simply because FORCE has always been the way which Americans follow to change...
It's since its fatal dawn on the world and it's using FORCE to change...
  • Aren't Europeans who were the first seed of American people who exterminated(by FORCE) a whole people who owns lands of America to CHANGE it to a homeland for them?!!!!!!!
  • Aren't American people who slaved(by FORCE) a lot and a lot of free Africans to work in their farms and to CHANGE America to a productive state?!!!!!
  • Isn't it America who is the only state which used the atomic bomb(which is FORCE) to end WWII and to CHANGE its results for its side killing 120,000 of Japanese including 95% of civilians, and after years another 60,000 was killed affected by its atomic rays?!!!!!!!
  • Isn't it America which have one way to set democracy and to CHANGE in other states(Iraq,Afghanistan,..etc) which is FORCE?!!!!!!!!
  • Isn't it America who refuse to order its Israel to stop killing children and demolishing their homes because Israel is CHANGING in Middle East?!!!!!!

So we can get one American rule from these facts.......

"To change, you have to use force"
So,If this is American way to change?!!!!!! So,I hope from all my heart that America be CHANGED so soon....And it will be better if this CHANGING PROCESS started by the American president and its government and all who loves this CHANGING way for other peoples.......

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