Dec 28, 2008

'Merry Christmas to Gaza'

230 KILLED, 700 INJURED <=> ONE DAY!!!

No, it's not war. It's genocide.

Nov 25, 2008

Let them live

Now it's not about the right to domain or to own that piece of the land or to go back to where they lived for years and years. It became about the right to live. 

People in Gaza are dying under the terroristic siege of Israel. No food, no electricity, no medical aids, no clean water, no going out, no going in. It's not because of the rockets of Hamas, the truth is clear now. Hamas stopped their rockets, but Israel continued its terroristic siege against the people of Gaza. Yes believe me, it's not a siege over Hamas, it's not a siege against the Palestinian resistants; it's instead a siege against the children of Gaza, against the babies of Gaza, against the old women and old men of Gaza, against the students of Gaza.

The situation in Gaza is going worser and worser because of the siege which has been forced by Israeli government a year ago. They are closing all the entrances to the Gaza stripe, they prevent every medical aid, and they prevent food supplies and gas trucks to pass. This caused electricity stations inside the stripe to stop, so electricity is cut, and water stations can't work, so the water is no longer clean. They also prevent medical aids, so patients in Gaza hospitals are facing death. In addition; premature babies will die soon because their artificial womb can't work without electrical power. Bakeries in Gaza started using the wheat of animals because human wheat is over.

We hate you Israel. We hate your ugly face which don't see the hungry children and and the dying babies. We hate you not because you're Israel, but because you caused the pains to 1.5 Million human being who did no thing to you. We hate you because you don't let human live.

There are few demonstrations which have been made in few countries, some government and organizations demanded Israel to end the siege, petitions have been signed by thousands of people, ships from Europe went to Gaza. Regardless of all of these things; there are official international silence and freeze towards Israeli terroristic policy. In a different situation when an Israeli soldier has been taken away aids have been sent to Israel and international decisions and announcements were released, but when 1.5 Million Palestinian are forced to hunger and to face death and fear there is absolute silence!!!!
What happened to the world? To that far policy affects and controls the human feelings that every one has in the depth of his heart? Shame that policy and shame everything that make us see the oppression being practiced against weak and innocent human, and our reaction is just to ignore or watch .. or help the oppressor.

When the siege remains. Then there is a necessary question that must be asked specifically at this time; If peaceful way don't work to save the lives of 1.5 Million innocent souls, so what about force and fighting to achieve that?
I keep the answer to myself, but I ask you to answer regardless of who is under the siege and who is forcing the siege. Try to express yourself neutrally only this time.

Oct 15, 2008


Today is a very special day. More than 7,500 bloggers around the world are uniting the topic, we're talking today about 'POVERTY', everyone from his unique viewpoint. As for me, I'm talking from my background as a Muslim.

I was planning to talk in detail about Zakat, the Islamic solution of poverty, but because of being busy so I'm going to review the system of Zakat quickly.

2.5% of Muslim's yearly funds. Every Muslim is required according to Islamic Shari'a to pay it every year to the poor. It's a religious duty on every grown up Muslim who has the specified amount of money, and it's very awful for a Muslim not to pay the Zakat when he is capable of paying it. 
Zakat can be considered as a system of rearranging of wealth distribution in community. It maintains security, welfare and justice among people.

If we imagined that the funds of Muslims at the moment are approximately Milliards in the year, then we're talking about Millions every year of the Zakat. Those Millions can make miracles. They can feed Millions, they can heal thousands, they can secure homes for hundreds.

I hope that the system of Zakat is applied in all the states of the world, whether Islamic or non-Islamic states. The world would be much more different.

Sep 15, 2008

Jihad & peace in the Qur'an

  3 months ago, exactly in 28 June, I've been asked by an American friend to tell how to find references in the Qur'an about offensive and defensive Jihad. So I decided to make a research, a research in the Qur'an. I aimed at collecting all the verses that mentioned Jihad, whether by the meaning of 'fighting' or 'struggling'. I aimed also at finding the verses which invite to peace with non-Muslims and even the verses which only mentioned the word 'peace'. Another goal was finding out how Qur'an focused on mind speech instead of clashing with non-Muslims. 
I believed that all these subjects are related very strongly, when Jihad is connected to war in the minds of some non-Muslims, so it's important to show how Islam invited to peace. On the other hand, when war is clashing with others, so it's necessary to clarify how Qur'an invited to mind speech, logical arguing, love, respect and cooperation with non-Muslims.

First of all; it's important to have a look on this website which I created to review the verses.

Second; I'd like to tell some numbers related to the research..
6236 is the number of all the verses in the Qur'an
25    is the number of the verses that mentioned Jihad
29    is the number of the verses that invited to peace with non-Muslims or mentioned the word 'peace'
38    is the number of the verses that invited to tolerance and mind-speech with non-Muslims
  A first thing that is noticed in Qur'an is that there is a fundamental rule that must be followed to apply Qur'an, without following this rule acts of the applier of Qur'an are suspected of its legality. This rule is that Islam must be applied as one unit, i.e. no Muslim can choose one verse of the Qur'an to apply without applying all other verses that talked about the same subject. Instead a Muslim must read every religious text related to a subject, after reading all of these texts he must understand them very well, if he couldn't he must ask a Muslim scholar, after all that he is presumed to have the complete image of the Islamic system about that subject, and he must then follow this complete image not only one part of it.
An example for that is the one who read a verse inviting to fight, and then he goes to kill a civilian in his work place(!!!) He completely ignored other verses that show who to fight against whether soldiers or civilians, how to fight, what are the limits of fighting, when to fight, etc. He took only one part of the image. Another example is the one who read these verses; "So woe to the worshippers * Who are neglectful of their prayers,* Those who (want but) to be seen (of men), * But refuse (to supply) (even) neighbourly needs." 107: (4:7) If he stopped on reading the first verse which talks about ".. woe to worshippers .." he would say: 'Then I won't worship', but if he completed the verses he will see the whole image, and will instead better his worshiping. 
This rule is taken from more than one verse; one of them is;  "... Then is it only a part of the Book that ye believe in, and do ye reject the rest? but what is the reward for those among you who behave like this but disgrace in this life?- and on the Day of Judgment they shall be consigned to the most grievous penalty. For Allah is not unmindful of what ye do." 2:85  So such a Muslim that kill and destroy civilian targets justifying his acts by some verses of the Qur'an is doing something against Shari'a and Qur'an.

  The first verse I met which was talking about fighting was the following; "Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for Allah loveth not transgressors." 2:190  I noticed that there are 2 conditions for fighting in this verse. The first is; ".. those who fight you ..', the second is; ".. but do not transgress limits ..".  The second condition has been clarified by prophet Muhammad (PBUH) when he was saying to his followers every time they go in a battle that they shouldn't kill a woman or a child or a monastic or priest, and that they shouldn't cut a palm tree or burn a tree or demolish a house or a temple.

  When I continued reading Qur'an and extracted some of the verses I realized that however Islam orders to fight against those who fight Muslims, and to punish severely those who kill innocents and terrify safe people, and to be always prepared by strength, but I understood that all these things come from the fact that Islam isn't just a system for personal life but instead is a system for both the individual and the state. It aims at organizing the daily life of a human, and in the same time to establish the Islamic state. So it's understood that 'self-defense' and 'punishing those who break the state law' and 'being a powerful and respected state' are only the normal rights of every state. These rights are applied and recognized by all members of international society nowadays.
So, when we read verses like;  "Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, .." or  "The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, ..." or   "Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, .." We musn't be amazed or offended from them.

  Another fact I realized is that Islam isn't a religion of clashing with others, is NOT a religion that believes in; "To be a friend of mine you have to follow my belief", but instead it respects others and invites to deal kindly and with love with them. It says about current enemies; "It may be that Allah will grant love (and friendship) between you and those whom ye (now) hold as enemies" It invites to peaceful social relations with non-Muslims; "The food of the People of the Book is lawful unto you and yours is lawful unto them. (Lawful unto you in marriage) are (not only) chaste women who are believers, but chaste women among the People of the Book ..
From those two examples of verses that clarify the image about the relations which must be between both Muslims and non-Muslims we can find out how Islam is building a society that is built on cooperation and love NOT clashing and hatred.

  One of the things that made me feel the greatness of this holy book (The Qur'an) is that it always invites non-Muslims to real discussion and logic arguments. I always read verses like; ".. Produce your proof if ye are truthful" and even in the most things that Islam refuse which is the belief in the son of god it invited non-Muslims to logically argue it; " They say: "(Allah) hath begotten a son!" .... No warrant have ye for this! ..".  Also Qur'an always clarifies that converting to Islam isn't be enforcement or compulsion, but instead it must come after a complete convincing, if not so it's a useless faith. It says; ".. shall we compel you to accept it when ye are averse to it? "
It may be called as Democracy or Freedom of speech or Freedom of belief or Logic argumentations. But whatever, it's showing the good face of Islamic religion, and the real tolerance of this great religion.

I've finished my words. Waiting for comments..

Aug 5, 2008

"Thy Lord hath decreed that .."

"Thy Lord hath decreed that ye worship none but Him, and that ye be kind to parents. Whether one or both of them attain old age in thy life, say not to them a word of contempt, nor repel them, but address them in terms of honour. *

And, out of kindness, lower to them the wing of humility, and say: "My Lord! bestow on them thy Mercy even as they cherished me in childhood." *

Your Lord knoweth best what is in your hearts: If ye do deeds of righteousness, verily He is Most Forgiving to those who turn to Him again and again (in true penitence). *

And render to the kindred their due rights, as (also) to those in want, and to the wayfarer: But squander not (your wealth) in the manner of a spendthrift. *

Verily spendthrifts are brothers of the Evil Ones; and the Evil One is to his Lord (himself) ungrateful. *

And even if thou hast to turn away from them in pursuit of the Mercy from thy Lord which thou dost expect, yet speak to them a word of easy kindness. *

Make not thy hand tied (like a niggard's) to thy neck, nor stretch it forth to its utmost reach, so that thou become blameworthy and destitute. *

Verily thy Lord doth provide sustenance in abundance for whom He pleaseth, and He provideth in a just measure. For He doth know and regard all His servants. *

Kill not your children for fear of want: We shall provide sustenance for them as well as for you. Verily the killing of them is a great sin. *

Nor come nigh to adultery: for it is a shameful (deed) and an evil, opening the road (to other evils). *

Nor take life - which Allah has made sacred - except for just cause. And if anyone is slain wrongfully, we have given his heir authority (to demand qisas or to forgive): but let him nor exceed bounds in the matter of taking life; for he is helped (by the Law). *

Come not nigh to the orphan's property except to improve it, until he attains the age of full strength; and fulfil (every) engagement, for (every) engagement will be enquired into (on the Day of Reckoning). *

Give full measure when ye measure, and weigh with a balance that is straight: that is the most fitting and the most advantageous in the final determination. *

And pursue not that of which thou hast no knowledge; for every act of hearing, or of seeing or of (feeling in) the heart will be enquired into (on the Day of Reckoning). *

Nor walk on the earth with insolence: for thou canst not rend the earth asunder, nor reach the mountains in height. *

Of all such things the evil is hateful in the sight of thy Lord. *

These are among the (precepts of) wisdom, which thy Lord has revealed to thee. Take not, with Allah, another object of worship, lest thou shouldst be thrown into Hell, blameworthy and rejected. *

Has then your Lord (O Pagans!) preferred for you sons, and taken for Himself daughters among the angels? Truly ye utter a most dreadful saying! *

We have explained (things) in various (ways) in this Qur'an, in order that they may receive admonition, but it only increases their flight (from the Truth)! *

Say: If there had been (other) gods with Him, as they say,- behold, they would certainly have sought out a way to the Lord of the Throne! *

Glory to Him! He is high above all that they say!- Exalted and Great (beyond measure)! *

The seven heavens and the earth, and all beings therein, declare His glory: there is not a thing but celebrates His praise; And yet ye understand not how they declare His glory! Verily He is Oft-Forbear, Most Forgiving! "

Qur'an, Surah 17. Isra', The Night Journey, Children Of Israel, verses 23:44

Just a scream

-When Zionistic entity is insisting on building the West Bank barrier violating the CJ decision that it's illegal, forcing thousands of Palestinians to live in isolated areas, expropriating lands of Palestinians, isolating them from their work places and schools and cutting olive trees that lived for hundreds of years.
-When they insist to assassinate life on Palestinian lands.
-When they insist to lock children and women in their prisons.
-When they insist to force a siege against Gaza and kill Palestinians in Gaza stripe however Hamas stopped rockets.
-When Zionistic government insist in building settlements in Jerusalem and demolishing homes of Palestinians.
-When Zionists keep misleading 'their funders'.

Then let's stand only one time in our lives beside the justice against the opression and try to understand and reveal what is made to keep the oppresser powerful and the oppressed weak, and what is made to make the most powerful states in this world pay Milliards every year for 'the security' of a tiny entity and ignore a whole continent starving.

Do this make you amazed like me?!!

Jul 17, 2008

"Those will be rewarded with the highest place in heaven .."

"And the servants of ((Allah)) Most Gracious are those who walk on the earth in humility, and when the ignorant address them, they say, "Peace!"; *

 Those who spend the night in adoration of their Lord prostrate and standing; *

 Those who say, "Our Lord! avert from us the Wrath of Hell, for its Wrath is indeed an affliction grievous,-*
"Evil indeed is it as an abode, and as a place to rest in"; *

 Those who, when they spend, are not extravagant and not niggardly, but hold a just (balance) between those (extremes); *

 Those who invoke not, with Allah, any other god, nor slay such life as Allah has made sacred except for just cause, nor commit fornication; - and any that does this (not only) meets punishment. *

 (But) the Penalty on the Day of Judgment will be doubled to him, and he will dwell therein in ignominy,- *

 Unless he repents, believes, and works righteous deeds, for Allah will change the evil of such persons into good, and Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful, 
And whoever repents and does good has truly turned to Allah with an (acceptable) conversion;- *

 Those who witness no falsehood, and, if they pass by futility, they pass by it with honourable (avoidance); *

Those who, when they are admonished with the Signs of their Lord, droop not down at them as if they were deaf or blind; *

And those who pray, "Our Lord! Grant unto us wives and offspring who will be the comfort of our eyes, and give us (the grace) to lead the righteous." *

Those are the ones who will be rewarded with the highest place in heaven, because of their patient constancy: therein shall they be met with salutations and peace, 
Dwelling therein;- how beautiful an abode and place of rest! * "
Qur'an, Surah 25. The Criterion, The Standard, verses 63:76

Jul 14, 2008

Different perspective

Palestinian-Israeli conflict..60 years old..

It started by some Zionists who aimed at collecting Jews in one place, the choice wasn't an empty land but instead a land already having a people who lived for many generations on it, they declared an entity and called it a state, many innocents have been killed and lands have been stolen.

The amazing thing about this conflict is that it's not clear by all its sides until now. However being in the era of Satellite and the Internet facts are kept hidden. That's why I'll try here to focus on another side of this bloody conflict. I don't claim that I have the absolute complete fact, but it's just like an alarm to re look..

Always it's said that Palestinian never had a state before or that they aren't a people .. or that there is nothing at all called Palestinians. If we looked from another perspective i.e if we looked at Palestinians as human-being not as a people or a state I think that our ideas will be different.

Let's imagine that Zionists weren't mistaken at all to declare a state on another land, in fact let's imagine that it's the right of Zionists to establish their state on that land. Then we must ask ourselves a necessary question; IS IT AN ABSOLUTE RIGHT?

"His Majesty's Government view with favour
the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, .... it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may
prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in
, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any
other country."

"Freedom of conscience and the free
exercise of all forms of worship,.., shall be ensured to all, No
discrimination of any kind shall be made between the inhabitants on the ground
of race, religion, language or sex,
.. , No expropriation of
land owned by an Arab in the Jewish State (by a Jew in the Arab State) shall be
except for public purposes."

That's what Balfour declaration and UN partition plan stipulated very clearly. So, it's so obvious that 'the right' of Zionists to declare a state upon this land isn't absolute at all. There is a people already living on this land, this people have rights, right of life, of safety, of freedom, of insured earning, of free transition, etc. In another word; when Zionists decided to establish this state on this land they have to consider the people already living on it, whether this people own this land or just was a temporary inhabitants. This people has the right to .. at least .. live safe on the land where it lived for many generations.

That's what international law texts stipulated. But what Zionists did?!!

Zionists broke all these rules. 1) They killed inhabitants, 2) They terrorized villagers of about 400 villages to force them to leave their homes and farms, they evacuated about 60% of Palestinian people from their homes, 3) About 1.3 Million Palestinian live in refugee camps because of Israelis, 4) Expropriation of lands owned by Arabs is working in a horrible rate that most of Palestinians lands are ruled by Israelis, 5) Government of Israeli entity obviously discriminate between Palestinians and Jews because of race and religion.

So, when Zionists clearly are against international law texts which created their state then should we require Palestinians to keep silent when they see their children are being daily killed, their farms are being burnt, their homes are being destroyed, their lands are being expropriated, etc?!!!!!

If we don't support them in 'land-defence', why don't we support them in -at least- 'self-defence'?

It's an important question which must be settled if we really aim at a solution for this conflict. Rigid minds don't make solutions but instead make the problem more complicated, that's why looking at the problem from more than one perspective is very necessary so as to settle it.

Jul 2, 2008

To all my friends and guests

I'll be busy for a week.

Have a look on my other blog for my photos until I come back..

See you soon,

Jun 29, 2008

Breaking ceasefire

Israeli entity claims that it wants to stop rockets from Gaza.
Rockets are stopped.
And what Israeli entity did?!!
Israeli entity continue to kill Palestinians in the West Bank, force siege against Gaza and close crossings with Gaza.
I believe that Israeli entity will keep provoking Palestinians to force them to response, then it will say; "Palestinians broke the ceasefire", and for pity a lot will believe this lie.

Jun 12, 2008

Kill Kill, no body is talking!!

However Gaza stripe is already suffering from severe inhuman situation because of Israeli siege, Israel is going to make vicious process against it very soon. And here you're the sinareo that will happen; at least 30 children will be killed, 20 women will be killed and some of Palestinian resistants will be killed also. The Israeli target of killing Palestinians and decreasing the number of protesters against its existence will be achieved, but no other targets will be achieved. American server will automatically express that it's the right of Israel to defend itself, and that it's the responsibility of Hamas for killing children.
That's right that it's the right of states to defend themselves against attacks against its safety, but a) Israel isn't approved by all peoples as a real state, b) Israel is the occupier of Palestinian lands and it's the right of Palestinians not Israelis to defend themselves, c) Israel has no specified borders until now since its declaration 60 years ago i.e it's not a state according to international law rules.
Even if we approve Israel as a real state with real borders and have the right to defend itself, do we accept using every way for practicing this 'self-defence'?!!  To be clear; do we approve on killing children, woman, cutting trees and using cluster bombs and other banned weapons as a justification for 'self-defence'?
States of world realized that killing children has no thing to do with the right of self-defence that every state can practice. That's why they signed the Geneva convention for protecting civilians in war times in 12 August 1949.
So I strongly believe that targeting children and killing them, and forcing siege against a people regardless of their nationality or beliefs is a dirty pressure way for achieving political or even militant aims.
And by a simple compare between the number of civilians and soldiers that are killed from both Israel and Palestinian side we'll realize that Israel don't care about if the bullet is being targeted to a child or woman, or I can say hat they do target Palestinian civilians.
On the other hand; how the peaceful demonstration made by Palestinians after the call of Hamas has been faced by Israel?!! Bullets and injuries among Palestinians. The message is clear; (Palestinian peace<>Israeli bullets)
Actually what is happening now is exactly the same what Jews gained sympathy of the world for. A Holocaust against Palestinians in Gaza, a separation wall, random killing. The world is silent when people in Palestine are being killed under the siege and children are in deep suffer. So, will the world wake up in the right time, or when it's too late.

May 19, 2008


If I went to Palestinian lands, should I say; "Congratulations to you Israel for the 60 years for you alive". Or should I say; "My heart and soul is with you my Palestinian brothers for the 60 years for you dead."?!!!

When the joy and happiness of a people is a disaster, losing sons and homes for another people; then we must be sure that there is something wrong.

When the coming of a people leads to the leaving of another people; then there is something wrong.

When the live of a people means the death of another people; then no doubt that there is something wrong.

May 10, 2008

Opposite benefits

When the homes of a people are transferred into another people's homes.
When the coming of a people means the evacuation of another people.
When the good thing for a people is a bad thing for another people.
When the safety of a people mean the terrifying of another people.
When the happiness of a people is sadness for another people.
When the joy of a people is a disaster for another people.

We must be completely sure then that there is something that is not working properly.

Apr 20, 2008

The alert of the explosion

Palestinian resistance keep assuring that they are just practicing their normal right of self-defense against taking their lands and lives, and Israelis keep assuring that they are the real terrorists.
A Palestinian attack today against soldiers caused 13 soldiers wounded, and the answer from Israeli was random raids over Gaza causing the killing of one civilian and 3 civilian wounds.
I don't wonder at all of a thing like that. 10 months until now of siege against Gaza, no food, no fuel, no medical supplies, no going out for ill Palestinians, 100 ill Palestinians died because of being prevented from going out of Gaza for medical care, a holocaust has been declared by Israelis against Palestinians causing the killing of tens of civilians, etc.
What was expected after that?!!!
Pressure and violence ONLY creates violence, it will never create peace, it will never lead to stability, it will never lead to solving problems. Speech may solve them. But killing civilians, building new settlements, occupying lands, destroying homes, making siege over 1.500.000 of innocent civilians, killing pressmen and random air raids against civilians; all these crimes will never lead to solving problems.
The thing which I really wonder from is the Israeli justification that Hamas is responsible for Israeli crimes against Gaza. Hamas didn't exist when Zionists were attacking and bombing markets and streets killing tens of Palestinians starting from 1937. Hamas rockets don't kill any body. The things which really kill civilians are Israeli tanks, helicopters, air fighters, machine guns, etc which are directed against unarmed civilians. And if only Hamas is responsible for that, then what about the people who elected them in 2006 elections, are they responsible too to elect them?!!
They aimed -as they claim- at stopping rockets which kill no body, destroy no thing. To do that they do killed hundreds, children and women, they do destroyed homes. Instead it lead into more rockets, and a thing like what happened today. Today's process is just the beginning, they called it 'The alert of the explosion', and I expect a real explosion, a normal people can hold 1 or 2 months siege, they may hold the killing of 5 or 6 of the persons they care for, but when the siege is 10 months and hundreds are killed, then everything is expected. The coming days will have more surprises to the Israelis if they continued their terrorism and insanity against an unarmed people.
Palestinian resistance showed what they can do, they showed that war machine don't work with them. It's up to Israelis now to end their terrorist siege against the Palestinian people in Gaza, and start directly talking with Palestinian resistance, try to reach common areas. Carter did a good thing by talking with Hamas leaders. "When I don't know how my enemy thinks, then I can't solve my problems."
If they didn't end it voluntary, I have no doubt that Palestinian resistance are really able to end it. Today's process and Jerusalem process were just examples of what Palestinians can do, and how they affect Israelis. Before Jerusalem process there were continuous raids against Gaza, directly after it these raids stopped for weeks. That's how Palestinian resistance can do, and that's the language that Israelis understand, they only stopped their terroristic raids against civilians after Jerusalem process.
Any way, we'll see what will happen in the coming few days. But when it happens, only Israelis will be responsible for it.

Apr 14, 2008

To Palestine

You suffered too much.
Your kids have been killed. Your homes have been destroyed. Your land has been coloured by the blood of your sons. The green colour of your trees has been turned into the ugly gray. Seeds of hatred have been put in your soil. Life has been assassinated.
For 60 years you suffered from oppression, killing, destruction and occupation. And you kept immovable. You never welcomed the occupuier on your lands, you never surrendered to the force, you kept giving more and more of your sons.
Never be depressed.
The dawn is coming very soon.
The day will come when the occupier will go away, terrorists will go away, homes will be rebuilt, trees and flowers will grow up, you'll be free again and the sun will shine again on the free Palestine.
Note: As I'm writing right now there are serious things that are going on Palestinian lands;
*Gaza stripe is under the siege for 10 months now. 100 of ill Palestinians already died because of the wait of Israeli permissions to go out the stripe for medical care, fuel is cut, electricity is cut and hospitals suffer from severe lake of medical aids.
*Israel is building new settlements in Jerusalem under the silence of the world and against international law and 1947 partition plan.

One last thing; if 'peace' is truly the way to solve this 60 years conflict, so I ask; what are Israelis ready to give when they take Palestinian lands to build their own state on them?!!

Mar 27, 2008

The necessary coming American president

America occupy Iraq, America causes the killing of one Million Iraqi, America causes the mess in Iraqi state, American army kills civil Iraqis.
America occupy Afghanistan.
America support Israel, America supports killing civilians and kids in Palestine by Israeli army, America send weapons to Israel to use against Lebanese and Palestinian civilians, America fund Israel, America use its veto to stop an SC word about Israeli terrorism.
American army kills an Egyptian sailor on Egyptian lands.
America threat Iran because of the assumption to have nuclear bombs in the coming years.
That's how many in our part of the world see American policy towards the Middle East. The question is; will the future be different?!!!
Preparation of American presidental elections are currently running. A new president is coming. Will he end the war against Iraqi people?!! Will he fund Iraqi people to rebuild what American foolish policy destroyed?!! Will he leave Afghanistan to run its own country by itself?!!
And the big question; will he end the absolute support of Israel?!! Will he stop American funding of Israel?!!
In fact; I have a great suspicion about that. I think that the American policy against countries of my part of the world will keep as it is. Actually I hope that it don't go worser.
McCain already bought the presidency. He visited Israel, expressed how he support Israeli siege against Gaza. In fact, he's saying to Israel; "Don't worry. If you supported me to win the presidency in America, I'll keep supporting you in Israel.".
I think that's how American presidents win their places. Israel or you'll never be a president.
That's how I think. That the next American president will provide the absolute support to Israel. Money, weapons, politics, media, veto, etc and every necessary thing to keep the occupier 60 years ago expanding and killing life.
So, my message to the American people is; "Whether you needed to support Israel by your taxes and weapons or you did not, your government will do support Israel. Israel worths nothing without your support. They'll do everything to keep the American support. Arab and Islamic states already hate Israel, see it as the occupier and the killer, they hate who support them. So it's your responsibility to stop the support of real terrorism against unarmed people. To understand the conflict rightly, to know who is really oppressing, who is really being oppressed. To see who is killing, who is being killed. To see who have weapons, and who is killed by these weapons. To see who really suffer, who cause this suffering.  Any way, I know that you have no thing to do with the next American president, but you can protest and march against the absolute support of American government to Israel."

Mar 13, 2008

Israel invites to ...

*Israel must live in peace, whatever it coasts of others' lives and homes.
*To achieve peace Israelis have to eliminate every thing which may be an obstacle stone including who call themselves as resistors, their kids, their families, their neighbours, their electricity, their medical supplies, their fuel, their lands, their homes, their farms, their workshops, and every thing which belongs to them. ALL TO REACH PEACE.

Respecting international laws:
*ALL the states must respect international law, except Israel. Attacking civilians, killing children and assaulting borders are all legal to Israel.

*Jews are the chosen and the supreme people chosen by God among ALL other peoples.
*ONLY Jews have the right to live on 'the holy land'.

*Israel has the complete freedom to kill any Palestinian child or youth without being asked.
*Israel has the complete right to built every settlement wherever it wants.
*Every Palestinian has the freedom to choose of many choices his way to be killed. Bullets over the head or the heart, rockets directed to human bodies, buried under a collapsed building, die of hunger, die of lake of medical supplies, and many other available choices.

*The killer is equalled to the killed person.
*The thief is equalled to the one which his land has been stolen.
*The one who starts by the attack is equalled to the one who defend himself.

*How beautiful is a Palestinians child's blood.

*All states have to cooperate for Israeli interests.

Human rights:
*Every Israeli has the right to live safe. Every Palestinian has the right to let Israelis live safe.

*Palestinian people has the right to elect the government they like, but when Israelis don't like them they won't accept them as Palestinians democratically elected government.

*Kicking a Palestinian over his head or stomach ten times a day will make an Israeli healthy.

Remembering old memories:
*A Holocaust against Palestinian people.


And the world is silent....

Mar 5, 2008

20 days life

She is born ....... to die.
This 20 days old baby is just one victim of the hundreds victims of Israeli 'self-defence'.

Mar 4, 2008

Cartoons about Palestinian crisis



Gas chambers




These cartoons are made by Carlos Latuff a Brazilian cartoonist.

Thank you Latuff,

Me & the other side

Who should we desrcibe as terrorist?!!
Is that the one who kill or the one who is being killed?!!
Is that the one who attack or the one who is being attacked?!!
Is that the one who assault or the one who defend?!!
A normal answer is; "The terrorist is the one who kill, attack and assault"
But when Israel is involved, the answer will be completely different, actually it will be the opposite.
Hey, Mohamed, What are you saying?!! Do you mean that Israel is the one who kill and assault?!! Do you mean that Israel is the aggressor?!!
Yes, there is no doubt about that.
So what will you say about the Hamas missiles?!!!
Did you never ask yourself why these missiles are being launched?!!
Yes, I did.
And what was the answer?!!!
Because they are terrorists.
Terrrorists?!! Then you should listen to me very carefully.
Always the world approved on the normal right of every people to defend his land, his sons lives and homes. When a group of people attack another it's approved even by international laws that the group under attack have the righ to use every mean to practice the right of self-defence. Untill now I think we have the same point of view.
The next question which should be answered is; Are Palestinians really practicing the right of self-defence?!!
Self-defence means that there were a previous assault. So if we approved that there were a 'previous assault' of Israelis, so we sould approve that there is 'self-defence' of Palestinians, right?!!
That's true.
So, let's see. There were a Palestinain people who resided on that land for many years. It lived in pe...
bla bla bla. I know what you're going to say. If we approve that there were a Palestinain people by all the elements of a people, so you can't say that they have a state. Dear, Mohamed, Palestinain people never had a government of his own.
And what?!!!
What this should lead to?!!!
I don't understand.
You said that Palestinians never had a government of their own. Do you think that this should lead to the result that it's allowed to annihilate them?!!
My friend, if it's true that Palestinians never govern themselves, but it's not true that they did not live on that land, this part of land wasn't an empty land. And it's false too that Palestine wasn't a part of a state, Palestine was a part of Omaweya, Abbasi, Mamloki and Uthmani states. So Palestine wasn't a land which can be occupied by every one. Even if we said that there weren't a governement over Palestinian people, we never can deny that Palestinains are human beings who have the same rights of every other human. Or you see them as animals?!! huh, even animals have their own rights.
Yes yes, I know that Palestinains are not animals and that they are human. But those human who you are talking about are killing other human.
Then I should ask you a question. Do you think that Israel commit any crimes before?!!
Yes I know them, but they aren't our point.
Not our point?!! They are exactly the point. I'm intersted to hear some of them from you.
Ok. There were bombings and attacks before declaring the state, and after the establishment of the state there were some massacres when many have been killed.
And those have been killed in the early history of this state 60 years ago, were they civilians or soldiers?!!
Civilians and even children.
A good thing that you know that they were children and civilians. And what do you think the normal re-acrion of these crimes?!! Do you think that it was normal to see Palestinains throwing Israelis by flowers or by stones?!!
Ok let me answer if you don't want. When a thief came to your home carrying a gun in his hand trying to steal your properties. What should you do?!! Sure, you'll try to defend yourself and your properties, you don't know if he will use his gun against you or not. So, if he already used his gun against your daughter, he killed her, you saw her sunk in her blood, what will you do?!! No doubt that you'll search for your gun to defend yourself. You kept searching for your gun but never found it, you decided to use a vase over his head. You did it. He's now on the floor unconsciousness. Do you think that it was a normal reaction of you?!!
Ok. You called the police. When they came, they arrested you!! You kept saying; "It's him the thief, not me. He killed my daughter" No body was listening. You went to the court. The judge asked you; "Did you attack this man by a vase?!!" You looked from behind the bars to the thief sitting outside the bars and said; "Yes, I attacked this man by the vase"
The judge said: "As you're admitting the truth so we decided that you will be punished by .." You screamed; "That's him who attacked my house, he killed my daughter by his gun, so I attacked him by my vase, I was defending my family." The judge said; "You're confessing again that you attacked him. He's innocent, you're guilty. You must be punished." You said: "But he attacked me firstly by the gun, so I attacked him back by the vase." The judge responsed: "For the third time you admit that you attacked him. YOU ARE GUILTY. Your just punishment will be ...".
Huh, what a funny stroy!!!
.......... Funny?!! May be. Any way, what I'm trying to say is that when you, my friend, try to solve this conflict, you focus on the reaction of Palestinians and completely ignore why Palestinaisn are having that reaction. More than 60 years of killing of children and civilians are being ignored. In these 60 years there were thousands of innocents who have been killed, there were thousands which have been displaced from their homes, there were thousands of homes and farms which have been destroyed. Every one of that people, and I'm responsible for the validity of these words, lost a sister or a brother, a son or a father, a friend or a neighbour.  And we're wondering after all that why Palestinians are doing that!!!
Even if we approve on that. Don't you think that Israel has the right to defend itself?!!
First; I don't think that Israel is a legal state. Sec..
Wait wait. Why you think that?!!
You know that I'm a law student and have some knowledge about national and international laws. I studied in my law college UN charter and also studied some information about international treaties and conventions. I knew that the second article of UN charter stipulates that it's not allowed to threat of using force against territorial integrity. In addition; it's known that a contract or a convention can't be valid but for the acceptance of the two parties of that convention, without that exchanged acceptance the convention can't be valid and don't obligate any body.
For example; if you're going to sell your house for me, we sign a contract and stipulate some terms and conditions like the price, sanction condition, etc if we approved together then it's a valid contract and both of us is obliged to peform what he is obliged to do. But if we didn't had that exchaged acceptance then it's not a valid contract and both of us isn't obliged of any thing i.e. I can't take the house from you and give you the price when you refused to deal with me.
Also in international law; a treaty can't be valid and obligatory to its parties without their exchanged acceptance. Looking at the UN 181 resolution which was the legal frame of declarig Israeli state which stipultes on declaring two states a Jewish one and another Palestinian. We can find out that it's only the Zionistic party (which represents the Jewsih state) who accepted the resolution, as for Arabs they never accepted that resolution i.e. only one part accepted the terms of the resolution.
Adding to that is the fact that UN resolution aren't obligatory upon UN members. So we can reach the fact that Israel is an illegal state.
Also if we consider Israel as a state we should ask who are its citizens?!! You know who?!! It's every Jew around the world, even if you were in Russia, America or Britain you're Israeli. (!!!)
Ok, let me search about that. What do you think about the right of Israel to defend itself?!!
Dear, when a killer attack another person by a knife aiming at killing him, what are the rights of that killer?!! Do you think that he have the right to defend himself when the person under attack try to prevent being killed?!!
I wonder what you think about current situation in Gaza. I can analyse it that Israel is like the insane when we give him the power. He'll use it against anybody, he won't see where he direct this power.
Dear, Israel is defending itself against Hamas missiles.
Hamas missiles. huh, and where were these missiles when Muhammad Al-Dorra has been killed by an Israeli bullet, were the reason of killing this child is Hamas missiles too?!! Were Hamas missiles the reason of killing the 4 months girl Eman Hajjo?!! Were Hamas missiles the reason of killing a family except the surviving little daughter on a beach?!!  My friend, you can't convince me that Hamas represents some threat against Israel. All what Hamas has is handmade rockets, their launchers, guns, their bullets, handmade bombs. That's every thing which Hamas have. As for Israel, it has nuclear bombs, tanks, mircavas, airfighters, F16, helicopters gunships, guns, rifles, machine guns, smart rockets, ships, etc.
On the other hand, let's analyse what these rockets make. A man is injured, a soldier is killed, a car is destroyed? Then look on the other side, look what Israel do claiming to be in response of that; kids are being killed by bullets, women are being killed under their homes, youth are being killed by F16 rockets, blocks are being destroyed, electricity and water are being cut. As we talk right now 116 Palestinian are killed in Gaza with a plenty number of them of kids and civilians, 350 are injured, a holocaust has been declared against Palestinian people, electricity is cut, hospitals in severe need of supplies. Can you see?!! When there is somebody is killed from the Israeli side it's a soldier or in rare cases a man, but when Israel is going to kill they don't have a measure; kids, women and civilians are under attack, civil blocks are under attck too. Can you see this fact?!!
And I'd like to intense on something. If Zionism took holocaust as a reason to gain sympathy of the world, so why they practice it against another people?!!
Well, how you see yourself as a part of the solution for that?!!
I can't tell you the long-term solution, but as an immediate solution I'll blog more and more and talk about Israeli crimes and how they don't really want peace and how they are killing kids and civilians.
And if I pretent that I was in charge in my country, in fact if I was the head of the state I'll do the following;
First; I'll eject Israeli ambassador in my country.
Second; I'll declare the full readiness of my country's army and send it to the borders with Israel, and give my orders to the army to be completely ready.
Third; I'll give Israel 24 hours to end its blockade against Gaza and to stop every military acts on Palestinain lands, or we'll do it by ourselves.
Fourth; I'll negotiate with Palestinain brothers to stop rockets for now.
Fifth; my army will keep on the borders ready for anything.
That will be a wise act from me towards a brother neighbour state. But if we added to what is happening in Gaza, an Egyptian girl has been shooted on Egyptian lands by Israeli soldiers. So the follwoing will be done;
First; I'll consider killing an Egyptian girl by the hands of Israeli soldiers as 'declaring of war against Egypt from Israel'.
Second; I'll eject Israeli ambassador in my country.
Third; I'll give my orders for the army to attack Israel.
Fourth; I'll use weapons against Israeli civilians, and attack water and electricity stations and roads 'to prevent any supply for Israeli army'.
Fifth; I'll use banned weapons and Uranium weapons.
Sixth; America will send me smart rockets.
Seventh; The world will support me for practicing my right of self-defence.
I thought myself as Israel, right?
Looking at what has been done when two Israeli soldiers have been taken away, and the reaction of Israel for that, and how the world looked at that reaction. And the reaction of Palestinians for killing their children and destroying their homes by bullets, airfighters and tanks. We sould laugh then, or may cry. .....

Feb 6, 2008

Reaction vs Action

Why Palestinians attack Israelis?!!
Did you ask yourself this question before?!!
Were you amazed to see Palestinians fighting against Israelis?!!
You searched alot about the answer but in vain?!!
This question is really important and basic in the way of solving Palestinian-Zionistic issue. We may make some possibilities for the reason why they attack:
a) Israeli people was safe and stable on his own land doing no thing against other neighbour peoples, and suddenly Palestinians started attacking innocents Israelis on their lands.
mmmmmm. I don't thin so. First; there weren't a thing called 'Israel state' 60 years ago with specified borders (and until now). Second; there weren't a thing called 'Israeli people'. Third; current Israeli state is originally formed through Jewish immigrants who came from all over the world to this land where there were a people called Palestinians.
b) Israeli people declared a state on the lands where Palestinian people resided for long years AFTER negotiating with Palestinians about what will be for Palestinians and what will be for Zionists.
mmmm. No, history don't tell us that.
c) Israeli people declared a state on the lands where Palestinian people resided for long years WITHOUT negotiating with Palestinians about what will be for Palestinians and what will be for Zionists.
Let us check what history tells us..
Zionism has been established in 1897, it decided to establish a Jewish state on Palestinian lands regardless of the people already living on it, immigration of Jews from every part of the world started into Palestine, Jewish settlements started to be built, Balfour Declaration has been made in 1917 expressing sympathy towards the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people, Arabs refused that declaration, Immigrant Jews started terrorizing Palestinian Arabs to force them to sell or leave their lands, in 1922 Palestine has been put under British trusteeship, conflict started to be obvious and killings from Arabs and immigrant Jews started, in 1945 the issue has been transferred to the UN, General Assembly declared 181 resolution with a partition plan in 29 November 1947 between Arabs and Immigrant Jews to establish two independent states and Jerusalem as an international area, the resolution gave the Arab which were representing 67% of the population 45% of the land and to immigrant Jews which were representing 33% of the population 55% of the land when they owned only 7% of the land, majority of Jews accepted the resolution with a minority which refused and Arabs except a minority refused the resolution, however Arabian refusal immigrant Jews declared their Jewish state in 14 May 1948 as 'Israel', a war broke out between Arabs and Jews, Arabs lost 1948 war, however losing the war and not achieving its aim i.e. preventing the declaration of Jewish state on Arabian lands Arabs kept against it, Palestinians kept fighting against Israeli state declared on their lands.
After this quick briefed review of the history of declaring Israeli state on Arabian lands, we must focus on specific important points.
  1. Zionism did NOT consider the people already living on the land which they aim to establish their Jewish state on.
  2. Zionism and Zionists NOT Jews are the origin of Israeli state.
  3. Balfour declaration did NOT refer to a Jewish 'state', but to a Jewish 'homeland'.
  4. Balfour declaration stipulated that ".. nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine .."
  5. Arabs refused Balfour declaration and 181 UN resolution
  6. UN resolution was unfair by giving 45% of the land to 67% of Arabian population, which resided on it for long years and 55% of the land to 33% of Zionistic population, which are new immigrants to this land.
  7. UN General Assembly resolutions aren't obligatory for states members in UN. 181 resolution including the partition plan violates; article 1.1 of UN charter and article 2.4.
  8. Arabs and Palestinians started fighting against the new Zionistic state after its declaration -and even before- and never quit fighting.
About point 7 and 8 we have to stop for minutes.
It's approved according to United Nations General Assembly system that its resolutions are NOT obligatory upon members of UN whether they accepted or refused them but only are recommendations. If we added that Arabian countries -which are the other party in the conflict- did NOT accept the partition plan in 181 resolution. In addition partition plan stated in 181 UNGA resolution violates article 1.1 of UN charter which gives every people the right of 'self-determination' by declaring a state on the lands of Palestinians against their will, article 2.4 which prevents the threat of using force against territorial integrity. => We can conclude from that that the declaration of Israeli state is against international law.
We reviewed the history and knew what happened. We knew that Arabs were on Palestinian lands. We knew that its Zionists who came to these lands aiming at declaring their Jewish state. We knew that Zionists NEVER negotiated, argued about perspectives or set on one table with Arabs and the Palestinian people which was residing on this land about their new state which they aim at establishing on Palestinian lands. We knew that Arabs refused the declaration of a non-Arab state on their lands against the will of the people residing on it.
We knew that the new comers (Jewish immigrants) committed bloody crimes against the Palestinian people such as; bombing a coffee shop in Jerusalem in 29 December 1947 causing the killing of 13 persons,  bombing Semiramis hotel in 15 January 1948 causing the killing of 18 Arabs,  bombing a store in Haifa in 16 January 1948 causing the killing of 31 of Arabian men, women and children,  bombing a car near Peace building in 20 February 1948 killing 14 Arabs,  bombing Haifa train in 13 March 1948 killing 40 Arabs,  killing 60 of workers, children, women and elderly in Baldat Al-Shaikh in 31 January 1947,  killing 50 persons in Abu Shusha in 14 May 1948,  Deir Yassin massacre in 9 April 1948 against Deir Yassin village kids and old causing the killing of 360 unarmed persons,  attacking Qebya village west of Ramallah in 14 October 1953 killing 67 of villagers, women and children,  Shugaeyya massacre in Gaza 28 February 1955 causing the killing of 39 citizens,  killing 48 of villagers and children in Kafr Qassim in 29 October 1956,  Aqsa mosque massacre causing the killing of 21 and injuries of 150 of prayers in 8 October 1990,  Khaleel massacre in 25 February 1994 leading to the killing of 51 and injuries of 350 of prayers.  We knew that Palestinians kept resisting against the new state declared on their Palestinian lands since its declaration in 1948 until this moment.
There were more than 1250 of innocents, kids, old men and women which have been killed ONLY IN THE YEAR of establishing this state
After that bloody history. After knowing about the history of oppression against Palestinians, after knowing about massacres have been committed against unarmed Palestinians. Will we ask why Palestinians attack?!! Will we wonder that they fight against Israelis?!! Will we be amazed to see Palestinians bringing their children not to surrender to the occupiers?!!
Dear ladies and gentlemen, Palestinians are NOT the aggressors. Palestinians are NOT who started by the attack. Palestinians are just defending themselves against Israeli occupation and assaulting on their right to live safe. Palestinians aren't the ones who make the action, Palestinians are in the position of the re-action.
My dear guests, Palestinians resistance against Israeli entity is NOT unjustified, but in contrary it 100% justified. It's exactly what article 51 of UN charter described; "Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations, .."