Apr 20, 2008

The alert of the explosion

Palestinian resistance keep assuring that they are just practicing their normal right of self-defense against taking their lands and lives, and Israelis keep assuring that they are the real terrorists.
A Palestinian attack today against soldiers caused 13 soldiers wounded, and the answer from Israeli was random raids over Gaza causing the killing of one civilian and 3 civilian wounds.
I don't wonder at all of a thing like that. 10 months until now of siege against Gaza, no food, no fuel, no medical supplies, no going out for ill Palestinians, 100 ill Palestinians died because of being prevented from going out of Gaza for medical care, a holocaust has been declared by Israelis against Palestinians causing the killing of tens of civilians, etc.
What was expected after that?!!!
Pressure and violence ONLY creates violence, it will never create peace, it will never lead to stability, it will never lead to solving problems. Speech may solve them. But killing civilians, building new settlements, occupying lands, destroying homes, making siege over 1.500.000 of innocent civilians, killing pressmen and random air raids against civilians; all these crimes will never lead to solving problems.
The thing which I really wonder from is the Israeli justification that Hamas is responsible for Israeli crimes against Gaza. Hamas didn't exist when Zionists were attacking and bombing markets and streets killing tens of Palestinians starting from 1937. Hamas rockets don't kill any body. The things which really kill civilians are Israeli tanks, helicopters, air fighters, machine guns, etc which are directed against unarmed civilians. And if only Hamas is responsible for that, then what about the people who elected them in 2006 elections, are they responsible too to elect them?!!
They aimed -as they claim- at stopping rockets which kill no body, destroy no thing. To do that they do killed hundreds, children and women, they do destroyed homes. Instead it lead into more rockets, and a thing like what happened today. Today's process is just the beginning, they called it 'The alert of the explosion', and I expect a real explosion, a normal people can hold 1 or 2 months siege, they may hold the killing of 5 or 6 of the persons they care for, but when the siege is 10 months and hundreds are killed, then everything is expected. The coming days will have more surprises to the Israelis if they continued their terrorism and insanity against an unarmed people.
Palestinian resistance showed what they can do, they showed that war machine don't work with them. It's up to Israelis now to end their terrorist siege against the Palestinian people in Gaza, and start directly talking with Palestinian resistance, try to reach common areas. Carter did a good thing by talking with Hamas leaders. "When I don't know how my enemy thinks, then I can't solve my problems."
If they didn't end it voluntary, I have no doubt that Palestinian resistance are really able to end it. Today's process and Jerusalem process were just examples of what Palestinians can do, and how they affect Israelis. Before Jerusalem process there were continuous raids against Gaza, directly after it these raids stopped for weeks. That's how Palestinian resistance can do, and that's the language that Israelis understand, they only stopped their terroristic raids against civilians after Jerusalem process.
Any way, we'll see what will happen in the coming few days. But when it happens, only Israelis will be responsible for it.



Hi Mohamed,

Nothing new, same old song here. Hamas in Gaza pumps harmless rockets into Israel, killing nobody, so it proves Hamas are the sweet, loving peaceful guys.

Those bad Israeli guys fire back, killing only innocent women & kids.

Nothing new. Same old story.


Do you like poetry? Well, sit at your keyboard, think of something beautiful...create a new theme! reb

Mohamed said...


My old friend. Long time you didn't comment on my blog.

Welcome back to you.

I remeber an old word that you said for me. I asked you what you think about Palestinian issue, you answered that you don't know much about the history of this conflict, and you advised me to ask garoo kid !!!

Any way; I honestly advise you, not as a Muslim, not as an Arab, but as a human like you; to try to study the history of this conflict and judge it by yourself; who is wrong, who is right. Don't let my opinions affect you, don't let your media affects you, don't let any body affects you, but just form your own personal point of view.

I'm here representing my own point of view; I'm free to say every thing I say when I don't lie or insult others, freedom of expression, that's how I call it. So I see Zionists tens of years ago came to this land, they started bombing streets and markets killing Arabs, little by little they stole more lands, declared their state, kept stealing more lands and building new settelments. They didn't respect any international law, they didn't respect the partition plan which they accepted, they kept killing more and more innocents. That's Zionists and Israelis who started this crazy circle, that's Israelis who brought unmilitant Jews from every part of the world into the land they stole, which they know that the residents will fight against the new state.
So; if you're asking who is the terrorist?!! I'll answer at once; Israelis.

That's how I think. I'm free to express myself and say that who steal lands, kill children, force siege over innocents, destroy homes and farms, etc are the terrorists. You're free to express yourself.

Let me ask you few questions wishing for direct answers;

a) Do you think that there is any resonable justification for killing your American children in war times?

b) What do you think about the fact that Israel didn't respect the partition plan that they accepted before?

c) History tells us that Zionists were bombing markets and streets since 1937. What is your comment about that?

Have a nice day, much more different than days of Palestinians,


Anonymous said...


I figured I would visit and wish Israel a Happy 60th Birthday on your blog. Mazel Tov!

Once again, you have failed to analyze the conflict in its historical context. The Palestinians lost the war in 1948 and every other war fought in Israel since that time. The problem w/ the Palestinians is that collectively, they have failed to learn from history. Whatever is the solution for the Palestinian people, making war on Israel is not it.

But you Mohamed, and Iran, and Syria, and others continue to be enablers for the those Palestinians who believe that the answer lies in suicide bombings, kidnappings, and rocket attacks.

You are resposible Mohamed. And you are studying law? You have an underdevoped sense of Irony.

So long as you and the Palestinians fail to acknowledge that the Palestinians lost the war, you will never achieve and acceptable peace. Think about it.

The Loop Garoo Kid

Mohamed said...

Garoo Kid,

Who offered a truce? Who refused it?

If you will talk about history then talk about history. History tells us that Zionists committed horrible terroristic crimes against Arabs since 1937. Losing one battle isn't the end. The end comes when rights come back. By law, by war, by any way, it don't matter. The important thing is that they come back.

And just think about it; if we accepted Israel as a state, what rules we are setting by that?
A group of people comes to a land, kill and evacuate its residents, declare their own state!!
If we accepted that for Israelis, why don't we accept it for others?!!
Imagine it. Any group goes to any land, kill and evacuate their residents, declare a state.
It'll be a mess.

That's not Palestinains who came, that's Zionists who came to this land. Palestine wasn't an empty land, it do had a people on it, a people of humans who have the right to live on that land more than any other people, and has the right to live safe and in peace.

May be my words don't match with your American culture. But the West still have peoples who love peace and stand by the rights. Europeans are much more better than Americans. At least in their ethics; just watch an American movie and hear words like; f###, sh##, as#, bi###, etc.

Oh about Iran, what do you think about the crazy policy of opposing it from the expection of having nuclear weapons in the coming years, and the silent towards Israeli and American nuclear bombs?

Have a good day(much more different than a Palestinian children day),

Good bye,

Anonymous said...


Sorry to be blunt:


They lost the wasr in 1948, in 1967,and in 1973.

You either accept that fact or you don't. If you accept that fact, then peace may be possible. If you do not, then you are fighting the war that was lost in 1948.

Here's the deal Mohamed as you seem unable to grasp one single fact. War is a terrible business and peole get killed. Some of the people who get killed are innocent non combatants: children, women, young people, old people.

It has been this way since the beginning of history. Ever read The Iliad? It turned out badly for the Trojans including the innocent non combantants.

Stop protesting and whining about innocent Palestinaians getting killed or maimed by Israeli actions. You have no right to do so until you, personally, take the position that the war is over and there should be peace. But you support Hamas and Hezbollah. So long as you do, then you must accept the collateral damage that comes w/ war. You have no right to protest on the one hand and support the was against Israel on the other.

As for your legal arguments, I suggest you burn them. They are useless. The winners write history. The Greeks--even though Homer awas sympathetic to the Trojans; the Romans; the Arabs--once upon a time; the Mongols; the Turks; the British; the Americans.

Your legam arguments are like engineers arguing that bumble bees can't fly. But they do.

One last thing. Would you feel safe if Iran had nuclear weapons?


The Loop Garoo Kid

Anonymous said...


Sorry to be blunt:


They lost the wasr in 1948, in 1967,and in 1973.

You either accept that fact or you don't. If you accept that fact, then peace may be possible. If you do not, then you are fighting the war that was lost in 1948.

Here's the deal Mohamed as you seem unable to grasp one single fact. War is a terrible business and peole get killed. Some of the people who get killed are innocent non combatants: children, women, young people, old people.

It has been this way since the beginning of history. Ever read The Iliad? It turned out badly for the Trojans including the innocent non combantants.

Stop protesting and whining about innocent Palestinaians getting killed or maimed by Israeli actions. You have no right to do so until you, personally, take the position that the war is over and there should be peace. But you support Hamas and Hezbollah. So long as you do, then you must accept the collateral damage that comes w/ war. You have no right to protest on the one hand and support the was against Israel on the other.

As for your legal arguments, I suggest you burn them. They are useless. The winners write history. The Greeks--even though Homer awas sympathetic to the Trojans; the Romans; the Arabs--once upon a time; the Mongols; the Turks; the British; the Americans.

Your legam arguments are like engineers arguing that bumble bees can't fly. But they do.

One last thing. Would you feel safe if Iran had nuclear weapons?


The Loop Garoo Kid

Mohamed said...

Garoo Kid,

I DON'T feel safe THAT Israel have nuclear weapons, I DON'T feel safe THAT America have nuclear weapons, I WON'T feel safe IF Iran WOULD HAVE nuclear weapons.
That's my answer for your question. I hope that you got the message that the world didn't got yet.

If one side don't accept losing a war then it didn't end. Dear, if a neighbour stole some thing from you, a very precious thing for you, you went to the court, in vain, you complaint for your state police, in vain, you tried to get it back by yourself, in vain, you asked for the help of your good neighbours, etc. Trying to get back your precious thing may take so much time, may take many ways, but you have a goal. You won't condescend, you'll keep trying until you achieve your goal, until you get back your precious thing.

So, my point is; Palestinain people has been stolen, the most precious thing for them has been taken, they want to get it back. They'll give it the time it needs, the ways it needs.

About killing children and your view that it's accepted in war times. I ask you then; what is the necessity of Geneve convention about protecting civilians in war time signed in 12 August 1949?!!

On the other hand; Israelis have a goal, but among all the ways they choose the way of pressure by killing and targeting civil targets. This is the real terrorism, not targeting soldiers.
You know? I know that peace is the solution for this conflict, but may be we don't have the same perspective about it. You may believe that it's just the state of un-war. But mine is that rights must come back first.

And remeber the example of our Egyptian president Sadat. Directly after winning the war against Israel, and getting back our Egyptian land Sinai, he directly went into Jerusalem and offered peace. So the point is, I must get my right back first, then we can negotiate about peace.

Any way; let's pretend that Palestinaisn finally accepted to reach the peace you are talking about by suurendering. What will Israel give then?!! I mean if Palestinains will be ready to give the state of un-war, what will Israel will be ready to give back as a final solution for that? Will it give land (50%-50%), or will they follow the partition plan set by UN in its 181 resolution which Israel accepted before? I don't know, but you're completely free to answer. I'm waiting..

Have a good day, better than a Palestinain child day, I hope that you find your daily food and fuel for your car,


Mohamed said...

Garoo Kid,

You know, I was thinking about your justification that Palestinains lost the 1948 war, and that's what I reach;

If we are talking about a war between two states then you may be right. But in fact we're talking about a war between a religious group called Zionists or Jews who collected themselves from many states around the world, and a group that resided for hundreds of years on that land. It's a fighting between a landlord and a thief, a permanent resident and a thief. The resident have a right. If he went to the court the judge won't say to him; "The thief won the fighting, you must leave." He will never say; "The thief were stronger. He got the land." But he will say instead; "Where is your property papers?!!". The only other thing that the judge can ask about after years of this fighting is; "Did you leave your land, or you kept trying to get it back?!!". Sure you know the answer, Palestinains never surrendered, but instead kept trying to get their land back.

By the way, what do you think about the video on the next post?

Best wishes,

Anonymous said...


I think it is time for a little honesty, a concept w/ which you seem to lack familiarity.

I take no issue if you are uncomfortable w/ Israel and the U.S. having nuclear weapons. Just answer, the following questions.

The first question is: Do you believe either would use such weapons? (That question means now, we all know about Hiroshima and Nagasaki. We have discussed these before. That was then. This is now.) Please answer that question in your response.

Next question: Do you support Iran's goal to obtain nuclear weapons? I mean if you are uncomfortable w/ the Israel and the U.S. having nuclear weapons, how do you feel about a nation which is ruled by clerics and which is one of the largest sponsors of state supported terrorism having nuclear weapons?
How do you feel about a nation having nuclear weapons whose president is a Holocaust denier and who has said "Israel must be wiped off the map?"

I know how you think, Mohamed, so do not respond by giving your opinion that Israel is a terorist state or the U.S. is a terrorist state, just answer the question about Iran.

Now for another stab at honesty.
Are you a Palestinian living in Egypt? If not, why are you so obsessed w/ the Palestinian issue?

Next question; next stab at honesty. Why don't you stop posing that you wish for peace. The only peace for which you wish is one in which the state of Israel has been destroyed.

Of course if that were to happen, what do you think would occur next?

Next question. Admit that the Palestinians have never been self governing. If you believe they have been self governing, tell me when?

You see Mohamed, to an outside observer, you seem to live in Fantasy Land. The history in which believe never occurred.

I will not belabor the point, but I do request that you "come clean" as we Americans say. Just admit that what you really want is an unending war against Israel and other non Muslims states.

Of course here is what I know, and what reb knows: If it should ever happen that the entire world became countries that were Muslim states, there would be no peace. They would start fighting each other, like the Shia and the Sunnis.

This is a test Mohamed. Can Mohamed be honest and just answer the questions? Because I know you, I am taking the under.


The Loop Garoo Kid

Anonymous said...


As is your custom, you fail to answer the hard questions; you avoid cross examination of your basic tenets.

Of course this is because most of your philosophy cannot withsatnd the most benign of acid tests.

Once upon atime I belived you were a coward. It is entirel possible you may be a coward, but more recxently I have come to believe that you fail to respond to the hard questions because your philospohy is bankrupt.

Pauvre petite.



You fellows never tire of the "Talking Points", back & forth,
always about...Palestine!

But Mohamed NEVER talks about the
Fictional Madhi Prophet, the PERSIAN Madhi 12th Imam's Return, because Mohamed doesn't believe it!
That's Shia Fantasy!

That's why Hamas & Hezbollah want Israel (Little Satan) thrown in the sea, is it not? Shia crazy talk.

And C.A.I.R. LEADER in the U.S.A. Omar Ahmad says, "We are not in America to be equal to other religions, but to DOMINATE!" Am I correct, Mohamed? He's a Saudi (Sunni), and in an honest moment, you would agree with him, wouldn't
you. It's Dominate, or Kill the Kaffir, is that not YOUR TRUTH?

After "Nuke" Armageddon, the Madhi rules the world with a 1000 years of "Peace", and Egyptians and all other Sunni become the 'dhimmi'...

and no USA to save you from the Great New Persian Empire, like we did in Europe, or save the Saudi Royals, from Saddam Hussein, Uday & Qusay in 1991; and when Food Distribution Costs Sky-Rocket, with OPEC Oil causing starvation,

when USA Farms can no longer produce enough to sell wheat and corn, to feed the world...

No Wheat, for Egyptian Bread, there
will be RIOTS in your Egypt-land. Millions of hungry people. (It's coming, Mohamed).

So, let's talk about "Little Satan", and Big Satan, and the Real World.

Forget Palestine, For One Hour.

Think Real World, not fantasy. reb

Mohamed said...

Loop Garoo,

Thanks for your patience until now but I look forward to more.

My exams will start next Monday and will keep examing for a month.

If I had any time soon, I'll try to communicate with you.

Keep well,



Mohamed, On May 3rd you insist that I discuss PALESTINE...a small postage stamp on the world map.

With limited time, I must discuss the broader picture, for I now have
in my hand...

a) Osama bin Laden's favorite, the "Verse of the Sword", Jihad! Sura 9:5 ~ 9:8 and Sura 9:29

b) Also...the Motto of The Muslim Brotherhood.

c) Also, The Moon-God of the Kaba.

These Things Are Important To Me...

and to my young students. Some are patient with you, others say you do not have the courage to come to Snake Hunters Blog, to teach us these Really Important Things, so that we can easily pass them along to other students that Seek the Knowledge of Islam, The Truth!

Your friend, reb


a) Saudi-Wahhabi-Sunni. Puppet: Fahta, PLO

b) Persia-Shia. Puppets (2) Hezbollah-Hamas

c) Syria (tolerates) Hezbollah (Party of God) because it helps them control Lebanon, kill Jews, and that pleases Crazy Iran Mullahs.

When World-wide Science Labs Produce An Alternative Fuel From Hydrogen or Coal, OPEC cannot sell their Oil for 15 Dollars a Barrel.
Then what? The the USA will farm more Wheat & Corn.

Most students here believe that all
Muslim Nations Hate Israel because it's considered inferior to Qur'an/
Sharia Law that dictates ALL OTHER
RELIGIONS MUST FIRST BE AMBUSHED, SUBJUGATED, TAXED, CONVERTED, THEN DOMINATED INTO EXTINCTION. That's the plan, Crazy stuff! Seventy Million Persians Will Never Rule The World, and Mohamed knows it. Are Muslims Watching China?

The Major Battle is not with tiny Israel at all, It's Who Dominates the Planet, Persia or the Arabs?

That's "The Truth" Mohamed & Loop
never discuss it. Why not? It appears to nearly all students that you prefer to talk about Palestine, purposely Avoiding the Real Issue, The Real TRUTH.

You NEVER discuss the Persian "Madhi", Never. Mohamed will Never Talk About It. You Fear Talking About The Real Conflict At The Center.

You Fear Freedom Of, and Respect For Other Faiths That Have No Friday Beheadings & Mutilations, No Stoning of Women, No Honor Killings Within Muslim Families.

Come to Snake Hunters w/ Answers. Our Politicians Here Give People Enough Hot Air! Thank you.


Now, continue round & round with Loop Garoo on "Postage-Stamp Palestine". Our students are weary of that subject. It's like music with only One Note!.


Goodbye, see you in six months. reb


Well, you came to Snake Hunters blog, but you did not speak of the 12th Imam Prophesy; our students have waited for your thoughts on this VERY interesting subject.
But You Did mention those two bombs that caused terrible damage to Hiroshima & Nagasaki, to make a point that the U.S. was Evil. Once again Mohamed, it was wartime; we
suffered the First brutal attack at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. It sunk HALF of our Pacific Fleet on Dec 7, 1941. We lost 450,000 troopers in that war, many more wounded. (I was wounded in Italy, by a Nazi trooper, he tossed a hand-grenade).

That's MORE Dead than the two Japanese Cities on Aug 6th, 1945!

Do you wish to join those that tell
Half-Truth? Or, as an Honorable Muslim Student, do you wish for Total Truth, about U.S.A., about Hamas, Fatah, & Hezbollah? Read History, not fictional lies, and Hate Propaganda from Offensive Jihad and al Jazeera. Do this for Honor, Stand up for total TRUTH!
I've eMailed Loop Garoo Kid to contact you here. Do you like this fellow? He tosses Reviles at me. Many, Many Reviles! reb

Mohamed said...


You asked me in 11 May few question. Here you're my answers.

1) Do you believe either would use such weapons? (Talking about mass destruction weapons of America and Israeli entity)

And why they made them?!! Dear, you did it before, why won't you do it again? (you may follow the policy of denial and unconvincing justifications about this fact, but you still have used it and killed half Million persons in two seconds)
Dear, if America is really keen on human rights and international peace you'd have signed the treaty about banning the use of cluster bombs which have been signed in May this year, but in fact neither you or Israel signed it, but England did signed it. Why?!! Do America intend to use them?!! That's the only convincing reason when 111 other states have agreed to sign.


2) Do you support Iran's goal to obtain nuclear weapons? I mean if you are uncomfortable w/ the Israel and the U.S. having nuclear weapons, how do you feel about a nation which is ruled by clerics and which is one of the largest sponsors of state supported terrorism having nuclear weapons?

Let's make two pretendations;
The first is; let's pretend that the world is empty of nuclear bombs whether because it haven't been invented before or because many states had it before but they signed treaties to dispose them. Then I'm completely against any state including Iran and even my country to have this destructive crazy weapon, that's against Islamic teachings to use such a weapon killing people randomly.
The second is not a pretendation but is the reality; I mean the reality is that many states already have them like America, Israeli entity, England, Russia, etc. So it will NOT make a difference for an additional state to own such a weapon. Every state is free then to protect its national security the way it sees appropriate when they don't violate international rules. It's called then the balance of terror; it means that I have nuclear bombs, you have nuclear bombs, then both of us won't use them. But if only one state owned this weapon then this state will be threating all other states and will be fearless of any other state, and will use them then.

In fact; you asked the wrong question. You should have asked; Do you support any state to use nuclear weapons? NO AND ONE THOUSAND NO. Even against the worst and the most vicious enemies I don't support using such a destructive weapon. As I told you before; it's against Islamic principles to use these weapons.

If you're agaisnt Nijad's saying about wiping Israel out of the map then have a look on this image and tell me what you think. http://www.iran-daily.com/1385/2732/html/065778.jpg
And why you are so angry about talking about the holocaust?!! Our great prophet Muhammad has been reviled and you considered this as 'Freedom of expression' and considered us Muslims against 'Freedom of expression' when we demonstrated against reviling prophets, so what now?!! Don't you believe that everyone can deny things that he wants and claims things that he wants?!! Isn't that freedom of expression that you believe in?!! ARE YOU AGAINST FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION?!!


3) Are you a Palestinian living in Egypt? If not, why are you so obsessed w/ the Palestinian issue?

No, I'm born Egyptian in Egypt. But the thing that you may don't understand is that my loyality as an Egyptian to a small nation called Egyptian nation, then to a bigger nation called Arabian nation, and to even a bigger nation called Islamic nation. So a Muslim Algerian or a Christian Lebanese or a Muslim Indonesian or a Christian Egyptian are all my brothers whether for being Egyptian, Arabian or Muslims even if they aren't Arabs. You know; it's like your loyalty to the US and to your state, you may be from Montana but an American from Las Vegas is your brother in 'Americanisty'.
That's the same with me; I'm so obsessed with the Palestinian issue because they are Arabs, and big percentage of them are Muslims, they suffered so much over more than 60 years and worths every effort from everyone who cares about human rights, they are neighbours also and the danger against them affects my national security.


4) Next question; next stab at honesty. Why don't you stop posing that you wish for peace. The only peace for which you wish is one in which the state of Israel has been destroyed. Of course if that were to happen, what do you think would occur next?

Dear, when someone kill a child so that the court decides to apply the penalty of death against him, will the court be the one who were against peace or him?!! The court killed, he killed, is there a difference?!! Sure, he killed an innocent as a terrorist, but the court killed him to protect society and to punish him to kill an innocent. Also; if someone attacked you and killed one of your your sons (I hope not) and was about to kill another one so you used a knife to kill him. Are you against peace then?!! Sure not, he killed as a criminal, you killed as a self-defender.

That's the same with the issue of Palestinians and Israeli entity. Groups of Zionists wanted to decalre a state on a land which they don't own and where there is another people already living on it.They went there, little by little they bought more lands from Palestinians, decalred their state, terrorized some villages to leave their homes, killed others, burnt farms, cut olive trees, destroyed homes, displaced 5 Million Palestinians from their homes, etc. So my point is that there are crimes which have been committed by responsible men in this 'state', they haven't been punished, so that's the right of Palestinians to return their rights back when courts can do nothing.

Also Israeli entity isn't a real state which worths International law respect. A state needs specified borders, Israeli entity never had specified borders. How many Miles2 is Israel? Israeli entity has been decalred on another people's land without the acceptance of this people. Also they didn't applied the partition plan by UN in 1947 which they have accepted before.

So when Israeli entity committed horrible crimes including; occupying lands, displacing 5 Millions from their homes and continuous random killing of civilian in Palestine, Lebanon, Egypt and Syria and when Israeli entity is against international law rules; then the removal of the political entity which has been forced against the will of 300 Million Arab is necessary. You know; it's like a child who asks his father to but a toy, but the father says that it's too expensive. The child gets mad and decided to steal this toy. When the father knows he decides to get back the stolen toy to the shop.

You asked me what next. The next is that the administration of these lands must be handled to an international organization trusted by both sides; Palestinians and Israelis.


I've answered all your questions, here you're my questions;
1) What do you think about the partition plan by UN in 1947? And how you see the Israeli refusal to apply it when they accepted it before?
2) As a solution for this conflict what do you think Israel is ready to give? I mean when Palestinians will give land and unwar, what will Israel give, will it give expenses for the families of the persons it have killed for example in Deir Yassin or any other massacre, or will it end its occupation for the lands it has occupied after the partition plan or in 1967, etc. You can tell me what you think.

Full answers will be appreciated.
