Jan 25, 2007
The chance
Bush is begging Congress to give his 'FANTASTIC' new plan in Iraq a CHANCE to test if it will work or not.
Away from my complete refusal for this invade to Iraq by American armies, Away from the fact that a 6 years child knows that this plan will cause more killings to innocent Iraqis and for American invaders, Away from the destruction which Iraq will gain from this plan, Away from the international refusal for this folish plan, Away from all that, that's my point here, my point is what this foolish man begged Congress for, It's the CHANCE which he wants to test his plan...
If this man wants a chance for his plan which will fail before being done, so why didn't he and European governments admit this right to Hamas in Palestine in 2005?!!!!
Hamas was the choice of the Palestinian people. Democratic elections have been held and they choiced an Islamic government represented in Hamas, so where is the problem?!!!!!!
The problem exists in American and European governments themselves, they didn't bear the fact that an Islamic movement became the government, they didn't bear that the Islamic movement which resist against Israeli invade to Palestinian lands since 1948 reach the government, so they quickly decided to boycott it and prevent any supply to the new Palestinian government and ordered the world to boycott it to isloate it from the international society to force it to declare its acceptance of Israeli existence, invade, daily killings, destruction, rapping, kidnapping, breaking of Humanical and International law ..etc by Israelis against armless Palestinian people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This boycott caused the long suffer for the Palestinian people till now, it caused the shortage of food and medical supplies for all Palestinians, and another suffer has been added to the long suffer of Palestinians since the awful coming of Zionists to Palestine and the declaration of the Zionist and Israeli state on the Palestinian state.
They didn't gave it the chance to see if it will success in the government or not, they all cried 'They failed, they can't hold governmental tasks, they must be removed, they are.....bla bla bla' However THE CHOICE hasn't been given to them, neither they took the enough time nor the support (or at least to be let without being disturbed) to see if they can hold the government well or not.
So I ask you Bush, Where is your Democracy which you claim daily that you seek for the world?!!! Where is your equity which you cheat the world that you want it among all peoples?!!!! Or just you who must be given the chance and not any other one (specially when they are Muslims)?!!!!!!!!!!!
You are going to an end, and I bet that it will be a shameful end. And a last message for you; "Bush, you'll be pushed away"
Jan 21, 2007
Happy new year!!
No, don't hurry and think that it's a late blessing, It's for Muslims as yesterday was the first day in Muslim calendar.
And because of this great anniversary; I'm going to change my blog name to a new name.
May be you are interested before knowing the new name to know why I named this blog by this name Clean fun.
The story starts more than 1 year ago when I found out that I can create my BLOG free of charge when I was checking Google services, but guess it!!!! I didn't know this time what a BLOG means or what it do :) , but I created it thinking that it's like a group where I can share all kinds of files specially movie clips, songs, pictures.. directly from my computer with my friends, but few days forward I discovered the fact. But little by little I learnt how to write posts and send them, then I learnt that I can use my Gmail to send posts... and finally I joined thousands of bloggers around the world, and I decided to make my blog for talking my Islamic religion which I love above every thing in all my life.
As for the new name; you can read it above :D
Jan 11, 2007
"My dear sons..go to hell"
However the international refuse.. However knowing the miserable case of American soldiers in Iraq.. He is sending more soldiers to be killed there!!!!
How this folish is thinking?!!!!! It will cause many killings for Iraqis who will be killed on their lands, and those Americans who will be killed with no dignity.
Jan 10, 2007
Somalian fighters hit America!!!
-Did you hear the lastest news?!!!!*No, what it says?!!!-"Somalian air fighters hit targets in America because of being suspicious that it has bad guys, but the reason was killing American civilians and children".*What?!!!!! Are you serious?!!!!!!!-Sure.*Somalians are terrorists, killers, murders, barbaris, monesters to hit America, and how poor those Americans who have been killed by those murders, America now have the complete right to destroy Somalia.-Hit America?!!!!!!!! Oh, sorry, I was wrong, the correct news is; "American air fighters hit targets in Somalia because of being suspicious that it has bad guys, but the reason was killing Somalian civilians and children" .*Oh, that's logical, America is the one who can hit other states any time when it's suspicious of bad guys.-But what about those children and civilians who have been killed?!!!!!!*They are the price of war against Terrorism.-Really?!!!! But what if they were Americans?!!!!!*So Americans then can defend themselves and attack whole Somalia.-And if they are Somalians, can they attack America?!!!!!*Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure not, they don't have the right to defend themselves because they will be terrorists if they did that.
Can't you see that there is no logic in (*)'s opinion?!!!!!!!! Can't you see his double-standard measure?!!!!! Can't you see that this is what many nowadays believe in?!!!!!!
America can attack every inch in any country around the world, America can kill any body who belong to any other state, America can arrest any body from any nationality, America can agonize any whom, No respect to International law, No resepct to Human law, No respect to souls of innocents .....And they can't be accused of being BAD GUYS, for a simple reason; 'They are fighting against terrorism, so they can use any way'.
Huh, I think that it's not a new thing for Americans to do, since their early times and they are following this rule, For example; Why they dropped the two Neuclear bombs (which they don't want any state except it and Israel to have these days) on Nagasaki and Hiroshima killing about 214000 of CIVILIANS who didn't join this war between America and Japan?!!!!!!!! Don't you know why?!!!!!!!
They 'KILLED THIS NUMBER OF INNOCENTS' to 'PREVENT KILLING MORE'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a logic!! What a way of thinking!!
So, we musn't wonder at all that Americans of these days use these dirty ways; killing, agonizing, rapping, insulting beliefs, kidnapping...etc, as it's the same way of their ancestors.
But if you looked at Islamic teachings, you'll find out that there is a basic Islamic role which says that; 'A bad thing can't be removed by a worser thing'
But if you looked at Islamic teachings, you'll find out that there is a basic Islamic role which says that; 'A bad thing can't be removed by a worser thing'
Jan 9, 2007
Reason to invade Somalia!!
I asked myself, what is the advantage which America will gain from interrupting in Somalian cases to facilitate to invade in few years?!!!!
I guessed that it has natural fortunes, and it was right...
When I checked information about Somalian economy on the Wikipedia, I found that it has Oil and Uranium. Check it if you want here
So the facts now has been revealed and the reason is clear.
If you don't beleive now, you can believe me when you know that the main reason to invade Iraq is that it has much Oil, and also you'll believe me when you hear this in NEWS; "American army go to Somalia".
I'm sure that they will create a reason for that; if the reason to invade Iraq was Neuclear weapons -which they didn't find till now-, so may be the reason to invade Somalia is that Somalia may use Uranium after 10000 year to make Neuclaer bomb, so why don't we use it to add a new bomb to other bombs which we use...
I guessed that it has natural fortunes, and it was right...
When I checked information about Somalian economy on the Wikipedia, I found that it has Oil and Uranium. Check it if you want here
So the facts now has been revealed and the reason is clear.
If you don't beleive now, you can believe me when you know that the main reason to invade Iraq is that it has much Oil, and also you'll believe me when you hear this in NEWS; "American army go to Somalia".
I'm sure that they will create a reason for that; if the reason to invade Iraq was Neuclear weapons -which they didn't find till now-, so may be the reason to invade Somalia is that Somalia may use Uranium after 10000 year to make Neuclaer bomb, so why don't we use it to add a new bomb to other bombs which we use...
America hitting Somalia
So, what do you want to say, American politians?!!!!
What hitting another country means?!!!!
Which law wihch gives you this right?!!!!
Don't know the answer?!!! So let me tell you.
You are using 'Forest law' in ALL your relations with other states, if the country is powerful like Iran or Northern Korea so you can't use army, just some punishments from away of the state, but if the country is poor so the reason exists then to remove this country from the earth's surface(originally you use the word 'Fighting against Terrorism') and use your armies and powers to kill children and rap women and agonize innocents like you did (and still) with Iraq, Afghanistan,..etc, and finally Somalia..
If you're using a fake reason that they are 'terrorists' so there is a point here!!
Where is the full evidence against those who you KILLED about being guilty?!!
And let us assume that they are real 'terrorists' so there is another point!!
They are still human, they didn't convert to animals, so Where is the just and fair judge for them to proof being guilty then to be punished?!!!!!
You always proof for te world that we are living in a forest where survival and authority for who have power.
How it became for you the word 'KILL' very easy!!
Just a call phone from White House (I suggest changing the name to 'Red House' because of innocents blood) to American militarism base in any part of the world whether in Iraq, Africa...etc or to Israel JUST TO KILL.
Don't you have another thing except this barbaric solution for your problems?!!!!!!!!
There is a thing called International law which can get back your faked rights than KILLING children(Iraq,Afghanistan) and kidnapping people(Guantanamo) and rapping innocents(Iraq-Abo Ghareeb) and supporting Israel in KILLING children and women(Palestine,Lebanon)..I repeat, there is a thing called Internationl law where you can get back your FAKED rights.
But there is many reasons for you not to go to these peaceful solutions for your problems; Firstly,you don't have any rights but in contrary you are the guilty and which must be punished not Saddam who only killed hundreds not like you who KILLED -and still- (or was the main reason in KILLING) millions around the world starting on your lands by annihilating the whole native people who lived before you on American lands, passing by innocent civilains in Japan-Heroshema and Nagazaki, and in Iraq...and histroy proofs. Also, a hyena in a forest don't follow any law except his own law which is 'Survival for the most powerful', and the same you are following the same law. And finally, who follow peaceful and law solutions are ONLY civilized countries not barbaric ones, and you're morally uncivilzed and the facts talks.
By the way, Would I ask you Amererica about What is 'Terrorism'?!!!!
There is not -for this moment- an approved definition for the word 'Terorriosm', even Americans -who made themselves 'Fighter against Terrorism'- didn't define it till now. Don't you know what you are fighting against, or you want it to still undifined to accuse any who don't appeal to you by?!!!
I hope to tell me, as I'm feeling that I may be a 'terrorist' for you to say a truth word, or that I'm talking about your support for KILLING poor children and innocents..
Any way, let me tell you America what means Terrorism -at the least as you see it-; Terrorism for you is being against American advantages around the world, so a terrorist is everyone who don't follow America or don't support its advantages.
To brief; I hate every American politian who support American outer policy, I hate Bush (The head of the serpent), I hate Condleza Rice,..etc.
I don't hate them just because they are Americans, but because America is a tyrant, and because they KILL children and inocents without any sin except being in a state which don't support American advantages.
Jan 8, 2007
Did you hear the prime minister of this invader state called Israel?!!!!!! Do you know what he said?!!!!!!!!
Sure you know. But can you understand what this mean?!!!!!!!
Or for this moment you don't know what I'm talking about?!!!!
The thing which he said is a confession that Israel own the nuclear weapon. Israelis thought that this was revealing for the BIG SECRET, huh, they don't know that the whole world know about this fact.
Any way, if we surpassed the fact that having a Total Destruction weapon is against the faked peace which Israel claim that it seeks, and if we surpassed also the fact that this represents a real danger on the safety of the region of Arabian area (which they call Middle East), and surpassing also the fact that Israeli history is black and stained by the blood of thouthands of children, women and innocents in Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt.
Surpassing all these facts, I just want to ask a question;
Why Iran is punished by an International agency however;
- It declared that all its nuclear activities are peaceful.
- International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) didn't prove clearly that Iran has un-peaceful nuclear activities.
- All Muslims approve the prohibition of using Total Destructive weapons.
;and on the other side there is not a word or a comment from TC (Terror Council), IAEA, USA, EU, England..etc and all the list of countries and agencies which were shouting by the ultimate necessity of preventing Iran from having nuclear activity, and that it's threatening safety of the Middle East ... about the fact that Israel own nuclear weapon (Un-peaceful nuclear activities; however; Israel declared so clearly and so obviously that it own the Neuclear bomb, and Israel has a real black history of killing innocents and civilians, Jewish belief support killing other peoples)?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't you know why?!!!!!!
Write how do you see this?!!!!!!
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