Nov 15, 2006

Nuclear American and Israeli danger

It's spreading nowadays in the world the phrase; 'Iranian nuclear danger'. But regarding to the policy of 'Putting facts in their right places' so I must talk here about the REAL danger which America and Israel represent against the world.

If we looked intensely and deeply and compared the situation of America and Israel from a side, and Iran from the other side we'll find out clearly that America and Israel are representing the real danger on the world this time more than any other country, whether from nuclear side or other sides. And following is why;

Iran said clearly to the world that it aims at owning PEACEFUL nuclear technology,not nuclear bombs, so that solves the problem from the first. And we must notice that many and many states around the world own this kind of peaceful technology and there is not a problem about that.

If some said that not every thing which is said is the fact, so why we believe Israel when it claims that it seek peace however it's daily killing innocent children, daily demolish civil buildings and hospitals, it destroy Palestinian agriculture and cut trees, it don't own the land of Palestine, lately refused a peace conference,..etc, however all these crimes are clearly against peace process.

On the other hand, if we assumed that Iran really seeks the nuclear weapon so there is no problem at all too; for many reasons;

*If Iran owned this weapon so it follows Islamic religion which prevents killing innocents, and prevents using Total destruction weapons which kill every body and destroy every thing. By another way, it won't use it, but it will be achieving the policy of 'Balance of terror' which means that I own a powerful weapon and you own the same weapon so I can't attack you,and you can't attack me. And it's achieved between many states like; Russia and America, Pakistan and India..etc.
As for Israel it really have nuclear bombs but it don't have this protocol which prevents killing innocents, but in contrary their Bible order killing innocents. And on earth they daily kill children,women,old women and men, demolish their homes, cause terror for safe people..etc.
And also America own it and completely support the terrorist state of Israel whether politically,by money or by weapons, in killing innocent sleeping children.

*Israel owns this kind of destructive weapons, and there is no problem at all, We didn't hear any refusal or condemn, or even any mention of Israeli weapons in the CT(Council of Terror), However Israel really use internationally banned weapons, kill innocents ,don't respect any kind of law whether International law or even Human law, and Iran didn't do any of these crimes.
*America is the ONLY state which used nuclear bombs against civilians in Hiroshima and Nagasaki killing 237,062 of innocent Japanese, and already own this weapon nowadays, and there is no problem also and the West didn't mention a thing about these bombs.

May some say that both of them didn't sign on the International convention of banning the spread of nuclear weapons,so they have the right to own them. So, the reply for this will be in three points;
-Since when Israel and America are respecting International law?!!!!!
America don't respect Geneve convention which prevents dealing with prisoners by force, and delete the humanity of kidnapped citizens who belong to other states in Guantanamo.
America don't respect the 7th article of UN pact which obligates states not to interpose in cases of other states,and obviously consider itself the boss of the world.
Israel and America don't respect the 51th article of UN pact which gives the right to states to defend itself, and don't admit this right to Palestinians and Lebanese.
Israel don't respect the 3rd article of UN pact which obligates states to solve their problems peacefully by the way which don't threaten International Peace,Safety and Justice, and it attacked Lebanon with no reason, and try to solve the conflict in Palestine by force,killing and destruction.
Israel don't respect the 4th article in UN pact which obligates not to break borders between states and not to use force in their international relationships, and it attacked Lebanon and broke its political independence(and still)..
Israel don't respect the UN rule which prevents attacking civilians in war times, and DIRECTLY attack civil Lebanese and Palestinians.
Israel don't respect the UN rule which prevents attacking civil targets in war times, and DIRECTLY attack homes, Electrical stations, Water stations, Bridges, Roads..etc.
So, if they signed it, there will not be a difference and will keep Total destruction weapons.

-Human law don't need any conventions or negotiations, but only those who want peace for the world respect Human law, and using these weapons is clearly against Human law. And America already has used it, and Israel use Internationally banned weapons whether in last war between Lebanese and Israel, or daily against civil Palestinians.

-Why they refuse the signing if they really seek peace as they claim?!!!!!!!

And on the other hand, America is a biased state against other states, and want to be the ONLY magnate in the whole world. And it support Israel in its crimes.

So, I ask the question again;
Which is more dangerous; Israel which steal the land of Palestine, daily kill children, demolish their homes, use force in all its relationships, own and use Internationally banned weapons, don't respect Human and International law,
and America which killed thousands in Japan, support killing innocents, own and used atomic bombs, is biased against justice and peace, and is a real liar by changing the fact that Israel is a real terrorist killing innocents by claiming that it defend itself, and changing the right of Self-Defense and Resistance of Palestinians,Iraqis and Lebanese and calling it Terrorism.
Or Iran which seek development for itself and modern technology, and didn't commit any of these crimes?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nov 12, 2006

The solution of the problem

Screams come from my depth.

A scream of refusal for what Israel is doing since 1948!!!
A scream of amazement for the international silence against killing children and women, old women and demolishing their homes!!!
A scream of hatred towards American administration which give the complete support and permission for killing sleep children in their homes!!!
A scream against international bias against Muslims!!!

Many questions come to my mind daily;
Why the world refuse attacking invaders by Muslim resistant in Palestine,Iraq and Lebanon and call it TERRORISM, and completely accept killing innocent children in Palestine and Lebanon and demolishing their homes, their infrastructure and call it SELF-DEFENCE?!!!!!!

Why America support Israel in killing children in Lebanon and Palestine and say about it: "Israel have the right to defend itself", and refuse the right of Palestinians and Lebanese to kill those who attack them and say about them: "They're terrorists"?!!!!!!!

To defend your country,your kids,your homes, have you to take the permission?!!!!!!!

The solution for this daily killing, daily demolished homes, terror which Palestinians suffer from..etc is one thing,

This thing is putting facts in its right place. Yes, If we knew facts all these problems will be solved. So,let us put the facts in the right place;

If we get back 100 years ago in this area between Jordan,Syria,Lebanon and Egypt,what will we find?!!!!!
We'll find a state called 'Palestine'.
Ok,Let us go forward 50 years,what will we find in the same area?!!!!!
We'll find a state called 'Israel' and there is no 'Palestine'!!!!!!!


That what I meant by putting facts in their right place. The origin in this area is 'Palestine',and just Palestinians who have the right to own the authority on their land,and if any group came trying to rob this authority from them,so they have the right to DEFEND their own land. Right?!!!!

The fact is that groups of Zionists came to Palestine -by the support of England- aiming at stealing the authority from Palestinians, and establish their own state and delete Palestine. This what really happened and what the history tell us.

So,the question now is;
Is passing time delete the right of Palestinians to defend their land against Zionists however any justifying they gain, and however any support by International law, and however any silence form the world?!!!!!!!!!

No. With no doubt,the right to defend your country isn't deleted by any thing, and there is no power or force in whole the world which can stop any body to defend every span of his land,and to sacrifice his soul to purify his state from enemies.

And this what Palestinians are doing since the declaration of this state on their land, since this time;they're defending their land,their children,their women,their old women,their old men,their homes,themselves.

So,there are questions which must be asked here;
What deleted the right of Palestinians to defend themselves?!!!!
What changed the 'Right of Self-defence' to 'A terrorism which must be fought'?!!!!!
Why Palestinians are called 'TERRORISTS' when they defend themselves however they are the owners of the land?!!!!!
Why Israelis are called 'HEROS DEFENDING THEMSELVES' when they kill owners of the land who try to defend their own land, however Israelis are the invaders,true killers and who want to steal an admitted right?!!!!!!

So,the solution will be in a simple sentence;
"Get back the right to his owner"
Is this a hard thing?!!!!!
Is this solution need long and many negotiations?!!!!!

That proves that we're living in a world with many abuse like; Bias, States terrorism, Support of CRIEM by LAW REPRESENTERS, Facts changing, Misguiding of Western peoples ...etc.

Nov 9, 2006

Here is the picturer of the youngest TERRORIST killed by Israeli war machine.



Israeli crimes (Part II)

Another carnage is added to the list of barbaric and terrorist massacre of Israeli war machine against "TERRORIST armless KIDS, WOMEN AND OLD WOMEN".
What happened?!!!!!!!!!!!
Yesterday in the dawn time, kids and their mothers and their grandmothers were in their homes sleeping. But Israeli army attacked them in their homes when they were asleep. And the outcome was 18 killed,among those 18 were 7 of children,and 4 women and injures were more than 40.
Now,what should we do?!!!!!!! What should Muslims do against this blind terrorism against armless children and women and old women?!!!!!!!!!
The world had the ENOUGH POWER and the KIND HEART to CONDEMN this carnage;
EU expressed his 'DEEP SHOCK'.   And Italy said that it's a MASSACRE.    And France condemned the RANDOM RAIDS.
What a powerful reactions against killing innocents and armless children!!!!!!!!  
IF they were Israeli children,the world will shout; "Israel have the right to DEFEND itself, Israelis now have the right to KILL TERRORISTS to set stability, Israel have the right to demolish homes and mosques SEARCHING FOR TERRORISTS."  And the support will reach in the next day to Israel in the image of SMART missiles and rockets.  But when itself kill children,demolish their homes,frighten safe people the world just CONDEMN!!!!!!!
As for American re-action;which is considered the boss of the world,and the most democratic,just and kind state in the world, What was it?!!!!!!!!   It was sorry for that,and advised sides to STAY CALM.   Huh,what this mean?!!!!!!
Do that mean that Palestinians can't DEFEND themselves?!!!!!!!!! Do that mean that Palestinians must freeze themselves towards the blood of their armless kids and women?!!!!!!! Do that mean that Palestinians have to stop without a RE-ACTION towards massacres committed against innocents?!!!!!!!!
I bet that this what American management meant.
Any way, this advice is just useful in one case.  When Palestinians defend themselves they can't defend themselves against Israeli kids.

Nov 6, 2006

The funny judge!!!

Yesterday was the judge of the court against Saddam to be hanged.
I won't say that it's a Just judge,but I'll say that's Funny.  Yes,you read it rightly,
'The judge against Saddam is too FUNNY'
Sure,you're asking Why?!!!
No amazement at all about my view towards this judge,but the amazement must be towards another fact.  I'm talking here about the fact that; 
American government is crying that it set democracy by removing this DICTATOR,KILLER,TYRANT called Saddam as he killed 184 innocent,and was following the policy of the one magnate against his people,and oppressed his people for many years,Right?!!!!!  Isn't this what Americans are justifying their coming to Iraq by?!!!!! Yes,that's right. That's right that this is what happened,and that's right also that Americans justified their coming by these facts.   
But,on the other side,since the American invade to Iraq; 560,000 of Iraqi innocent souls have been killed...And also America is following the policy of the one magnate against the whole world...And oppressed many peoples across the world starting by Japanese people passing by Palestinian people and lately Lebanese people,in addition to oppressing other peoples indirectly.
So,let us have a small compare between the two tyrants;
*184 vs 560,000      Oh,sorry I mean;  184 vs 560,000
*(One magnate policy against a people) vs (One magnate policy against the whole world )
*(Oppressing one people) vs (Oppressing many peoples around the world)
So,I think that if really America seeks justice it would judge on 'those who were responsible of American invade to Iraq' by 3043 hanging judge!!!!!
On the other side,America is very happy by this judge because of its justice,right?!!  So,Isn't it a justice to judge against Israeli criminals in Lebanese war and in Palestinians daily killing to be hanged?!!!! Will America go there to remove the Tyrant Olmert and his government and send them to a court for their crimes against Human and international law?!!!!!!!!      The answer is known,and the reason is one of two;  One is that we're living in a forest where the law is beside and for the sake of FORCE (Israel,America) and against weak (Iraq,Southern Korea..etc).   And the other possibility is that Israel is out of law because of American support.   Which one is the reason?!!! May be both of them.
And another funny thing,is that the time of the judge came during Israeli invasion in Bait Hanon (48 innocents killed, More than 220 injuries, Destruction of civil homes, 40,000 of innocent Palestinians are under breakout, Leak of food, Leak of water).   So it shows clearly and with no doubt,the bias which exists these days in the world. And shows also the false peace which Israel invites to.
So,don't you support me that it's funny?!!!!!