Apr 20, 2008

The alert of the explosion

Palestinian resistance keep assuring that they are just practicing their normal right of self-defense against taking their lands and lives, and Israelis keep assuring that they are the real terrorists.
A Palestinian attack today against soldiers caused 13 soldiers wounded, and the answer from Israeli was random raids over Gaza causing the killing of one civilian and 3 civilian wounds.
I don't wonder at all of a thing like that. 10 months until now of siege against Gaza, no food, no fuel, no medical supplies, no going out for ill Palestinians, 100 ill Palestinians died because of being prevented from going out of Gaza for medical care, a holocaust has been declared by Israelis against Palestinians causing the killing of tens of civilians, etc.
What was expected after that?!!!
Pressure and violence ONLY creates violence, it will never create peace, it will never lead to stability, it will never lead to solving problems. Speech may solve them. But killing civilians, building new settlements, occupying lands, destroying homes, making siege over 1.500.000 of innocent civilians, killing pressmen and random air raids against civilians; all these crimes will never lead to solving problems.
The thing which I really wonder from is the Israeli justification that Hamas is responsible for Israeli crimes against Gaza. Hamas didn't exist when Zionists were attacking and bombing markets and streets killing tens of Palestinians starting from 1937. Hamas rockets don't kill any body. The things which really kill civilians are Israeli tanks, helicopters, air fighters, machine guns, etc which are directed against unarmed civilians. And if only Hamas is responsible for that, then what about the people who elected them in 2006 elections, are they responsible too to elect them?!!
They aimed -as they claim- at stopping rockets which kill no body, destroy no thing. To do that they do killed hundreds, children and women, they do destroyed homes. Instead it lead into more rockets, and a thing like what happened today. Today's process is just the beginning, they called it 'The alert of the explosion', and I expect a real explosion, a normal people can hold 1 or 2 months siege, they may hold the killing of 5 or 6 of the persons they care for, but when the siege is 10 months and hundreds are killed, then everything is expected. The coming days will have more surprises to the Israelis if they continued their terrorism and insanity against an unarmed people.
Palestinian resistance showed what they can do, they showed that war machine don't work with them. It's up to Israelis now to end their terrorist siege against the Palestinian people in Gaza, and start directly talking with Palestinian resistance, try to reach common areas. Carter did a good thing by talking with Hamas leaders. "When I don't know how my enemy thinks, then I can't solve my problems."
If they didn't end it voluntary, I have no doubt that Palestinian resistance are really able to end it. Today's process and Jerusalem process were just examples of what Palestinians can do, and how they affect Israelis. Before Jerusalem process there were continuous raids against Gaza, directly after it these raids stopped for weeks. That's how Palestinian resistance can do, and that's the language that Israelis understand, they only stopped their terroristic raids against civilians after Jerusalem process.
Any way, we'll see what will happen in the coming few days. But when it happens, only Israelis will be responsible for it.

Apr 14, 2008

To Palestine

You suffered too much.
Your kids have been killed. Your homes have been destroyed. Your land has been coloured by the blood of your sons. The green colour of your trees has been turned into the ugly gray. Seeds of hatred have been put in your soil. Life has been assassinated.
For 60 years you suffered from oppression, killing, destruction and occupation. And you kept immovable. You never welcomed the occupuier on your lands, you never surrendered to the force, you kept giving more and more of your sons.
Never be depressed.
The dawn is coming very soon.
The day will come when the occupier will go away, terrorists will go away, homes will be rebuilt, trees and flowers will grow up, you'll be free again and the sun will shine again on the free Palestine.
Note: As I'm writing right now there are serious things that are going on Palestinian lands;
*Gaza stripe is under the siege for 10 months now. 100 of ill Palestinians already died because of the wait of Israeli permissions to go out the stripe for medical care, fuel is cut, electricity is cut and hospitals suffer from severe lake of medical aids.
*Israel is building new settlements in Jerusalem under the silence of the world and against international law and 1947 partition plan.

One last thing; if 'peace' is truly the way to solve this 60 years conflict, so I ask; what are Israelis ready to give when they take Palestinian lands to build their own state on them?!!