Nov 30, 2007

Solving problems (P.1)

Diplomatics are gathering in Annapolis to negotiate about Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Why don't we be positive?!! If they didn't invite us, why don't we invite ourselves?!! Why don't we have our own negotiations?!!
If we're going to solve this conflict. If we're going to reach the ultimate and the final solution; what are main points which can't be forgotten? What are points which can be condescended? What law which will be in force?
I don't know how to start it. It's too hard, it's not a simple case, and I'm sure that you know that very well, I'm sure that it's the most complicated issue in the Middle East and may be in the world, no body could solve it, many tired along its history but no one could, instead every time any body tries to solve it become more complicated.
Firstly I must tell my motive to write this post.
'When it's morning in your half of the Earth, it's night in the other half'. That's why I'm writing that. I believe that specifically in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict there is misleading and misguidance (darkness) in the West about its truth, they can't see it rightly. A side of the problem can be seen but other important sides are completely hidden. On the other side of the world; in the East we can see the full image. Away from reasons of that misguidance and why it has occurred, I think that it's important to reveal the full facts and to let the other side be enlightened. That's why I'm writing this post; I just feel that what I see as admitted facts like the sun are the like the darkness for the West. I want to scream; 'Palestinians are the oppressed side not Jews who occupied their land'.
To solve a problem we have firstly to know the history of it, the true history not selective history. I mean that the start of the conflict history is not; 'Palestinians are attacking continually Israelis', but the real start is; 'Jews occupied lands of Palestinians and declared their Jewish state on this occupied land in 1948 by the approval (not only silence) of the 'civilized' world'.
After that we have to remember back worthy and eternal stories of struggle of peoples of the earth; how they fought for their freedom, how they offered bloods of their sons for dignity, how they refused to live under occupation, how they refused to live under oppression.  My own people struggled to kick out British and French occupation, they offered their sons to free Sinai in 1973 war. People of Algeria presented  6.5 Millions of their sons since 1830 to 1962 to free their lands. Even Americans fought in bloody wars to have their independence and many were killed and finally they became independent of British authority.  And history is full of many other stories of peoples who fought against occupation, fought to defend their lands, fought to defend their lives, fought for their dignity, fought for freedom. All of us remember story of his own land and feel honor to belong to a people who had the dignity to fight for his freedom and who refused to give one inch of their land to the occupier by any price.
Next step after knowing how Jews occupied Palestinian land and declared their own state on it, and remembering stories of honor of peoples is asking ourselves; What made Palestinians terrorists?!!!
We have to find an answer for this question. History tells us how Jews occupied Palestinian land,  how they established their Jewish state 'Israel' on Palestinian land,  how they killed the young and the old, man and woman, baby and youth, boy and girl,  how they burnt green trees and beautiful homes,  how they destroyed,  how they committed inhuman crimes,  how they committed many massacres against Palestinian people,  how they killed villagers and students. These aren't poem. History proves all that. May be some don't believe me about this history, may some don't know about how Israel has been established in 1948 on the land which has been occupied by Zionists. Historical references are available every where, they can check them.
If this is history so; why we blame Palestinian people to fight against who did all that?!! Why we give ourselves the right of self-defence but blame them to defend their stolen land and defend their lives and lives of their sons?!!
Instead of encouraging Palestinian land in his noble war against occupation and oppression; we stand in the side of the occupier, we named Palestinians who fight to free their land and to kick out the invaders as 'terrorists'. So shameful!!
These are what I see as the most important principles if we are going to solve the Palestinian-Zionistic conflict. In a week I'll provide my perspective of the down-to-earth plan of solving the conflict.
Note: As a positive 'peaceful' sign of the Israeli entity during the 'Peace' conference there were air raids on Palestine causing killings and injuries!! We got the message.

Nov 3, 2007

I'm terrorist (P. 2)

"I'm the terrorist?!! How I'm the terroist when you've taken my land?!!"
One of the things which I really don't understand till now, and really don't find any justification for is the double measure policy which the western governments and in some times their peoples practice against Islamic and Arabian issues.
If a Palestinian youth attacked Israeli soldiers he is a terrorist, but if an Israeli soldier killed a Palestinian child it's a must that there will be some justification; by fault, self-defence, being near of 'the bad guys' which Israel fight against, have a school bag on the back which is suspected to contain 'weapons', bla bla bla.
However a Palestinian was in his homeland when he has been invaded by Zionists and what he is doing is to be called 'Self-defence'. On the other hand; what is called Self-defence from Israelis is not to be justified at all because Israelis are the ones who started it, the ones who came to the land of the innocents and invaded, killed, stole and raped.
I wonder when I see the one who is defending his land is called a terrorist, and the one who invaded the same land is called 'Self-defender'.
I really swear by Allah that I can't got it.
Zionists came to Palestine from every part of the world?!! True.
They established their own unlimited state with no borders?!! True.
Where?!! On Palestinian land.
Palestinians accepted that?!!! mmmm
Let us see; Palestinians are the ones who lived on that land for hundreds of years, fathers, grandfathers, grand fathers of the grandfathers on the same land, so we must be interested in their point of view about the important question; Do you agree to live under a state, where you'll live as second-class citizens, your homes will be taken, your trees will be cut, your farms will be burnt, your kids will be killed , your mothers will be killed, your sisters will be raped, your brothers will be killed, your fathers will be killed or kidnapped (you may have the choice) and 'WE' may 'give' you a part of 'YOUR' land ?!!! That's so simply what Israelis aske.. oh sorry; I mean what Israelis did with the Palestinian people. 
I ask another question for the Palestinian people; third of your land, or the whole of it?!!! Do you accept to condescend of one inch of your land?!!
A Stop here please; If we asked any member of any people that question; if we asked an Afghani, Canadian, Chinese, American, Iraqi, Egyptian, Australian, Somalian, English, Tunisian, Saudi, Brazilian, Chilean what would be his answer?!! Will he say; Yes, but give me one Million Dollars?!! Will he ask for one Milliard?!! It's just one inch. Or he will say; take my soul, then take this inch?!!
Here my dear visitors is the problem. A western won't accept to give one inch of his land, but he is so amazed that a Palestinian sacrifice his life for his land freedom, he is so amazed that a Palestinian sacrifice his life to throw the ones who invaded his land away, amazed that Palestinians and Arabs and Muslims don't accept an Israeli state on Palestinian land. A western is amazed that a Palestinian fight against Israelis, but don't have a problem to see a Palestinian youth or old women be killed by Israelis soldiers and settlers, don't have a problem to see an Israeli soldier killing a child emotionlessly, don't have a problem to see a Palestinian home be destroyed or a tree be cut, don't have a problem to admit the legality of Israeli state however knowing about its bloody history, however knowing about the fact that Israel has been established on the land of another people without a permission from them. A western will call a Palestinian 'a terrorist' when he sacrifice life for his freedom, and will call an Israeli soldier killing a child, using banned weapons, attacking civilians as a 'the one who was defending himself' but he just exaggerate some. By God; who started it?!!!
The story in brief is;
Zionists came to Palestinian land.
Zionists declared their own state on Palestinian land.
Zionists killed, destroyed, cut, burnt, raped, assault, discriminated.
Palestinians refused to accept that and decided to resist forever.
Zionists were named as 'Self-defenders'
Palestinians were named as 'Terrorists'
These events are completely true, but where is the logic in this story?!!
No way we can say; 'Hamas is killing Israelis' before we say; 'Israel invaded, stole, destroyed, killed, raped, burnt, broke laws, used banned weapons'. When Mr.A kill Mr.B we must discuss how Mr.B scratched Mr.A's arm during killing him, right?!! Palestinians didn't go to the land of Israelis and started killing them, but Israelis did that and stole the land of Palestinians.
There is no thing more to be said but one fact, the fact that Palestinian people did not give up fighting and resisting against Israelis since this invader state has been established on his own land till now, they never put down the weapon. So there is no justification for any thing from Israelis. Occupation will never be legal.
After every thing; I'll still the one who is guilty. I'll be always the terrorist, not the one who attacked me firstly. He is defending himself, I'm terrorist.
Note: not all Westerns are the same, but there is many who support Palestinian people and know that resistence is their right against Israeli state.