An American guy commented on the post before previous one. Because of the importance of several points he raised so I'm replying him in an independent post .
If you are interested you can read his comments here and here
My perspective of the world :
I don't think that my perspective of the world is not rational. The world today is worse than many previous parts of the history. Just turn on your TV and watch, daily killings every where, daily injuring, daily demolishing, daily tree cutting, daily stealing money, many breaking of humanical and international law, many bias against the weak towards the powerful …and so on. The world isn't becoming safer or more peaceful. I think that every rational man approves on this fact and you too .
The thing which we may not approve on is who is responsible for that, right ?!!
As for me, I think that the reason is only one, I think that the reason is that Islamic teachings of love, peace, mercy, justice, neutralism, equity, cooperation, respecting other cultures ..etc don't exist. Just search in our world about these values and you will find out that non of them are prevailing .
Palestine :
We can't judge if Palestinians can rule themselves or not. The simple reason has been told by your Bush, didn't he beg your Congress to give his new plan in Iraq a chance to see if it works or not?!! So, we must give Hamas the chance to see if they will be able to rule or not. They didn't give them the chance to see if they are able or not, just when they succeed in the democratic elections they directly boycott them, and pressed on them and till now they are under pressure. I wonder where is this democracy which Amreeica always shout by?!! Wasn't Hamas the choice of Palestinian people?!!
I think that the rational solution of Palestinian-Zionistic conflict is to follow International law, I think that we approve on that, right?!!
Mohamed, you are my enemy !!
Is that because I oppose with your point of view ?!!
Please be sure that I don't consider you the enemy. I don't consider those who don't share me the same point of view as the enemy. This is the freedom of thinking, you can have your own point of view, I can have my opposed point of view, but we still friends, or at least not enemies. That's what my Islamic religion teaches me .
Those who I consider the enemy is those who kill my brothers, those who don't seek peace but only want surrender, those who steal an inch of our lands, those who refuse real peace. And that's our right to defend ourselves, or what ?!!
My profile :
I appreciate that you're proud to be an American, and me too, I'm proud to belong to Egypt, the land of the great civilization, the land of history, the land which became the tomb of invaders, the state which fired French and English colonists away, the land which helped other states to obtain their independence. I'm proud of being a descendent of the great Egyptian people .
But above all I'm proud of being Muslim, a follower of Islamic religion. That isn't without a reason, but, that's because Islam guides me to the love of my God, it guides me to love my state, it guides me to love other Muslims, it guides me to love other people who don't follow my religion whenever they don't hurt me, it guides me to be loyal to my state, it leads me to the best way of life.
You said that your loyalty as an American is to the institution of your government, that's good, but imagine that an American meet an African, what gathers them?!! No thing. The first person has a government and the other have a completely different government, in addition, the first feels that his government and state is better than the government and state of the other, so how will he look at him?!! Let me assume; 'What an uncivilized African who belongs to a rudimental state!!' The first will become arrogant. When you consider governments as the primary loyalty, there became 1 st, 2nd , 3rd states, by another word; the world becomes degrees, there will be up and down, and notice your way of speech and how it's arrogant.
But if an American Muslim meet another Muslim from Central African Republic, if an English Muslim meet a Chilean Muslim, if a Malaysian Muslim meet a Tunisia Muslim, what gathers them?!!! Islamic religion gathers them. No one surpasses the other, all are equal, whether you're white, red or black you're only Muslim, whether you're from a developing or a developed state you're only Muslim, whether you're rich or poor you're only Muslim. The Prophet set this rule so clearly; "An Arab does not rank higher than a non-Arab, neither does a white (man) than a black (man) except through piety."
So, I ask you, if everyone became loyal to his government institutions and primary to his state, will this invite to equity among people, or will create ranking among peoples?!!
Islamic principles invites to equity among all peoples. Just read Qur'an saying what means; "O mankind! Lo! We have created you male and female , and have made you nations and tribes that ye may know one another. Lo! the noblest of you, in the sight of Allah, is the best in conduct." 49:13 and ask, is that better or various nationalists?!!
Just look at Muslims during the pray, and see how a black Muslim stands beside the white Muslim, how the rich Muslim stands beside the poor Muslim, how a Muslim from a developed country stands beside a Muslim from a developing country!!
So, we don't consider ourselves Iraqis ,Canadians, Brazilians, Egyptians, Russians, Americans first. We are Muslims first.
I think that you know now why I'm Muslim before being Egyptian.
Do you support terrorism?!!!:
Actually, I have to say; What a question?!!
This question has many sides; firstly we must approve on one concept of terrorism, secondly we must know that no one says about himself a terrorist, and finally to see if I support terrorism or not.
Concept of terrorism:
Can't you see that till this moment there is no approved meaning of the word 'Terrorism'?!! Even Americans who hold the task of fighting against terrorism didn't gave us the concept of terrorism which they are fighting against.
Any way, my concept of terrorism is; using force against innocents and civilians to achieve un-noble goals. Killing, rapping, demolishing civilian targets are all images of terrorism. But same acts made in a war battle against soldiers is a different thing.
So, I consider that 9-11 attacks were terrorism committed against innocents, killing innocent children in Palestine is terrorism, demolishing civilian homes in Lebanon was terrorism, Holocaust (if it was real) is terrorism, ..etc.
On the other hand; there is a difference between terrorism and resistance. Those who fight against terrorists are resistants, those who fight against invaders are resistants, those who defend themselves are resistants, those who defend their lands are resistants, those who defend weak people are resistants, those who defend the truth against liars are resistants, those who help resistants are resistants. So, neither Hezbollah nor Hamas are terrorists, they both are resistance groups, they refuse the fact that Zionists are killing children and that they stole their land, so they are defending themselves and defending their lands.
I'm a terrorist!!:
Don't dream that a one would say about him like that, even if all rational people approved that he is a terrorist who kill innocents and use force to achieve his un-noble goals, he won't say; I'm a terrorist, he will find some justification for killing innocents, and stealing lands of others. E.g. in Crusade wars; did European Christians call themselves killers?!! Sure not, they claimed that this is God's will, and that their message is mercy and peace, however their real goal was stealing the lands of Muslims. Another example; when Zionists chose Palestinian lands to be their national homeland, they created justifications in Torah, and begged others to help them to unit on one land and made them as their underlings, they asked for the help of English government and they helped them to declare their state on Palestinian state, and now America became its honest underling which give it all needed money and weapons support, they killed and steal the land but they didn't call themselves terrorists.
So, I think that you'd better ask the question like; Do you support killing innocents in Palestine or 9-11?
Supporting terrorism:
Now, if we approve that terrorism includes killing innocents and civilians and using force to achieve un-noble goals, and that there is a difference between terrorism and resistance, so I can answer your question; No I don't support terrorism. That's so simply because I'm Muslim, a follower of Islam, Allah is my God, Muhammad is my prophet, Qur'an is my holy book, and Allah tells me about the value of human's spirit in Qur'an ; "On that account: We ordained for the Children of Israel that if any one slew a person - unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land - it would be as if he slew the whole people : and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole people. …" 5:32
But if you're talking about resistance against invaders and killing innocents so I completely support it, and all rational thinkers support it. Resistance seeks real peace, resistance seeks real freedom and every one supports that.