May 19, 2008


If I went to Palestinian lands, should I say; "Congratulations to you Israel for the 60 years for you alive". Or should I say; "My heart and soul is with you my Palestinian brothers for the 60 years for you dead."?!!!

When the joy and happiness of a people is a disaster, losing sons and homes for another people; then we must be sure that there is something wrong.

When the coming of a people leads to the leaving of another people; then there is something wrong.

When the live of a people means the death of another people; then no doubt that there is something wrong.

May 10, 2008

Opposite benefits

When the homes of a people are transferred into another people's homes.
When the coming of a people means the evacuation of another people.
When the good thing for a people is a bad thing for another people.
When the safety of a people mean the terrifying of another people.
When the happiness of a people is sadness for another people.
When the joy of a people is a disaster for another people.

We must be completely sure then that there is something that is not working properly.